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Pretty new to this


I am pretty new to this site, have been lurking for maybe a few months off and on. I am in my mid/late 20's and have always wanted breasts of my own. Since I was a kid I have dressed in womens clothing and adored their fashions. Though this presented to be very difficult growing up as a man with straight friends and mainly urban due to my involvement with the music scene in the area here. But I have always done it privately and enjoyed doing so. Often wishing I had more gay or accepting friends of the culture of crossdressing and such so I could at least explore the options of being out there. Instead I have always lived a fairly suppressed life far as my femininity goes.
I have always had girlfriends and rarely had any dry spells with break ups to new relationships so due to that and their lack of understanding of feminine men I have kept my urges at bay. But seeing as how there is countless reasons why a man would grow breasts and only a handful of reasons a man would shave his legs do his nails and wear make up wigs and a cute pair of pumps I have chosen the NBE route. To give me a piece of security a product of self per say. I am not gay nor transgendered I just have a feminine side that is strong and wishes to be unleashed. While I understand the deceit is in not telling anyone especially a significant other about any of it or the reasons why I hope to find understanding and encouragement here. I left another forum shortly ago due to expressing it and being belittled and battered with insults, this looks like a very friendly community and hope to find good friends here.

I have just started on PM this week and only taking 500mg a day for a week or so before upping the dose. If any men out there who are not transitioning but just wanting a pair of breasts of their own have any advice and tips on dealing with life as a male with noticable breasts i would love to hear any comments or pm's as to how to adjust with growth.

Welcome Tiffany
My first advice is to stay on the PM a couple months and then judge how you feel at that point. You may decide its not for for you.
You have time to make up your mind they do not grow over nite.
One of my close Tgirl friends summed it up as making your body go through
female puberty and that's pretty close to what to expect in the beginning.
As you go a long you will have a lot of questions and there are a lot of great people here that can help answer them.



Everyone is different. That goes for the people here as well. I say welcome aboard, but don't expect everyone to think alike here. It would probably be pretty boring if they did anyway.

Get into your thing and share away.


(06-09-2013, 14:37)tiffany212 Wrote:  I am pretty new to this site, have been lurking for maybe a few months off and on. I am in my mid/late 20's and have always wanted breasts of my own.

I pretty much did the same. Really glad that this site allows 'guests'... As far as wanting breasts - I didn't, because I assumed it was impossible; until I actually asked the question. Surprised the crap out of me.

(06-09-2013, 14:37)tiffany212 Wrote:  Since I was a kid I have dressed in womens clothing and adored their fashions. Though this presented to be very difficult growing up as a man with straight friends and mainly urban due to my involvement with the music scene in the area here. But I have always done it privately and enjoyed doing so. Often wishing I had more gay or accepting friends of the culture of crossdressing and such so I could at least explore the options of being out there. Instead I have always lived a fairly suppressed life far as my femininity goes.

Not sure what part of NY you're from, but I'd be surprised if you couldn't find an outlet that also involved the music scene. Too many variables to judge though. Otherwise, same deal - since I was a kid.

One of the things that really bolstered me a bit was going to a gay bar on a "drag" night... Not for the 'performers' because I'm just not into that, but for the 'crowd', mostly CD/TV/TG. Some dress like a million $$, or a little trampy, but many others just dressed 'nice' - which I found more appealing.. It sort of opened the door for more personal acceptance of that part of myself.. Haven't done anything more about it 'tho! Sad

(06-09-2013, 14:37)tiffany212 Wrote:  ... their lack of understanding of feminine men I have kept my urges at bay. But seeing as how there is countless reasons why a man would grow breasts and only a handful of reasons a man would shave his legs do his nails and wear make up wigs and a cute pair of pumps I have chosen the NBE route. To give me a piece of security a product of self per say. I am not gay nor transgendered I just have a feminine side that is strong and wishes to be unleashed.

There are women who find feminine men attractive, even enjoying the company of a new 'girl friend' - they are just rarer, and in high demandTongue

I assume you refer to medical reasons why a man would have breasts - I don't know of countless... I'd think no more than dressing up!
It took me a long time to get past going for the 'glamour' look, and settle for looking 'cute' - I still find it sensuous, but at the same time very relaxing... When I get the chance to throw on a skirt, blouse, women's sneakers, necklace, and earrings - I just melt into it... If I could do that AND run errands AND do chores I'd probably get a lot more done (I remember one laundry day...)Wink
I guess what I'm saying is just embrace it - and look hard for someone to share it with... Trust me, mere acceptance of 'that thing you do' is not going to cut it for the long haul, because you will evolve, maybe in a direction that crosses a line.

(06-09-2013, 14:37)tiffany212 Wrote:  While I understand the deceit is in not telling anyone especially a significant other about any of it or the reasons why I hope to find understanding and encouragement here. I left another forum shortly ago due to expressing it and being belittled and battered with insults, this looks like a very friendly community and hope to find good friends here.

I have just started on PM this week and only taking 500mg a day for a week or so before upping the dose. If any men out there who are not transitioning but just wanting a pair of breasts of their own have any advice and tips on dealing with life as a male with noticable breasts i would love to hear any comments or pm's as to how to adjust with growth.

Struggling with the 'guilt', deserved or self-inflicted, is part of the process. If there was no self-guilt, you'd be open and honest with everyone with a need to know... I'm not over mine, so I feel for you.
Don't forget, there's still the implied potential for a long term commitment, you could be violating that. If your vision of a happy future involves you being able to express your feminine side in real, palpable ways; yet still have all the other trappings (job, family, kids, etc), then your going to need your partners support. Their vision may only differ in that one key aspect. If you're otherwise adjusted (not a social predator of any sort), you might be ble to work it out.

In many ways, I envy you, but mostly your age and opportunity - If this had been possible, and the brewing social forces had been aligned as they are now for me then, I most likely would be a much different person - maybe happier, maybe not!

I'm sorry you had a bad experience elsewhere - sometimes you have to have thick skin... It happens here, too...

Here's the short version of dealing with breast growth as a bio-male (or mine anyway):
Flail about with stuff you can get locally (or the first thing you find online) with mixed results for a year
Find this site (you're ahead already)
Start PM (hopefully you got enough for 3 months)
Take your meds and stay healthy
Throw in some fenugreek at 2.5 months
Boom - something feels different!
Get actual growth (like new tissue, bigger nipples)
Question yourself (I'm just going to look like a dude with breasts!)
Take some time off - 1 to 2 weeks
Decide to continue (repeat a few times)
Really commit - look for additional supplements that might help increase progress... Start achieving noticeably feminine breasts!

Obviously, there's a few shortcuts there - skip the self-doubt and dive right in. I recommend re-evaluating your goals, and future plans before about 5 to 8 months, depending on your growth and side effects - you may want to bank a healthy amount of sperm now, just as a hedge (no really, seriously think about that).



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