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Tinytots program


Hello everyone. I am making this page to keep myself accountable. I started NBE 10 yrs ago and gave up quickly. I am now 41 and ready for the long haul. I started my journey in April with a body detox, hair analysis that showed I didnt have much estrogen. I started supplements in August. Was having good activity then an on set of floaters happened so I switched my program

Currently using green bush herbs supplements, fenugreek, wild Mexican yam, fennel seed powder' bustea tea, massage with boobie stacked with fenugreek powder and heating pad.

Breast size guessing 34a or b
Goal 34c

(30-08-2013, 04:30)tinytots Wrote:  Hello everyone. I am making this page to keep myself accountable. I started NBE 10 yrs ago and gave up quickly. I am now 41 and ready for the long haul. I started my journey in April with a body detox, hair analysis that showed I didnt have much estrogen. I started supplements in August. Was having good activity then an on set of floaters happened so I switched my program

Currently using green bush herbs supplements, fenugreek, wild Mexican yam, fennel seed powder' bustea tea, massage with boobie stacked with fenugreek powder and heating pad.

Breast size guessing 34a or b
Goal 34c
You are good enough!!you gave me support when I needed it,Thank you,God loves you unconditionally!! Big Grin
Hey Tiny,
Are you taking PM before Bedtime? It kept me up all night,so I quickly changed the time to between 8 and 9....PM takes some getting used to,I call it the Breaking in time,Energy is listed as an active ingredient.What kind of energy?,I'd like to know,is it like one of those energy shots or what?

Just so you know,ALL guys watch porn!!! If they tell you they don't,it's BS.Its like a right of passage when your a young teen so to speak.Thats when it starts,all those hormone's going on,it's like a bag of microwave popcorn ready to explode,they can't control it.If he's hiding mag's and videos it's cause he embarrassed,or worse when you confront him with it!.Its not that he doesn't love you,but you need to spice it up a bit perhaps (talk dirty,find out what his fantasy is,etc,etc).Although that goes 2 ways of courseWink

You can't take it personal,but women do for some reason,making him stop can be done,but it's like asking him to throw away his favorite childhood baseball mitt or something.

But if it's past all that,tell him he's cut off unless he stops,women can outlast men.But if he is watching it in front of you while there's no love making going on,he's being selfish.Thats when he needs a smack upside the head,and tell him how hurtful it makes you feel!!.(At least thats what I needed)

Take care,Lotus Smile


Yay, glad you started a personal program page. I've learned that it helps so much with the journey. Getting to compare monthly photos and measurements, writing about triumphs and disappointments and what's working, what's not.


Awe thank you so much Lotus.. You know that obsessed condition was years ago. We actually have a very active love life now. I do know he still watches it but god took away the pain. The only time I get upset is when I listen to Satans lies about myself.
Sounds like you have dealt with this too.

I also have a 12 yr old boy that is masterbating now after have a puberty talk in school. Like you said it happens at a young age. I found him looking at my husbands men's health mags and an article in the back was talking about doggy style, etc...omg I cried for 2 hrs. My little boy, how could I let this happen. I think it hit me so hard because I've dealt with this for so long I didn't protect my son from it. But now I've forgiven myself for that. I can't protect him from everything. I'm doing the best I can...

Okay so on to the pmBig Grin. Right now I only take 1 dp of extract in the morning and 2 dps in my oil for massage. I am actually the opposite. I'm extremely tired. But it might still be from GB herbs. I had to quit taking them. It was horrible. So now I am adjusting to the pm a little bit. It's only 40mgs. I was getting a lot of mild cramping on and off through out the day. I do feel boobie aches. It's weird to suddenly feel an ache in my small one and not my bigger one. So I'm like yay... Something is working even on this small dose. I'm increasing to 2 dps per day after cycle so hopefully I will get some of that energy you have...

I really do want to thank you for your comment, it meant a lot to me friend...Big Grin
Take care and god bless you...

(27-09-2013, 03:32)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Yay, glad you started a personal program page. I've learned that it helps so much with the journey. Getting to compare monthly photos and measurements, writing about triumphs and disappointments and what's working, what's not.

Thanks jenniferlove. Yikes a lot has happened since August. I need to update my thread as basically I'm starting over with a new regimen. I just have to sit down and do it.. Blush

Do you use noogleberry? I didn't read anywhere that you do. If not, do!! All these herbs we take are not necessarily healthy. The less herbs and more massage/noogle is better. I have grown crazy amounts and I am convinced it is from the noogle and massage. I did herbs 3 years before the noogle/massage and grew zilch from it.

I still take herbs now hoping to create a bigger, better storm than I would without it. Who knows though if they're actually helping at all though.

(27-09-2013, 04:08)Jenniferlove Wrote:  Do you use noogleberry? I didn't read anywhere that you do. If not, do!! All these herbs we take are not necessarily healthy. The less herbs and more massage/noogle is better. I have grown crazy amounts and I am convinced it is from the noogle and massage. I did herbs 3 years before the noogle/massage and grew zilch from it.

I still take herbs now hoping to create a bigger, better storm than I would without it. Who knows though if they're actually helping at all though.

Funny you ask JenniferLove, I did start out with NB back in April. I was going through old pre pictures comparing to where I am now and I did look bigger back then. I had a really good month with NB and flaxx seed oil massage. So actually I started using the NB again just 2 days ago. The reason I quit was because it seemed like my skin was stretching and after my period they looked like deflated balloon. I thought they were not as perky before so now I am just using low pressure for 60 minutes after a heating pad to increase blood flow. This morning I had a really hard ache in my left boobie and not in my right. It seems to be doing this alot. My left is smaller so good right. What do you think is really happening when you get aches. It only lasted like 30 seconds but before pm it didn't happen much at all. I know what you mean right, all these herbs are not that great for you. I see some taking as much a 10 to 15 pills per day and that really scares me. I will update my info along with a picture soon.

Sorry to hear your having issues with pm,I've heard this before that if your feeling the pain it means that it's working,right?,Maybe someone could clarify.I just know I've experienced that pain as well.But I figured what the hell,your in pain all the time anyways,what's one more thing.

You said your doing the extract,so the drops are concentrated right?.I think you said 40mg dose at a time,have you been on the capsules before? If so,what kind of side effects did you have compared to the extract?

Just a note about getting anything from overseas,it could be subject to a customs inspection.I just would be concerned about being legit and all,and perhaps what kind of quality it would be.

Your concern on genuine pm is justified,we'll be interested in finding out what you come up with.

Take care,Lotus Smile

P.S. My skin feels like leather(sucks)coming up on a week for the break!

"I also have a 12 yr old boy that is masterbating now after have a puberty talk in school. Like you said it happens at a young age. I found him looking at my husbands men's health mags and an article in the back was talking about doggy style, etc...omg I cried for 2 hrs. My little boy, how could I let this happen. I think it hit me so hard because I've dealt with this for so long I didn't protect my son from it. But now I've forgiven myself for that. I can't protect him from everything. I'm doing the best I can..."

It happens as young as 8 yrs old. Very common for young boys to masturbate, I only know this because of the spirit world and the nasty little pricks like to take advantage of the sleeping!

(27-09-2013, 23:18)Lotus_4(.)(.) Wrote:  Hey,TinySmile
Sorry to hear your having issues with pm,I've heard this before that if your feeling the pain it means that it's working,right?,Maybe someone could clarify.I just know I've experienced that pain as well.But I figured what the hell,your in pain all the time anyways,what's one more thing.

You said your doing the extract,so the drops are concentrated right?.I think you said 40mg dose at a time,have you been on the capsules before? If so,what kind of side effects did you have compared to the extract?

Just a note about getting anything from overseas,it could be subject to a customs inspection.I just would be concerned about being legit and all,and perhaps what kind of quality it would be.

Your concern on genuine pm is justified,we'll be interested in finding out what you come up with.

Take care,Lotus Smile

P.S. My skin feels like leather(sucks)coming up on a week for the break!

Hi lotus, actually the pm isn't going that bad. I thought I wasn't taking a good brand of pm. Which was why I was getting aches. But right now I like getting them. Makes me believe its working. I could do without the cramps though. But from reading the post seems a lot have these side effects. I've only tried the extract.

Is pm making your skin feel that way?


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