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Can the wrong herbs screw up hormone balance?


Hi everyone! Loooooong time lurker here! Tongue

Anywho, I've been taking white peony and pygeum (along with some other health supplements) for NBE. I've never had symptoms of excess testosterone or too little estrogen, I just figured I will get the most gains by reducing DHT and converting what testosterone I do have into estrogen to build up my breasts.

My only worry is I what I am doing could be counter productive! I have a regular cycle, never been prone to acne (save for a maybe a small zit or two around my period, sometimes zero). No reason for me to believe my DHT is high....

But every few months I notice a chin hair or two! It's really small but darker than the peach fuzz and it always bothers me when I see it because it confuses me! Also it only ever appears when I'm on my period!

No idea what the correlation could be. I only started getting these AFTER I started NBE. Never had it before.

Could it be the herbs I'm taking? (WP and pygeum)
Could it be stress? (I'm a student...)
Low thyroid? (I am low body temp and slow metabolism. Can't say if I'm hypothyroid or not without a proper test tho :S)

All responses and input are appreciated! It's a struggle for me finding what works and what I need! Can y'all relate to this??!! TToTT

Another newcomer here and this is my question too. What do herbs do to you if your hormones are already balanced?

Taking herbs that aren't right for you could potentially have negative effects. I mean you wouldn't want a herb to raise the level of a certain hormone unless you genuinely had a low level of that particular hormone to start with. This is why herbs work wonders with NBE for some women, but do nothing to help others.

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