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(17-10-2013, 19:07)tibetan113 Wrote:  Wow! it seems the larger my breasts grow, the more traffic I get with these bitches attaching themselves to me. I have been reading the bible most every night (my eyes get really dry and heavy).

I have been blasting myself with amplified hz waves. Guys & gals, listen up:

This shit is bananas! I get consistent results with entering altered states of consciousness. I have been afraid of "overdoing it" based on the scientific findings of exposure being a danger.

I use hz waves between 28-45. These are elf's extremely low frequencies. I place my subwoofer at my feet that is hooked up with a type of tone generator (zephyr technologies).

Then I do 50-75% exposure. I d leave it for Ten-twenty mins. Then fall asleep. Well,last night, I left the device on 40 minutes and I felt intense dipping on my left side of the brain, entering a different state of awareness which is, spiritual awareness!

Since everything is 10x more intense in the spirit body, these sound waves were so loud, it woke me!
I thought my neighbors were having a party cause I also heard loud reggae music with it. So I was in the spirit world hearing both my amplified hz waves as well as the party the spirits were having. I also hear the female voices more when these sound waves run. It has been a black and Hispanic female lately, one said" this is like an everyday thing for me." I told her to seperate herself from me
Of course, she didn't. They say hateful things and hate it when you get awareness. I have had only a couple say they feel guilty for doing it and left me alone.

So now my new objective is to: create either a static field or magnetic field. I have recently had several out of bodies of me pulling entities out of my spirit body! Boy, do these little bitchtwats cling! I rip their heads off and anything I can do. They start morphing with their magic defense mechanisms! They always come back! So you have to kill them, I'm hardly successful in that! Yes, they are mortals. Its just a different kind of body, a light body and we all have them as well.

I feel like I'm scratching the surface
But at least I'm getting in there. I truly believe I can create a device that will allow out of body awareness.

Have you ever seen the movie, "From Beyond"? I think you'd find it very interesting! At least the beginning of it. After that it gets REALLY gory!!

To Brilaw's Q:
"Have you been having better luck with the breast growth robbers?"

Also, those damn coveting bitches! They are at their most active right now. Its happening to many of us. I hear one say (as I fought, stripping her soul from mine, then proceed to kick her ass full on, then she runs out of the room) "you just never know when they're gonna wake up! Let's go to Miami, its better there anyway!" to another female coveter.

My eyes grew big when I heard that. I read my bible most nights and the most significant sinners that are mentioned all the time are "coveters and fornicators!"
Wow, if you think about it, its so true, how many of us bed out of wed lock, and then not to marry that person??? So many of us are doing that. Now this coveting shit's for real in the spirit world. Let me tell you, I'd rather be a fornicator any day rather than a coveter, at least its mutual between the parties doing it.

I will never get that spiritual time back because of the boobie robbing coveters. One girl's mother yelled at her as she beat the crap out of her because she was doing to me in some latin language and all I heard was "taboo, taboo, don't do that!" Yes, the spirit world. Her boobs were sagging because of her child she had from Mrs. Preg-Nancy. She had a nice shape body other wise, very hour glass. Her breasts where double my size, however just flap-jacking. I guess she wanted firmness.

I am coveted so much, I don't remember my dreams at all at times and now, I have a line of girls waiting to covet my ass! I have contemplated suicide because of this nonsense! If I'm not being raped/sold to the world, I'm being coveted by them.

They will live through you spiritually. Unfortunately, they have no compassion for us. They know its draining but they don't care. I had one say " well, I'm here, so..." she preceded to combine with me. This was after I told them its bad for us and we need our regenerative sleep and its inhumane and immoral, yada yada.

Well, I choked the bitch as she came forward at me like I owe her vanity, and popped her head off (shakes head). I woke up and went back to sleep and I heard that I injured her, like a broken neck. I have done this before actually, so yeah aim for the head and pop it off like you would an innocent animal with fragile bones (meaning think like they are us and not a light body that morphs by magic) and you'll get them.

Also, I have not had much luck with my tone generator, amplifying hz's. Its so hit n miss. I am so pissed, I dont know what to do, I just focus on getting sleep from 10:30 pm - 2 am.

So this goes for any trait one possesses. I've heard neck, eye color, cheeks, ass, tits, hair. Oh boy, yeah, the black chicks want the white hair and hair line and light eyes. Please, no one take offense, I am creole black from my father's side so I'm not saying false things.

Hispanics go for the body and eyes, and whites go for the body mainly. This is speaking in terms of what they covet from me. Oh, Asians go for the body too. The middle eastern chicks Ive been coveted by, go for everything but they, I think are the least I notice coveting.

The boyfriends and husbands are all for it too. They watch over their partners as they covet. Fucking pricks! I bet they get their penises and muscles that way to without feeling guilty. I fucking hate the spirit world.

Sorry, had to rant. I have tooo many stories!


Wow Tibetan, I so sorry to hear that things are still pretty tough. I hope you find resolution and peace in this domain. Your awareness of your interactions with the spirit world is awe inspiring. Most people (myself included) have little to no discernment on their contact with the spirits. I've just recently started to entertain explanations that aren't this world, and don't necessarily have much to do with God or religion. I appreciate your courage to be so forthcoming, you really are a strong, beautiful woman.

I used to belong to chat room where people did reading .

Often. Using cards or question +answer .
Though i personally am not a physcic me intRest lay in that direction .
Seen discssions of spirit world / planes / dimentions / out of body etc
Those who dont understand , its crazy shit / lala land .

I had an incidence where one of the physci was trying to get in touch with me and left messages in room and she is based in USA and me in UK . When i got the message 2 days later when i went to chat room she told me to be very careful as my shop was going to get burgled !! But my shop was burgled day before !! She identified 3 suspects and i kept eye out but zilch. Its a shame MSN closed the rooms . I used to speak to shaman lady and she was great . Now i am in touch with only one and she lives in uk.

(05-12-2013, 03:53)myboobs Wrote:  I used to belong to chat room where people did reading .

Often. Using cards or question +answer .
Though i personally am not a physcic me intRest lay in that direction .
Seen discssions of spirit world / planes / dimentions / out of body etc
Those who dont understand , its crazy shit / lala land .

I had an incidence where one of the physci was trying to get in touch with me and left messages in room and she is based in USA and me in UK . When i got the message 2 days later when i went to chat room she told me to be very careful as my shop was going to get burgled !! But my shop was burgled day before !! She identified 3 suspects and i kept eye out but zilch. Its a shame MSN closed the rooms . I used to speak to shaman lady and she was great . Now i am in touch with only one and she lives in uk.

I truly believe you!

I just wanted to update, this is still a problem for me, spirits sleeping in my body at night and hijacking my soul on the planes.

I have been on a losing streak battle with these entities, meaning completely losing my awareness while I dream. I have the strangest dreams that don't make sense and then Ill wake up and realize whats happened.

So, for those of you with growing boobs or changing bodies for the better, you have to realize how many souls there are to us between the planes. You have to also realize, you are going to think these are just dreams. They laugh at us and really think they have a right to enslave us. I even had been sold for this therapy on two different occasions and have a wrap of killing these entities as crazy as that sounds.

I cannot stress it enough, don't think for one minute that you are not free game or susceptible to this! They look for us! They see you take your supps and massage and pump and so on.

I know what many of you are going to think: "I sleep just fine, my dreams are pleasant, or I don't remember them anyway, I have strange dreams, but I know it doesn't mean anything."

I'm getting really upset because we were meant access to these dimensions to advance ourselves on a spiritual level and they are taking that away from us!

I know for a fact, the mothers in that dimension make their daughters and sons do the same to our children (they make them sleep and posess our bodies), so that they can be healthier or more attractive or get rid of what ever issue they are having. That drains our energy, ages us, robs us of our out of body learning, influences us negatively as well as makes us question our sanity.

I have never felt so imprisoned/enslaved of my mind, body and spirit.

Of course, there is no physical evidence or proof. I hate this so much. But I know its happening because of all the dead people I have encountered and what I have learned before hand.

Advancement beyond this physical body and experience we only know/can't prove:
We don't know what we are missing out on until the day we discover it.

I just wish I wasn't the only one catching on to these entities doing this to us. Who's paying attention?

Tibetan can you read up on this anywhere??
I've always had the most weird, wonderful, terrifying, moving or down right horrific dreams, reoccurring dreams of flying and or falling! I never paid much attention to them and just assumed it was my overactive imagination..
Maybe If I understood them more I would know whats going on in my dreams..

I wonder how MSM plays into this, it always makes the dreams more intense and realistic. I wonder if it interferes with something in the brain that raises our awareness?

(22-03-2014, 19:24)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  Tibetan can you read up on this anywhere??
I've always had the most weird, wonderful, terrifying, moving or down right horrific dreams, reoccurring dreams of flying and or falling! I never paid much attention to them and just assumed it was my overactive imagination..
Maybe If I understood them more I would know whats going on in my dreams..

I wonder how MSM plays into this, it always makes the dreams more intense and realistic. I wonder if it interferes with something in the brain that raises our awareness?

Flying is what we can all do in the "dream world" as we are light bodies that function the same biologically like the one we're in now, but with a slight twist to natural laws. So the way we can move is different in that plane and flying is just one of the awesome things we can do. But when you are posessed, youll find yourself randomly soaring through out the planes. Now, if we had more control over our awareness (like I used to have), we can easily remember taking off and soaring up into the atmosphere. So it sounds likely some entity took you up and dropped you mid air (shit they like to do).

Falling means, just that, you are falling in the space (that plane). We fall asleep in our homes but sometimes the structure of the room, floats atop in the atmosphere (this means some jackass moved it), I know its hard to grasp at first, but the laws permit objects from our dimension to be moved and functional.

Its like every damn thing has a copy of itself. This is why many spirits live in our homes (just in the other dimension), cause the damn home (structure) is actually functional enough to use it.

So if your room (structure of it) is moved from where it sits originally (throughout the dimensions here and there), its usually above grounds (mid or high air) in the spirit world (mind you, sometimes they do this for hiding purposes), and your spirit body is falling through the "floor" of the room, but really, you are in mid air whether high or low and like a ball of light, you plummet all the way down until you hit the grounded plane there. The faster you fall, the more you feel it in your solar plexus.

As far as reading, you can find some stuff out there by comparing your experiences with others on forums. I actually have literature on my out of body experiences, its the first part of my novel:

I have so much more to share but I told God in prayers, I will only complete it if I get my solution to the problem. So I have Part I and II but published I for now. II is finished but I am still editing.

I think supps we take can def have an effect on our pineal glands. I just know I had high melatonin when my body was getting stressed with all of this. Im prob hypo now and need some regeneration. But none the less, Im still having these aweful entity posession issues. I miss the awesome free spiritual experiences I used to have, Id sleep in on purpose just to get more out of my dreams!
But it all changed unfortunately.

This morning, the girls where laughing about me. I was trying to choke that young girl for grabbing my spirit body and combining with it. I was so angry, I had hardly any sight when I went for her. They find it amusing when I try so hard to defend my right to stand alone in peace in that world. So they like to fuck with your eyesight and sound and so many other senses.


(22-03-2014, 19:59)tibetan113 Wrote:  
(22-03-2014, 19:24)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  Tibetan can you read up on this anywhere??
I've always had the most weird, wonderful, terrifying, moving or down right horrific dreams, reoccurring dreams of flying and or falling! I never paid much attention to them and just assumed it was my overactive imagination..
Maybe If I understood them more I would know whats going on in my dreams..

I wonder how MSM plays into this, it always makes the dreams more intense and realistic. I wonder if it interferes with something in the brain that raises our awareness?

Flying is what we can all do in the "dream world" as we are light bodies that function the same biologically like the one we're in now, but with a slight twist to natural laws. So the way we can move is different in that plane and flying is just one of the awesome things we can do. But when you are posessed, youll find yourself randomly soaring through out the planes. Now, if we had more control over our awareness (like I used to have), we can easily remember taking off and soaring up into the atmosphere. So it sounds likely some entity took you up and dropped you mid air (shit they like to do).

Falling means, just that, you are falling in the space (that plane). We fall asleep in our homes but sometimes the structure of the room, floats atop in the atmosphere (this means some jackass moved it), I know its hard to grasp at first, but the laws permit objects from our dimension to be moved and functional.

Its like every damn thing has a copy of itself. This is why many spirits live in our homes (just in the other dimension), cause the damn home (structure) is actually functional enough to use it.

So if your room (structure of it) is moved from where it sits originally (throughout the dimensions here and there), its usually above grounds (mid or high air) in the spirit world (mind you, sometimes they do this for hiding purposes), and your spirit body is falling through the "floor" of the room, but really, you are in mid air whether high or low and like a ball of light, you plummet all the way down until you hit the grounded plane there. The faster you fall, the more you feel it in your solar plexus.

As far as reading, you can find some stuff out there by comparing your experiences with others on forums. I actually have literature on my out of body experiences, its the first part of my novel:

I have so much more to share but I told God in prayers, I will only complete it if I get my solution to the problem. So I have Part I and II but published I for now. II is finished but I am still editing.

I think supps we take can def have an effect on our pineal glands. I just know I had high melatonin when my body was getting stressed with all of this. Im prob hypo now and need some regeneration. But none the less, Im still having these aweful entity posession issues. I miss the awesome free spiritual experiences I used to have, Id sleep in on purpose just to get more out of my dreams!
But it all changed unfortunately.

This morning, the girls where laughing about me. I was trying to choke that young girl for grabbing my spirit body and combining with it. I was so angry, I had hardly any sight when I went for her. They find it amusing when I try so hard to defend my right to stand alone in peace in that world. So they like to fuck with your eyesight and sound and so many other senses.
I do believe there are people who organise training classes for travelling the planes / out of body expirience / spirits communication and control / aura reading .
I have a friend and she can see auras on persons .
She has the gift but she refuses to develop them as she can also sense spirits.

Just out curiosity, what if you just stop fighting them with hate and embrace them with love and light? I mean repeatedly fill them with love and light? Won't things have to change if you enshroud and arm yourself with love, compassion, and light because so far, it seems the angry fight is taking a lot of your energy? What happens when the energy is doesn't have to be expended from a limited, biased source?
I am just speaking from the experience that I can't rely on just myself and being sad or bitter didn't work for anything really, no matter how justified I felt. And finally, it's like, well, let me just change something, here! I kinda capitulated in a way that empowered me by doing what I didn't wanna do, because I, like so many, had ideas about "winning" & "losing." So I asked myself, "How's that actually working out for ya?" Hahaha! Humans! Shee! This body we carry around! I enjoyed when a Buddhist monk said to us, "Mind is stupid." Well! I realize you have tried many things, already. Maybe even this.

Being nice was like opening the door wide to my being. It never resulted good outcome with the heartless. I had my guard down as well; assuming they would not do awful things to me. That is more detrimental. Being nice and loving was like talking to a wall. I've tried so many avenues. I generally give a warning multiple times before attacking them out of self defense.

Its like, how can some animal who has been tortured for so long in a small cage be nice to those same ones who have tortured them, let alone anyone who new who may do the same thing? How can you be nice to a bully who finds you continuously, they know you are a decent human being. It just doesn't happen in nature and in human nature, its all about HUMAN COMPASSION. When these entities lack that, it goes no where to be nice, loving, spreading knowledge with them. etc.
Its like talking to someone who is crazy. There is no reasoning with them.
When you have to yank entities off you that rape and violate you, sell you to others, after telling them over and over again, "No," you have to stand up for yourself sooner or later and kill them or break their necks.

I don't have a problem with that anymore (knowing God is watching it all), when I have to do what I have to, only when I know they have violated me/ or are going to.

The fight is actually relieving until the next one comes along. The drain comes from the entity possessing and living through your spirit body. It was a nice try, but a true fail.

(23-03-2014, 19:34)char Wrote:  Just out curiosity, what if you just stop fighting them with hate and embrace them with love and light? I mean repeatedly fill them with love and light? Won't things have to change if you enshroud and arm yourself with love, compassion, and light because so far, it seems the angry fight is taking a lot of your energy? What happens when the energy is doesn't have to be expended from a limited, biased source?
I am just speaking from the experience that I can't rely on just myself and being sad or bitter didn't work for anything really, no matter how justified I felt. And finally, it's like, well, let me just change something, here! I kinda capitulated in a way that empowered me by doing what I didn't wanna do, because I, like so many, had ideas about "winning" & "losing." So I asked myself, "How's that actually working out for ya?" Hahaha! Humans! Shee! This body we carry around! I enjoyed when a Buddhist monk said to us, "Mind is stupid." Well! I realize you have tried many things, already. Maybe even this.


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