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So far I've grown 2 cups in a year and a half!


I started out as a small 32b (sometimes my breasts couldn't fill out the cups)
and now I am a small 32d! (almost able to fill out the cups!)

My short term goal has been a 32d/30dd (30 band fits me better, but I can never find good padded/push up bras in that size). Finally, I am almost there and I'm so excited!! But I might keep going with nbe and see if I can get them larger. Smile it's true it is addicting once you start growing -- you just want more and more!

So now down to the juicy details of how I have achieved this. I didn't start to see a lot of growth until June of last year when I changed my program and added cupping. When I started cupping, I saw a HUGE change -- about 1/2 cup size total, but after a few months I stopped swelling no matter how long or often I did it for. Finally I caved and bought the kangzhu breast pumps and boy am I glad I did!! I started pumping in the beginning of february of this year (with massages in the mornings for 20 min) and it has just made a huge difference. I haven't been able to be extremely consistent with it because I've been so busy these last few months and I didn't want to tell my boyfriend about the pumps because they look so silly! lol he even thought cupping was funny so I couldn't show him this! So it's been hard, but I try to get at least an hour of pumping in a day. I started doing 10 min pumping and 5 min of massage in between and then went up to 15 min pumping and 5 min massage. But this week I just started doing the 7:2 technique and I like that one a lot.

For pills:
I'm on BCP so it hasn't been easy planning how to cycle, but lately I have been doing this..
I take from day 1-13:
-2x500 pm
-2x500 maca
-1x1200 fish oil
-2x1200 flaxseed oil capsules
-1x60 ginkgo biloba
every few days I take 500mg of vitamin c
-2 multivitamins
-2x1000 msm

from day 14-28:
-3x400 vitex
-2x500 maca
-1x1200 fish oil
-2x1200 flaxseed oil
-1x60 ginkgo
-vitamin c every few days
-2 multivitamins
-2x1000 msm
-3x610 fenugreek
-almost every day I drink a cup of spearmint tea

I have had to fiddle with my pills a lot. I did have some problems when I wasn't balancing out the pm enough and became estrogen dominant (I started losing a lot of hair -- no bald spots though - it wasn't that bad!! and I also had a lot of vaginal secretion - sorry gross details, but please be careful with herbs everyone!)

Everyone's body is different so although this has been working for me, it may not work for you! But you do have to start somewhere and learning to read your body is what will lead you to success. Also, love your boobies. They will grow with patience and the right resources.

Also, I exercise very regularly. My waist and rib cage measurements have stayed the same throughout my journey so weight has not been a factor in my growth. I mostly do lifting now with walking as my cardio. I am trying to bulk up and get a nice booty. I eat a LOT too which has been helping my breasts grow.

Okay enough with this long post for now! If you have questions please ask Smile

Wow congratulations girl! I wish I could get that already..I'm just doing a simple program of BO and noogling but I haven't got to noogle yet since I got these pesky inflamed hair follicles on my boobies. Sad

But wow that's a lot of pills, do you think the oil capsules help with growth? I'm just taking 2000 mg of msm a day with vitamin C (orange juice) and 750-1000mg of BO.

(06-04-2015, 19:47)msnewboobies Wrote:  I started out as a small 32b (sometimes my breasts couldn't fill out the cups)
and now I am a small 32d! (almost able to fill out the cups!)

My short term goal has been a 32d/30dd (30 band fits me better, but I can never find good padded/push up bras in that size). Finally, I am almost there and I'm so excited!! But I might keep going with nbe and see if I can get them larger. Smile it's true it is addicting once you start growing -- you just want more and more!

So now down to the juicy details of how I have achieved this. I didn't start to see a lot of growth until June of last year when I changed my program and added cupping. When I started cupping, I saw a HUGE change -- about 1/2 cup size total, but after a few months I stopped swelling no matter how long or often I did it for. Finally I caved and bought the kangzhu breast pumps and boy am I glad I did!! I started pumping in the beginning of february of this year (with massages in the mornings for 20 min) and it has just made a huge difference. I haven't been able to be extremely consistent with it because I've been so busy these last few months and I didn't want to tell my boyfriend about the pumps because they look so silly! lol he even thought cupping was funny so I couldn't show him this! So it's been hard, but I try to get at least an hour of pumping in a day. I started doing 10 min pumping and 5 min of massage in between and then went up to 15 min pumping and 5 min massage. But this week I just started doing the 7:2 technique and I like that one a lot.

For pills:
I'm on BCP so it hasn't been easy planning how to cycle, but lately I have been doing this..
I take from day 1-13:
-2x500 pm
-2x500 maca
-1x1200 fish oil
-2x1200 flaxseed oil capsules
-1x60 ginkgo biloba
every few days I take 500mg of vitamin c
-2 multivitamins
-2x1000 msm

from day 14-28:
-3x400 vitex
-2x500 maca
-1x1200 fish oil
-2x1200 flaxseed oil
-1x60 ginkgo
-vitamin c every few days
-2 multivitamins
-2x1000 msm
-3x610 fenugreek
-almost every day I drink a cup of spearmint tea

I have had to fiddle with my pills a lot. I did have some problems when I wasn't balancing out the pm enough and became estrogen dominant (I started losing a lot of hair -- no bald spots though - it wasn't that bad!! and I also had a lot of vaginal secretion - sorry gross details, but please be careful with herbs everyone!)

Everyone's body is different so although this has been working for me, it may not work for you! But you do have to start somewhere and learning to read your body is what will lead you to success. Also, love your boobies. They will grow with patience and the right resources.

Also, I exercise very regularly. My waist and rib cage measurements have stayed the same throughout my journey so weight has not been a factor in my growth. I mostly do lifting now with walking as my cardio. I am trying to bulk up and get a nice booty. I eat a LOT too which has been helping my breasts grow.

Okay enough with this long post for now! If you have questions please ask Smile

What made you take the ginkgo biloba

(07-04-2015, 02:09)sweets93 Wrote:  Wow congratulations girl! I wish I could get that already..I'm just doing a simple program of BO and noogling but I haven't got to noogle yet since I got these pesky inflamed hair follicles on my boobies. Sad

But wow that's a lot of pills, do you think the oil capsules help with growth? I'm just taking 2000 mg of msm a day with vitamin C (orange juice) and 750-1000mg of BO.

Yeah it's awful taking so many. I get so bloated too from taking them all. But peppermint tea helps a lot.
I also use those huge pill boxes and take half of the pills in the morning and half at night to split it up a bit.

Idk if I can say for sure if the oil capsules themselves are helping, but I think the healthy fats from them have contributed to some of my growth. I mainly take them for health reasons (hair, skin, nails) and because healthy fats are good for toning when the person taking them doesn't have a high sugar intake.

Oh no! have you tried exfoliating and applying lotion? hope it clears up soon! you will be amazed by what noogling can do for you with a little patience Smile


What made you take the ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo is good for blood circulation, which in addition to exercise can help the herbs circulate through the body better. Also, it helps with memory -- I have an awful short term memory!

What made you take the ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo is good for blood circulation, which in addition to exercise can help the herbs circulate through the body better. Also, it helps with memory -- I have an awful short term memory!

Do you have pics of your journey

I do but I am still debating if I should post them or not. My bf would probably hate me if he ever knew lol.
But I also am waiting until I meet my full goal (full 32D)


(08-04-2015, 06:01)msnewboobies Wrote:  I do but I am still debating if I should post them or not. My bf would probably hate me if he ever knew lol.
But I also am waiting until I meet my full goal (full 32D)

I see we're you a small 32b or full 32b when starting
I got confused because of ur other thread

(08-04-2015, 06:01)msnewboobies Wrote:  I do but I am still debating if I should post them or not. My bf would probably hate me if he ever knew lol.
But I also am waiting until I meet my full goal (full 32D)

I think it is always a good idea to inform your bf on nbe matters. With your already significant progress, you can claim nbe works. Once he is on board, I am sure he would be eager to help by massaging your boobs. As far as posting pics, you must be comfortable with this. Much as I and others would like to see your progress, we don't count. I also think when/if you do decide to post pics, you should also have your bf's consent, don't let nbe mess up your relationship. BTW don't ask him if he thinks you should do nbe, just tell him you are doing it.

You know that time after your period when your boobs shrink back down? I'm going to call it my after period deflation. Lol. Well it hasn't happened for a while, but unfortunately this time it did Sad.
I'm still a full 32C, but just not popping out of my bra like I was before! My 30D bra is still pretty tight though Smile
And sadly, I left my pumps at my bf's house this week!! I was planning on pumping like crazy to catch up. But oh well, next week I'll be back at it!

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