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MzHoney's Program Thread


(22-05-2016, 04:47)MzHoney Wrote:  I've been so exhausted and overworked and stressed! I'm about to quit! I'm worried that these things affect growth because they effect my hormones and sleep quality. I'll only be dealing with this a while longer hopefully. But I did happen to take my measurements this morning. I'll write them down now so I don't forget:

Bust: 36
Waist: 29 (edging on 29.25...say it ain't so!)
Butt: 39.75

Well there you go. Not that exciting this time. But throughout the week my bust got up to 37" with NO noogling, so that was pretty exciting. I know, I know, pre-menstrual temporary- but to me, that means potential so I'm still going places Smile

Until next week!
When we are stressed we feel down / dejected . Deep breath , chill , this is a long journey , step at a time Wink

@myboobs, @james Thank you for your support!!

Yeah after re-reading my last post, my wording made it sound like I was ready to quit NBE! Oh, that couldn't be further from the truth - I'm just getting started Big Grin. I meant quit my job! And that still is true, I don't think I'll last one more week there. It's gotten out of hand ridiculous, and I can usually tolerate plenty of B.S - but this is out of my tolerance level.

On to the reason why I'm actually here!

I didn't post last week because there was no change/nothing to report. This week:

Bust: 36.25
Waist: 29.25
Butt: 39.75

I'm definitely making progress. I do feel a bit sausage-y at times though. Especially the last few days. I do think now it's apparent I've gained weight, and not just in my butt and boobs Dodgy Oh yeah, my pants don't fit anymore Angry I'm gonna keep eating a lot and taking supplements though. I walk about 11-14 miles a day for my job, so 5 days a week. and to be honest I don't think it's helping my body. It sounds like it would- but honestly my muscles are always sore - never heal up, and I'm in pain a lOT and it just kind of feels like an extra stressor on my body.

Anyways, I saw and talked with a most beautiful woman the other day. It was hard to focus because her boobs were gargantuan and hanging out of her tank top, and her face looked like early Kim K, and I was having a bit of a girl crush moment and had to REALLY focus on what I was saying. HAHA I felt so silly, but she had my GOAL boobs. They were fantastic. I'm pretty sure that they were implants, but she had enough naturally to make them look totes natural and I just about died.

I'll take my .25 increase, but c'mon girls lets get going! haha

I bought a new order of B.O! It just came yesterday I still have a month + of tincture left, but there was a memorial day sale on Swanson, so I went for it. I bought 6 bottles BO, 6 bottles Pituitary, and one bottle kelp. Cost me around 60 dollars, and will last me 3 months. I may start taking it earlier and combine it with my tincture until that is gone, so it's a slower transition. I've never taken pills ONLY the tincture before - so this is going to be an experiment for me. I think it will work just fine, but maybe I'll ease into it vs. just one day going from tincture to pills.

One last thing I want to post is something I noticed with my body, I'm just around ovulation time and this morning my discharge was insanely egg white. Like - I normally don't have that. Sometimes, but not like this. This was undeniable "Oh, I'm ovulating." I looked at my calendar and it's right on the dot. This is a good sign to me because it's regulating my hormones, and that's what I'm after!!

Ok, until next week Smile

Well so I have been taking 1 cap BO (250mgs) and 1 cap PG (80mgs) at night for the past 3 nights in addition to my reduced dosage of tincture (13 drops) to start transitioning into the pills - and omg my nipples are sooooo sensitive and sore. I have not experienced this sort of sensation yet during this round, and even during my first round I don't really remember it being this obvious. I wonder if it's the PG! Either way, I'm happy to be experiencing it. Seems like a good thing.

So I usually like to update on Saturdays, but I finally quit my job!! Yay Big Grin So I woke up late on a Friday and decided to just go ahead and update, since I skipped last week anyways. It seems like my progress has been about .25 every 2 weeks, so it falls right on that schedule anyways.


Bust: 36.5
Underbust: 33
Waist: 29
Butt: 39.75

I added in my underbust measurement because I want to keep track of that too. I have been, I just never posted it. So there it is. Now you can see why a 36" overbust really isn't that big or impressive on my build. Technically I think that makes me a 34C (I feel like I look like a small/med B) but who knows... my bra calculations are all over the place and I never can find one that properly fits anyways. There's ALWAYS a gap. Thanks, torpedo titties.

I was SUPER emotional this cycle. And I mean in ways I haven't been as much before. I'm generally a highly emotional woman during my PMS, but honestly - it's mostly in relation to me and what I'm going through (Like, if I get particularly stressed out or something I will just start crying and getting anxious). THIS TIME, though, it had to do with OTHER people. For example, sappy commercials, other people's stories, etc... I always have a big heart and genuinely care about these things/get moved by them. But this time it was like, uncontrollable tears and emotion taking over me... FROM COMMERCIALS!!! So that was a change I noticed.

My skin is looking soooo good these days. It's probably a combination of things, but I've never been this clear in my life. I can't help but wonder if B.O is a part of that.

My nips were definitely sore for a whole week there. They are still a little bit even. I'm starting my cycle in a day or two here, so there's still a bit of swelling to account for. Typically it seems that my PMS swelling goes away BEFORE I start bleeding. I thought it was supposed to be after, but it's what I've personally noticed. I have been measuring in at 36.75, and just dropped down .25, so I'm hoping that was the pre-menstrual swelling and I'll get to keep my 36.5.

I've been 7;2 Noogling, but really more like 15:3-4. I feel like I get much better swelling that way. I've been swelling out to 37.5 and I lOVE IT!!

Ok girlies, 'till next time. Wink

Ok, this week's update - still making progress!!! Big Grin

Bust: 36.75!
Underbust: 33
Waist: 29.25 ( creeping up again...)
Butt: 40

I'm SO happy my butt finally made it to the 40's!!! I feel like I just joined a club or something haha. *ahem, big booty hoes* jk jk. I really want to start training my backside a bit more. "Really want" is an overstatement. I've been saying that for years. I used to train super hard, and I loved it! If I trained like I did then, with the volume that I have now... GDamn. Maybe one of these days. If not - I mean, I still got 40" so I'm good. Haha.

And my boobs are getting there!! I noticed that when I wear a thin, tight PJ shirt w/o a bra, my shape and size are really getting there! I used to have 2 tiny tostitos, but they actually look slightly rounder and fuller for real, and that small difference makes a HUGE difference to me. 36.75" is less than I thought it would be when I was at 34", but that's ok - I'm happy with my changes so far and I look forward to future developments.

I broke out a bit this cycle Sad 3 big breakouts like I used to have all over my face. Since I've been almost clear for months now this was disheartening. But it seems to be clearing up, so maybe it was due to stress. (I'm a bit stressed not finding a job since I quit my last haha. That relief from quitting a shitty job is so fleeting.)

Hm... anything else? Not really. I'm taking 250mg BO and 80g pituitary, and 14 drops BO twice a day. Kelp once a day. Noogling every other day and massaging every day (mostly.)

'Till next time!

I wasn't around last Saturday, so this update is a little late, but I'll post anyways.

Bust: 37
Underbust: 33
Waist: 29
Butt: 40

Yaay!!! Still going Smile My boobs swelled out to 37.75 during my pms!!! Holy crap that was awesome. But I'm on my cycle now, and the dropped back down to 37, but hey! that's still an increase.

I was visiting my mom and she said they looked bigger Smile Thanks, mom lol
I will admit, my cleavage has been impressing even me!!! I'm so happy about that!

My waist has been teetering between 29-29.5 in am and 30-31 at night depending on what I've eaten. I'm thinking about waist training, but I'm just not there yet.

I was out of town for a week and didn't bring my noogleberry, so I barely did anything except take my supplements the whole week. I'm back on track now, though.

Also, I forgot to bring my spearmint tea!! And I Was in my premenstrual week, so this cycle I broke out quite a bit more than has been usual for me these last 6 months. SPEARMINT TEA IS A GODSEND FOR MY ACNE!! Haha, I'm putting that in all caps so if I ever forget for some reason down the road, and I scroll through my log it will remind me to drink spearmint during luteal. It really really helps me. I hope it helps some of you too!

Ok ladies, that's all I have this time.

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