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Should I lower my testosterones and boost my estrogen or balance my hormones?


Red clover has estrogen like effects so that's probably why you're having excessive vaginal discharge

Good luck on your NBE!! Smile

(27-12-2015, 19:36)ihatePCOS Wrote:  Red clover has estrogen like effects so that's probably why you're having excessive vaginal discharge

Good luck on your NBE!! Smile

That probably explains that. Sorry for all these questions but do you all think i should add an progesteron herb in my regimen to keep me balance? Or should i take estrogen herb first then after progesteron?

UPDATE: so today marks my 7th day taking Red Clover and so far I've taken 14 pills. I did notice my skin glowing and my apetitie did increase and I gained only a 1lb (which i was wishing for) it didnt make me eat like crazy but I was more hungry then usual (majority of the time i would force myself to eat because i was barely hungry) anyways... For the growth... i gained .5 inches!! I am .5 inches away from being a 34 D i am so happy but i am thinking about making my goal a 34DD

Hi Growthspurt.

I have read your tread and I got really interested in your program. I think I have high androgens and maybe testosterone. how did you find out? did you take a hormonal test?

Also, I have researched about red clover and I have thought about taking it for a while now. Your program has inspired me to start taking. I just thought that it was not strong enough herb for growth. Can you please share your experience with taking RC and your progress.

Also, I plan to start taking spearmint tea as well. Has it been helping you?
And if you have started taking SP, could you please share your reaction to it.

I am sorry about all these questions but I got quiet interested in your program. Can I please ask you to share how you grew from size A to C in such short period of time? what was most helpful in your journey?

I am sorry but could I ask you how old you are? I am 33 years and I started my NBE journey quiet late but like you mentioned about genetics my grandmother and my ant have big boobs but my mom does not. I still have hope though. I started 6 month ago with 34AA and now I am almost full A and my goal is at least full C.

Your response will be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!Smile

(03-01-2016, 20:57)beauxgrosseins Wrote:  Hi Growthspurt.

I have read your tread and I got really interested in your program. I think I have high androgens and maybe testosterone. how did you find out? did you take a hormonal test?

Also, I have researched about red clover and I have thought about taking it for a while now. Your program has inspired me to start taking. I just thought that it was not strong enough herb for growth. Can you please share your experience with taking RC and your progress.

Also, I plan to start taking spearmint tea as well. Has it been helping you?
And if you have started taking SP, could you please share your reaction to it.

I am sorry about all these questions but I got quiet interested in your program. Can I please ask you to share how you grew from size A to C in such short period of time? what was most helpful in your journey?

I am sorry but could I ask you how old you are? I am 33 years and I started my NBE journey quiet late but like you mentioned about genetics my grandmother and my ant have big boobs but my mom does not. I still have hope though. I started 6 month ago with 34AA and now I am almost full A and my goal is at least full C.

Your response will be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!Smile

That is okay! I am happy to answer your questions (: the way i found out im high in androgen wasnt through hormonal test but by my symptoms. Like literally once i shaved my legs the next day my legs would be back hairy and it was manly hairy. I started growing hair on my stomach and chest and just a few thin hairs on my face. While taking spearmint tea it calmed all that hair growth down and it helped with my breasts getting fuller. I stopped taking spearmint tea though (after a few weeks) and now i am on saw palmetto. Im not for sure how i am going go balance being on something that blocks dht, boosts estrogen, and now (stop for a while but now going back it)working out (which increases testosterone levels) hopefully dht doesnt play a big role on building muscles. Anyways, i went from an A to a C cup by really massaging my breasts with flax seed oil. That really helped me a lot. I tried taking flax pills but it made it fuller. Now Red clover really helps! It made me grew half an inch and now im taking saw palmetto so i will update you all on that too. I did use binuaral beats also and shea butter (breasts got fuller) but i really think 1. Flax seed oil 2. Red clover works the best in making my breasts grow. Going from an AA cup to a full A cup is really a great thing espicially in six months so keep it up! I believe you will be able to be a C cup really soon! FORGOT TO SAY: i am 25 years old! Also a way that i noticed i am high in androgen is before i wasnt that hairy but recently i became REALLY hairy so that is great clue lol.

So glad that you're making good progress!!!

I think i'm interested in your program too. I have a few questions for you; what brand red clover are you taking? What about saw palmetto & is it standardized? what is your diet like?

and sorry for not answering your question earlier but i think you only need to add progesterone if you're deficient in it & the only way to be sure is to do a hormone test. wild yam is a natural progesterone

I suspect that i'm low in progesterone so i might do a hormone test soon & buy some wild yam cream. when i do i'll let you know how it works out for me

please keep us updated on your program!!

Thanks for answering my question. My diet is a pretty normal "american" diet haha. You know fried food, baked food, and steamed food. Lately I've been craving soda and sweets like crazy. Although, I decided for my "resolution" for 2016 is to start cooking different cultural/national/contient food like Italian, Spanish, African, and etc. meals. I drink water a lot (around eight, 8oz a day) the brand of red clover I use is Nature's Way and for saw palmetto it is spring valley. I take saw palmetto during meals (twice a day) and during the day i take two pills of red clover. On the bottle it says it is standardize (sawpalmetto) the saw palmetto is 160mg per pill and the red clover is 800mg per 2 capsules.

(04-01-2016, 03:30)growthspurt Wrote:  Thanks for answering my question. My diet is a pretty normal "american" diet haha. You know fried food, baked food, and steamed food. Lately I've been craving soda and sweets like crazy. Although, I decided for my "resolution" for 2016 is to start cooking different cultural/national/contient food like Italian, Spanish, African, and etc. meals. I drink water a lot (around eight, 8oz a day) the brand of red clover I use is Nature's Way and for saw palmetto it is spring valley. I take saw palmetto during meals (twice a day) and during the day i take two pills of red clover. On the bottle it says it is standardize (sawpalmetto) the saw palmetto is 160mg per pill and the red clover is 800mg per 2 capsules.

Thanks! Do you feel that the saw palmetto is working for you? I'm also high in androgen and I have been taking Jarrow formulas SP 160mg softgels (standardized & with a base of Pumpkin seed oil) 2x a day but I'm not sure if it's doing anything for me.

(04-01-2016, 05:13)ihatePCOS Wrote:  
(04-01-2016, 03:30)growthspurt Wrote:  Thanks for answering my question. My diet is a pretty normal "american" diet haha. You know fried food, baked food, and steamed food. Lately I've been craving soda and sweets like crazy. Although, I decided for my "resolution" for 2016 is to start cooking different cultural/national/contient food like Italian, Spanish, African, and etc. meals. I drink water a lot (around eight, 8oz a day) the brand of red clover I use is Nature's Way and for saw palmetto it is spring valley. I take saw palmetto during meals (twice a day) and during the day i take two pills of red clover. On the bottle it says it is standardize (sawpalmetto) the saw palmetto is 160mg per pill and the red clover is 800mg per 2 capsules.

Thanks! Do you feel that the saw palmetto is working for you? I'm also high in androgen and I have been taking Jarrow formulas SP 160mg softgels (standardized & with a base of Pumpkin seed oil) 2x a day but I'm not sure if it's doing anything for me.
I jusf started taking saw palmetto yesterday so I have no idea as of right now. I'll let you know in 7 days. And how long have you been on saw palmetto?

I've been on SP for like a month. did you notice a reduction in unwanted hair growth ever since you started red clover? i have hair on my belly, upper lip & chin and i am wondering if red clover is good for hirsutism

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