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Non-hormonal Options


Does anyone have any good recommendations for stuff that doesn't contain phytoestrogens and such? (If we are worried about hormones or being estrogen dominant). Any help/advice is greatly appreciated!

By the way, I have no idea if anyone can help me use this info but these were my hormones a day or two before my last period.

Luteinizing Hormone
2.9 mIU/mL (Normal)

Estradiol Level
121 pg/mL (Normal)

Progesterone Level
7.0 ng/mL (Normal)

The reason I mentioned estrogen dominance is because I noticed with Fenugreek that I got very headachey, "full"/heavy feeling, increased anxiety, increased emotions, etc. I have also read that playing around with phytoestrogens too much can be dangerous as it can play a role in developing cancer? Not trying to alarm anyone if that isn't true, but just trying to be cautionary on my own road to breast development. Any help/info/insight with this is so appreciated.

Hi Lila!

What about keeping your hormones balanced with something like Vitex and then managing or reducing your DHT? Let the experts chime in for sure, but it might not be the worst way to start.

Or using your diet, adding foods that can help with NBE:

Xo, Soli
Thumbs Up 

Thank you! Apparently I can't take Vitex because I just read this:

"People with hormone dependent conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and cancers of the breast, ovaries, uterus or prostate shouldn't take vitex."

^they believe that I have Endometriosis so probably best for me to stay away from that one. Thank you for all of the info on food and vitamins, though. I will certainly see if I can't pack in a little more ideas for my diet. Smile I am sad though because Fenugreek actually worked well for me! I definitely saw fast results with it, but it also increased my anxiety and what not when I used it half a year ago. Back to the drawing board.

Vitex is pretty mild and they're probably only erring on the side of caution by avoiding anything that might be hormonal. Yet they'll prescribe hormonal solutions for endometriosis. If anything vitex should raise progesterone and lower estrogen, likely helping the condition. If I understand correctly your ratio of progesterone to estrogen is a little low so it may be worth a shot. Carefully though. It's not bad to be careful, only bad when taken to such an extreme that it shuts out anything that might be helpful too.

Likewise the claim about estrogenic herbs causing cancer is because estrogen causes cancer and they're afraid the herbs might do the same. Actually nearly all the studies on herbs show cancer prevention. It's moot in your case though since you should avoid most herbs anyway.

I took vitex last cycle and for the first time in months I had no luteal pain and normal light period ON TIME.
Then I stopped for a couple of weeks and suddenly my breasts ACHE leading up to my period which would indicate too much estrogen I assume??... If so then vitex over maca actually made me have a normal cycle . That's a good thing as much as love mitral enlargement Dodgy I concur vitex potentially raises p or levels e out.

Thank you both for your replies! SmileSmile

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