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Awesome Massage for Under Developed Breasts!


Hey ladies,

Just wanted to share this massage technique I came across. I was actually already doing something along the lines of the first massage but its good to have a guide to follow. And the second massage is supposed to lighten nipples.

I know the first method works because my right boob had literally no tissue to it. It just went straigh into my chest from below the nipple, no I'm slowly but surely under boob yaaaaay! =) And I am also noticing more meat covering up the bones on my chest between my boobs which used to be REALLY noticeable. I'm gonna start adding in the second method and see if I can't lighten these nips!

I've been massaging a lot recently and I've noticed them get a bit heavier and fuller. I started trying this one as well, so I'm not sure what's helping...but I like the results. Something else I've noticed: as someone with tuberous breasts, my nipples are generally not erect when I'm not cold/aroused. I've noticed lately that they've started sticking out more and staying out more even when I'm not cold. I'm quite happy about it...has anyone else had this after a few weeks of massage?

Yes ma'am, they seem to generally be more sensitive too. I can tell my boobs are filling out more since adding these massages to my routine Big Grin

Wow,this is crazy but I've been doing this massage for a few day's and all i can say is WOW!! I definitley feel more volume,at first when I did other massage's I felt all weird and stuff(giddy).So correct me if I'm wrong but it's a release of hormone's and blood flow,what a rush!!.I also added a little twist by jiggling firmly for about 10 to 20 second's and it seems to have loosened a lot of the knot's I had.So I can clearly feel more volume when I'm cupping the breastTongue What an exciting find,Thank's Zormad P.S I recently posted some pictures and they also turned upside down. So if I can figure out why this happened I would consider adding some current pic's.

Also!!! Firmly on all the step's.

Right on Djz! Glad others are finding my find equally useful Big Grin maybe I'll try the twist you added. I have very cystic breasts and this massage is helping but not fast enough lol! I also feel like the nipple massage is helping flatten my left nipple but ol' eighty ova here is STUBBORN =\

As for the pics: you should just post em x) I don't mind having to flip my phone (and hopefully others don't because I left mine lol). I think its some sort of glitch in the system. The other I was posting a pic and it just wouldn't register I'd attached anything. I assumed the file was too bogged so I cropped the crap out of it, still nothing. Out of frustration I tried the original pic again loaded just fine lol.

Looking forward to reading/seeing your progress Wink

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