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Health & Nutrition Gurus, help please...ok


Ok I have a predicament...
A week ago I fainted in the middle of the night, it caused some "unpleasant" in jury's as a result but all considering I got off pretty light.

My question is "I am still a bit unsteady on my feet at times", a wee bit short of breath at times (but that's not uncommon for me).
My iron levels are on the low side as with blood pressure, but ekg machine and full blood count/liver/kidney function were all normal. Previous blood sugar levels are normal too.

So does anyone have any ideas as to what I MIGHT be lacking nutritionally to contribute to this??

Goes without saying I'm Terrified it might happen again Sad

also thanks to lotus/Pom/Peggy and missboobshirt for your help and input.
I've decided to approach from this angle to see if anything jumps out to anyone that I can look into in addition to what's been currently discussed with you guys.

On a sidenote I am taking goats rue /fish oil/ epo / turmeric /msm and misc green super foods .

My diet is "reasonably" good. Gluten free cereal or oats for breakfast. Salady pita breads or sushi for lunch.
Red meat 2-3 times per week, chicken or beans etc for dinners. NO sodas or sugary drinks. Cut down on alcohol. 3 coffees daily. One green salad daily or bocilli cauliflower etc. 2-3 fruit per day.

So I don't feel I've done this to myself because of diet Huh

Il leave this with you and thanks in advance for any input.


It really sounds like you have a Blood Pressure issue Ella... Have you talked to a doctor about monitoring your BP etc? Your diet sounds reasonably decent, and I can't see the herbals your taking doing that unless you are having an allergic reaction to one of them (my youngest brother eats ANY kind of food with coconut in it, he passes out and sleeps like the dead for 5-6 hours, doc said he was having an unusual allergic reaction to the coconut and to stop eating it, he did, and never had the problem again). So your current problems 'may' be from one of the herbals. I'd still check about having your BP monitored though. Also, when is the last time you had your heart checked out? Sometimes you have to eliminate the more obvious to find the less obvious and passing out/shortness of breath is also a symptom of heart issues. Not to try and scare you but if I were you i'd get checked to eliminate that possibility and then pare down other possibilities as you go till you find the cause.

*edit* EKG's are ok but they don't tell if you have partial blockages etc, you may also want to ask your doctor to run a heart enzyme blood test to see if you may have some muscle damage to your heart that isn't detected. One other thing as well, what is your 02 saturation levels with room air? Things to ask your doc about. *hugs* and I really hope you find out what's wrong (if anything).


(16-02-2015, 08:19)ElainMoria Wrote:  It really sounds like you have a Blood Pressure issue Ella... Have you talked to a doctor about monitoring your BP etc? Your diet sounds reasonably decent, and I can't see the herbals your taking doing that unless you are having an allergic reaction to one of them (my youngest brother eats ANY kind of food with coconut in it, he passes out and sleeps like the dead for 5-6 hours, doc said he was having an unusual allergic reaction to the coconut and to stop eating it, he did, and never had the problem again). So your current problems 'may' be from one of the herbals. I'd still check about having your BP monitored though. Also, when is the last time you had your heart checked out? Sometimes you have to eliminate the more obvious to find the less obvious and passing out/shortness of breath is also a symptom of heart issues. Not to try and scare you but if I were you i'd get checked to eliminate that possibility and then pare down other possibilities as you go till you find the cause.

Hey. Thanks so much for the reply.
My blood pressure was low when i was pregnant years ago.All other blood pressure tests have been "perfect" or so they said at the time. Just the last one was "on the low side"- nurses words Sad
I was hooked up to an ECG heart machine for 5 hrs after the accident but they sent me home with no comments Huh

What you say about coconut oil is VERY interesting as ive recently started consuming a tablespoon or two a day... esp given your brothers issue. Thats worth me looking into. Thank you Smile

(16-02-2015, 08:25)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(16-02-2015, 08:19)ElainMoria Wrote:  It really sounds like you have a Blood Pressure issue Ella... Have you talked to a doctor about monitoring your BP etc? Your diet sounds reasonably decent, and I can't see the herbals your taking doing that unless you are having an allergic reaction to one of them (my youngest brother eats ANY kind of food with coconut in it, he passes out and sleeps like the dead for 5-6 hours, doc said he was having an unusual allergic reaction to the coconut and to stop eating it, he did, and never had the problem again). So your current problems 'may' be from one of the herbals. I'd still check about having your BP monitored though. Also, when is the last time you had your heart checked out? Sometimes you have to eliminate the more obvious to find the less obvious and passing out/shortness of breath is also a symptom of heart issues. Not to try and scare you but if I were you i'd get checked to eliminate that possibility and then pare down other possibilities as you go till you find the cause.

Hey. Thanks so much for the reply.
My blood pressure was low when i was pregnant years ago.All other blood pressure tests have been "perfect" or so they said at the time. Just the last one was "on the low side"- nurses words Sad
I was hooked up to an ECG heart machine for 5 hrs after the accident but they sent me home with no comments Huh

What you say about coconut oil is VERY interesting as ive recently started consuming a tablespoon or two a day... esp given your brothers issue. Thats worth me looking into. Thank you Smile

hmmm the last BP test was on the low side, was this at the hospital after you fainted? If so... it may be a sudden drop in BP that caused you to pass out, and your feeling wobbly may be your BP hasn't recovered. I'd really push your doctor to look into that because low BP can be a serious health risk.


(16-02-2015, 08:32)ElainMoria Wrote:  
(16-02-2015, 08:25)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(16-02-2015, 08:19)ElainMoria Wrote:  It really sounds like you have a Blood Pressure issue Ella... Have you talked to a doctor about monitoring your BP etc? Your diet sounds reasonably decent, and I can't see the herbals your taking doing that unless you are having an allergic reaction to one of them (my youngest brother eats ANY kind of food with coconut in it, he passes out and sleeps like the dead for 5-6 hours, doc said he was having an unusual allergic reaction to the coconut and to stop eating it, he did, and never had the problem again). So your current problems 'may' be from one of the herbals. I'd still check about having your BP monitored though. Also, when is the last time you had your heart checked out? Sometimes you have to eliminate the more obvious to find the less obvious and passing out/shortness of breath is also a symptom of heart issues. Not to try and scare you but if I were you i'd get checked to eliminate that possibility and then pare down other possibilities as you go till you find the cause.

Hey. Thanks so much for the reply.
My blood pressure was low when i was pregnant years ago.All other blood pressure tests have been "perfect" or so they said at the time. Just the last one was "on the low side"- nurses words Sad
I was hooked up to an ECG heart machine for 5 hrs after the accident but they sent me home with no comments Huh

What you say about coconut oil is VERY interesting as ive recently started consuming a tablespoon or two a day... esp given your brothers issue. Thats worth me looking into. Thank you Smile

hmmm the last BP test was on the low side, was this at the hospital after you fainted? If so... it may be a sudden drop in BP that caused you to pass out, and your feeling wobbly may be your BP hasn't recovered. I'd really push your doctor to look into that because low BP can be a serious health risk.

Well it was low the 24hrs later. Also bearing in mind id had VERY little sleep, a head injury and chest injury. Whilest first admitted to hosp they took my BP multiple times along with monitiring and bloods. Id truely hope if theyd detected anything they would have had a good sense to tell me to follow it up. I hear you though and it does concern me. Im hoping the reason i may be still unsteady as the past week has been rough. Hard to sleep, alot of pain cause the bruised ribs. Im noting what you have said. Mighht even invest in a home bp monitor. I may try up my iron too. Maybe getting older i dont tolerate low iron as well as i did when i was younger *baah*

*goes back and looks at your pics a moment... ... ...* If that's what getting older looks like.... I want your body!


(16-02-2015, 08:44)ElainMoria Wrote:  *goes back and looks at your pics a moment... ... ...* If that's what getting older looks like.... I want your body!


Ha ha im in my 30's, feel in my 80's!
My mum looks 15years younger than what she is. Good genes! NO heart disease in fam Wink

(16-02-2015, 08:49)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  
(16-02-2015, 08:44)ElainMoria Wrote:  *goes back and looks at your pics a moment... ... ...* If that's what getting older looks like.... I want your body!


Ha ha im in my 30's, feel in my 80's!
My mum looks 15years younger than what she is. Good genes! NO heart disease in fam Wink
Sorry to hear about your injuries. I hope you're okay, now. One thing I might be careful of and have looked at if I were you is the possibility of a stroke. Mom said she was feeling dizzy just before she had hers. Otherwise, here's a video that just might help you! I's nearly 4 hours long and is made up of lots of short clips and a few seminars, but it's LOADED with helpful info on nutrition and other things! I STROINGLY suggest you take notes!! I'm going to have to plow through it again and take notes this time, too!!
Take care, hun!!

Ella, Have you considered low blood sugars?. Your diet doesn't look to be an issue, it's possible that your fast metabolism, (which suggests you're a fast oxidizer) could be the issue. The 1st site explains the oxidizer types, the 2nd and 3rd sites explain a balanced approach to food consumption.


The blood sugar diet

Balanced oxidizer diets

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