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Just wondering, for those of us who find growing breasts tediously slow, would adding "wishful thinking" to our bag of NBE tricks start them growing sooner?

(14-09-2015, 01:35)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(14-09-2015, 00:11)WantAPair Wrote:  
(11-08-2015, 20:19)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  you know I see young girls all the time now, and I mean like 10 + and it feels to me every young teen I see now has BIG breasts. its all the hormones in the meats and bad estrogens in the envrironment, ie did you know EVERY time you touch a till receipt from a shop that your absorbing just from touching them endrocrine disruptors that fuck up your hormones.. name me someone who doesn't touch some form of bpa or breath in xenoestrgoens on a daily basis. its fucked up!!!

this will put it into perspective
I don't remember the exact ages, but, back in the `50's, girls didn't start growing tits until they were about 13 to 15 (I think!). Plastic was just starting to become all the rage around the late `30's. Now, nearly EVERYTHING is plastic and we give our babies plastic toys to put in their mouths, and, girls today are starting to grow their tits around 9 years old!! And, if you believe there's something to (I forget the term for it), telling yourself to make something happen and it does. Like, if you tell yourself you're going to get a cold, you'll get a cold, then, adding fuel to the fire is girls that already have their tits making fun of other girls of similar age for NOT having tits, yet, so, of course, said flat-chested girl (who WILL develop quite nicely in a few more years, anyway), now wishes and wishes she HAD bigger tits to she could be like, or better, than her peers! Then, there IS a chance that that wishful thinking might also cause her to start growing them sooner!
As for receipts, I forget what it is that's in the ink those are printed with, but it's intentionally put there to cause certain harm to you! I never touch the face of them if I can help it.

Do u know at pita pit food outlet they WRAP the receipt in the bread while they are putting the filling in. And when I ask them not to they look at me like I'm mad! Yes till receipt s are toxic

Yea its plastic yea its hormones from pills in our water, but its even crazier stuff. A mortician who was handling his embalming fluids without gloves, started growing breasts. Bath supplies, hair gels have made adolescent kids grow breasts. But the main source ive found for young children growing breasts is formula. (Yea Soy formula) some male children raised on it are being found to have smaller penis,s and smaller genitals as well as breast tissue.. and ive read about the girls you mentioned as well.

There are articles all over the internet with some pretty odd suggestions. Claiming they are the reason for the(supposed rise in homosexuality,,lol,) But it is obvious that there is more homophobia in that claim than scientific data. They claim that this formula emasculates male children before they are well into their teens. The craziest thing to me is the plastic thing,,, I sculpt with a product called Fantastic Plastic, It is a thermo plastic,, you heat it and sculpt it with bare hands before it cools again. Im wondering if it is loaded as well with the stuff they put in other plastics,, and if there is greater exposure when your handling it in its heated softened form?. And here's another question about that..
Hormones even the weaker kind found in foods, and herbs,, (how could / and why would)that or similar agents be an important ingredient in a product like plastic? What purpose would there be in its addition?

Ive repeatedly mentioned my breast tissue is all gyno, and excessive,, I had thought my gyno growth would stop when i no longer used the medication that caused it, but it hasn't. Is growth something i should assume will continue due to my use of things like Lavender and Tea tree oil ? and my exposure to heated plastics? ( It might all come to a good end,, Larger breasts,) but you have to admit there's a huge question here, Why would a regulation crazy government like our own be so lax in elements that make for weaker men in the population? Is that because we'd be more easily controlled then? I mean it makes you think.

(14-09-2015, 04:08)Pinnochia Wrote:  
(14-09-2015, 01:35)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(14-09-2015, 00:11)WantAPair Wrote:  
(11-08-2015, 20:19)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  you know I see young girls all the time now, and I mean like 10 + and it feels to me every young teen I see now has BIG breasts. its all the hormones in the meats and bad estrogens in the envrironment, ie did you know EVERY time you touch a till receipt from a shop that your absorbing just from touching them endrocrine disruptors that fuck up your hormones.. name me someone who doesn't touch some form of bpa or breath in xenoestrgoens on a daily basis. its fucked up!!!

this will put it into perspective
I don't remember the exact ages, but, back in the `50's, girls didn't start growing tits until they were about 13 to 15 (I think!). Plastic was just starting to become all the rage around the late `30's. Now, nearly EVERYTHING is plastic and we give our babies plastic toys to put in their mouths, and, girls today are starting to grow their tits around 9 years old!! And, if you believe there's something to (I forget the term for it), telling yourself to make something happen and it does. Like, if you tell yourself you're going to get a cold, you'll get a cold, then, adding fuel to the fire is girls that already have their tits making fun of other girls of similar age for NOT having tits, yet, so, of course, said flat-chested girl (who WILL develop quite nicely in a few more years, anyway), now wishes and wishes she HAD bigger tits to she could be like, or better, than her peers! Then, there IS a chance that that wishful thinking might also cause her to start growing them sooner!
As for receipts, I forget what it is that's in the ink those are printed with, but it's intentionally put there to cause certain harm to you! I never touch the face of them if I can help it.

Do u know at pita pit food outlet they WRAP the receipt in the bread while they are putting the filling in. And when I ask them not to they look at me like I'm mad! Yes till receipt s are toxic

Yea its plastic yea its hormones from pills in our water, but its even crazier stuff. A mortician who was handling his embalming fluids without gloves, started growing breasts. Bath supplies, hair gels have made adolescent kids grow breasts. But the main source ive found for young children growing breasts is formula. (Yea Soy formula) some male children raised on it are being found to have smaller penis,s and smaller genitals as well as breast tissue.. and ive read about the girls you mentioned as well.

There are articles all over the internet with some pretty odd suggestions. Claiming they are the reason for the(supposed rise in homosexuality,,lol,) But it is obvious that there is more homophobia in that claim than scientific data. They claim that this formula emasculates male children before they are well into their teens. The craziest thing to me is the plastic thing,,, I sculpt with a product called Fantastic Plastic, It is a thermo plastic,, you heat it and sculpt it with bare hands before it cools again. Im wondering if it is loaded as well with the stuff they put in other plastics,, and if there is greater exposure when your handling it in its heated softened form?. And here's another question about that..
Hormones even the weaker kind found in foods, and herbs,, (how could / and why would)that or similar agents be an important ingredient in a product like plastic? What purpose would there be in its addition?

Ive repeatedly mentioned my breast tissue is all gyno, and excessive,, I had thought my gyno growth would stop when i no longer used the medication that caused it, but it hasn't. Is growth something i should assume will continue due to my use of things like Lavender and Tea tree oil ? and my exposure to heated plastics? ( It might all come to a good end,, Larger breasts,) but you have to admit there's a huge question here, Why would a regulation crazy government like our own be so lax in elements that make for weaker men in the population? Is that because we'd be more easily controlled then? I mean it makes you think.

I think all plastic is questionable. I've heard right down to phone and iPad cases etc. If you heat it then I imagine the heat opens up your pores making for even easier absorption into the body...

Scares me I tell ya. Nothing is safe these days...

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