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Got acne from saw palmetto n fenugreek, should i continue?


Im not sure which one is causing the acne (on my cheeks where I NEVER get acne and my chest).. or maybe both... I think the sawpalmetto tho becuz I think I noticed acne when I was taking it ( I started taking fenugreek like 4 days ago)
so I was wondering should I stop taking them? orrrr is that what happens when u balance ur hormones and I should keep taking them until it goes away??

alssoooooo... I read that I might be progesterone low... WHICH I guess makes sense cuz usually I break out when Im about to start my period but this time my skin actually CLEARED up when I started then its back to acne!

what r ur thoughts? and too... where do I get progesterone cream? I went to vitamin world and couldn't find it and the person told me I need to get it prescribed to me by a doctor? but on amazon they have creams... r those safe? please help!!!
Big Grin 

try only taking one for about 30 days, this will help you find out which one is truly causing the acne. If it is a combination of both of them thats causing the acne, the 30 days of taking just one will help your body adjust so then its less likely that youll have a reaction.

(30-07-2013, 08:50)AthenaGirl Wrote:   Im not sure which one is causing the acne (on my cheeks where I NEVER get acne and my chest).. or maybe both... I think the sawpalmetto tho becuz I think I noticed acne when I was taking it ( I started taking fenugreek like 4 days ago)
so I was wondering should I stop taking them? orrrr is that what happens when u balance ur hormones and I should keep taking them until it goes away??

alssoooooo... I read that I might be progesterone low... WHICH I guess makes sense cuz usually I break out when Im about to start my period but this time my skin actually CLEARED up when I started then its back to acne!

what r ur thoughts? and too... where do I get progesterone cream? I went to vitamin world and couldn't find it and the person told me I need to get it prescribed to me by a doctor? but on amazon they have creams... r those safe? please help!!!
Everyone here is consuming TOXIC plants, and are wondering why there body is suffering the effects of toxicity.

If you must consume poisonous plants, for their effects, please move the toxins first.

None of the toxins are water solvable all of the chemicals you want are.

Use boiling water to separate those chemicals that are water solvable from those that are not.

the poisons will settle out on the bottom, mostly Lipids.

The skin is designed to protect the body from anything entering it. ( even viruses can't get threw it )
There is nothing ( except a shot ) that can get below the skin.
Sub-lingual and anal can get into the body- rubbing creams on the body does nothing.


(30-07-2013, 18:40)onesexybitch Wrote:  
(30-07-2013, 08:50)AthenaGirl Wrote:   Im not sure which one is causing the acne (on my cheeks where I NEVER get acne and my chest).. or maybe both... I think the sawpalmetto tho becuz I think I noticed acne when I was taking it ( I started taking fenugreek like 4 days ago)
so I was wondering should I stop taking them? orrrr is that what happens when u balance ur hormones and I should keep taking them until it goes away??

alssoooooo... I read that I might be progesterone low... WHICH I guess makes sense cuz usually I break out when Im about to start my period but this time my skin actually CLEARED up when I started then its back to acne!

what r ur thoughts? and too... where do I get progesterone cream? I went to vitamin world and couldn't find it and the person told me I need to get it prescribed to me by a doctor? but on amazon they have creams... r those safe? please help!!!
Everyone here is consuming TOXIC plants, and are wondering why there body is suffering the effects of toxicity.

If you must consume poisonous plants, for their effects, please move the toxins first.

None of the toxins are water solvable all of the chemicals you want are.

Use boiling water to separate those chemicals that are water solvable from those that are not.

the poisons will settle out on the bottom, mostly Lipids.

The skin is designed to protect the body from anything entering it. ( even viruses can't get threw it )
There is nothing ( except a shot ) that can get below the skin.
Sub-lingual and anal can get into the body- rubbing creams on the body does nothing.

Uh. Neither fenugreek or saw palmetto have any known toxicities. Seriously. Look it up. Both herbs are GRAS up to ridiculously high intakes.

Saw palmetto does seem to be very poorly understood though, and I imagine there may be some potential for some kind of interaction that might cause this with saw palmetto.

Fenugreek also... I have noticed that my face seems to tend to be even MORE oily than it used to be on fenugreek, especially on my peak.

I don't have the bacteria for acne, but I imagine if I did I'm getting oily enough it could happen.

Seriously just wash your face twice a day with a good non-drying oil-free face wash. It's what I have to do.

EDIT: Oh, and wrong again! I only just noticed your claim that things can't get through the skin... SOME things CAN! And DO! I work in the beauty industry, trust me, I know! Progesterone cream is formulated with special carriers to help the progesterone penetrate even better, but progesterone itself is ALREADY one of those things that can break the skin barrier.

Wild Yam creams are a lot more questionable. Not only does Wild Yam itself not do what they're expecting in that situation, it's unknown if it even penetrates at all.

There are other lotions and things designed to penetrate btw. Lipo creams are a great example. They're designed to get through all the outer layers and under the "true skin" all the way to the subcutaneous fat layer and warm that layer up several degrees to aid burning.

I am not one to like to jump into thing like this but people have been eating the berries like food for hundreds of years. Most here and that man ate a fraction of what other cultures and natives have eaten in the past. I have taken 640 Mg of saw palmetto concentrate for 2 months once and had nothing but great results and Indians have been using fenugreek in curry and other foods for thousands of years. They are safe if you research and use them properly. Kindly I ask, please stop trying to bring people's hopes here down. What is it to you if someone hurts themselves, survival of the fittest if they decide not to research that is their problem. The people here are smart about thief herbs give them some faith and credit to take care of themselves.

(30-07-2013, 18:40)onesexybitch Wrote:  
(30-07-2013, 08:50)AthenaGirl Wrote:   Im not sure which one is causing the acne (on my cheeks where I NEVER get acne and my chest).. or maybe both... I think the sawpalmetto tho becuz I think I noticed acne when I was taking it ( I started taking fenugreek like 4 days ago)
so I was wondering should I stop taking them? orrrr is that what happens when u balance ur hormones and I should keep taking them until it goes away??

alssoooooo... I read that I might be progesterone low... WHICH I guess makes sense cuz usually I break out when Im about to start my period but this time my skin actually CLEARED up when I started then its back to acne!

what r ur thoughts? and too... where do I get progesterone cream? I went to vitamin world and couldn't find it and the person told me I need to get it prescribed to me by a doctor? but on amazon they have creams... r those safe? please help!!!
Everyone here is consuming TOXIC plants, and are wondering why there body is suffering the effects of toxicity.

If you must consume poisonous plants, for their effects, please move the toxins first.

None of the toxins are water solvable all of the chemicals you want are.

Use boiling water to separate those chemicals that are water solvable from those that are not.

the poisons will settle out on the bottom, mostly Lipids.

The skin is designed to protect the body from anything entering it. ( even viruses can't get threw it )
There is nothing ( except a shot ) that can get below the skin.
Sub-lingual and anal can get into the body- rubbing creams on the body does nothing.


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