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Need Help Picking a Program!


Hello all! This is my first post and I've been reading lots of good information about NBE but I have NO idea where to start. I think the problem is I don't know what my body needs and don't have the income to really experiment with the different herbs. I was wondering for advice on maybe how to tell what my body needs to help my breast grow. I'm not sure if I need a testosterone blocker, more estrogen or anything like that. Basically I'm lost and would really like your help. I would really like to get to DD or a little bigger but i don't want to gain 50lbs around the waist. I'm looking for an all over body makeover I have some nice curves but a pooch (lots of just front belly chubs) and small love handles on the upper illac crests) and would really like my butt back (I lost like 30lbs and my breasts and ass went but my stomach stayed). If you guys could suggest how to best tackle this I would love you FOREVER!

My Stats (may be a little off)

Bra size: 36C
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 158-162 (I fluctuate wildly)
Age: I just turned 21

I lost weight and gained on the bust with pueraria mirifica and msm Its possible to gain breasts while loosing weight if you eat more protien but less calories with an nbe program.
Massage is the first place to start its helps so much with any breast enhancing use a natural oil like a good olive, flaxseed(perfect for nbe but can stain clothes) almond, coconut or coco or shea butter can be good to if you dont like oils.

(06-08-2013, 22:58)JadeFeonix Wrote:  Hello all! This is my first post and I've been reading lots of good information about NBE but I have NO idea where to start. I think the problem is I don't know what my body needs and don't have the income to really experiment with the different herbs. I was wondering for advice on maybe how to tell what my body needs to help my breast grow. I'm not sure if I need a testosterone blocker, more estrogen or anything like that. Basically I'm lost and would really like your help. I would really like to get to DD or a little bigger but i don't want to gain 50lbs around the waist. I'm looking for an all over body makeover I have some nice curves but a pooch (lots of just front belly chubs) and small love handles on the upper illac crests) and would really like my butt back (I lost like 30lbs and my breasts and ass went but my stomach stayed). If you guys could suggest how to best tackle this I would love you FOREVER!

My Stats (may be a little off)

Bra size: 36C
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 158-162 (I fluctuate wildly)
Age: I just turned 21
You came to the right place and i see that you are getting great advice- welcome

(07-08-2013, 00:10)BonitaDDs Wrote:  I lost weight and gained on the bust with pueraria mirifica and msm Its possible to gain breasts while loosing weight if you eat more protien but less calories with an nbe program.
Massage is the first place to start its helps so much with any breast enhancing use a natural oil like a good olive, flaxseed(perfect for nbe but can stain clothes) almond, coconut or coco or shea butter can be good to if you dont like oils.
What is MSM exactly? I see lots of acronyms like BO and all of these but no definition of what they mean. I really wish someone would make a thread that defined all of these for us noobies. And any recipes you could share?

Thanks again :3

So I bought some saw palmetto and it said it was only for men and that it was dangerous for women to take is that true?

(27-08-2013, 18:55)JadeFeonix Wrote:  So I bought some saw palmetto and it said it was only for men and that it was dangerous for women to take is that true?

Dangerous for women? What? Not that I know of... Oh, it can cause some unsightly cellulite, but it's hardly dangerous. Usually. It CAN be dangerous for either gender, but usually isn't. And if it is it's from an interaction with prescription drugs.

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