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BeduinQueen's Program


Hi everyone!
I’ve been reading on NBE for a few weeks now and still have a lot to learn. I want to share my program here as a way for me to commit to this goal.

Personal Details:
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Status: Single (never married or pregnant)
Bra Size: 32A
Goal: Full 32C
Body type: Ectomorph/skinny with high metabolism

- I have G6PD deficiency (carrier) so some legumes I cannot have in big qualities like fenugreek and many others Dodgy
- Online hormone test says I have estrogen deficiency, excess androgens (maybe I’m a man!) and Cortisol deficiency

Morning: 1 wild yam, 1 SP, 1 Maca Root
Noon: 1 wild yam, 1 SP, 1 Maca Root
Evening: 2 wild yam, 2 SP (I don’t have Maca in the evening cause I read it raises energy levels)

- Massage once a day in the evening with Flaxseed Oil
- One large mug of Spearmint tea mid-morning (this helped me with access body hair)
- Listen to Rock melon ringtone daily

I’ve been on this program for 2 weeks Since the start of my cycle and have noticed very slight discomfort in breasts and firmness but no growth yet.
I am planning to double my morning and noon dose and also add fennel seed tea in the evening.

Any thought? Will I see progress without noogleberry?


I take it my program is ok since I didn't get any feedback.

Hey girl! I am new to all this too. Your program looks great and I have seen a good bit of swelling since I started massaging with flaxseed oil. I have always had breasts pretty much the same size (left size has always been a slight bit bigger, but I think I was the only one who could tell) after my massages my left one is so big my nipples are actually not even. Weird. I can't wait for it to turn into real growth... and for them to match. Also I want to try that tea now! I HATE my body hair.

Rockmelon ringtone is seriously the stuff. I love it.

As for wild yam I have read on here not to take it, but I have also read a lot of people who do take it. I have mixed feelings about it. At least you don't smell like syrup like those of us on fenugreek. :p

Hii echapman!,

Thanks for looking into my program. My left breast is also slightly bigger. I am not sure if the wild yam is working, why is it not recommended? I wish I could have fenugreek or alfalfa or something that has more success stories linked to it.

Plan B is to switch to PM first 2 weeks of my cycle and my regular herbs for the other 2.

Plan C is to switch to BB.

However I will stay committed to each plan for at least 3 months, If I see some growth I will stick to it. If not I will detox for a month and move to the next plan.

With the spearmint I usually have 1 big mug but ... 2 mugs day 5-10 of my cycle apparently thats when its most affective because it lowers male hormones which are highest during that period. It doesn't get rid of hair that has already grown so you'll need to wax or pluck to see the affect. I have noticed the most difference on facial hair.


I have read the wild yam doesn't actually do anything, but each person is different. What works for some may not work for others. I really feel like a lot of nbe has to do with your mind anyways. If you really believe that it will work then it will work... That is why rockmelon works so well.

Massaging makes a HUGE difference for me as well. What sort of massaging are you doing?

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