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NBE (& more) Program


Sooo.... the Biovea brand PM is basically worthless! The cream works really well for some reason, but the capsules do nothing as far as I can tell. Dodgy I have requested a refund, hopefully they mean it when they say "100% satisfaction guarantee"!!!!

I only have 50 of the Thai brand (Perfect Curves) left, but they are super potent, so I hopefully those will last me until I can order more!

I have also added spearmint (whole leaf tea) to my regiment for the anti-androgenic effects. Stores near my house only sell peppermint/spearmint blends so I've had to order in bulk off the internet...can't wait for that to arrive. I have already noticed that my skin is much clearer.

Also I now plan to use the PM for the first two weeks of my cycle and then just use the spearmint for the last two. Using the PM for three weeks was just too much for me.

I'm still noogling and massaging with vitamin e oil. Love it! Well, actually hate doing it but love the new shape. So much rounded and fuller on bottom.

As for the "and more!" portion of my program:
I've been gradually increasing the amount of running and yoga, and I'm starting to notice results. I'm now 140, instead of 145. But I this change isn't visible at all Huh Maybe this is to be expected with my 5'10'' frame. My original goal was 135 but now I guess I'm going for closer to 130.

I've been following the regiment for my skin pretty closely and it has worked well for me. Its so simple and gentle and I really appreciate that. Combined with the spearmint my acne is looking a lot better. I am going to start steaming with grapeseed oil 2x/ week and I hope that should clear the rest up Shy

(16-05-2013, 22:36)jsbelle Wrote:  Sooo.... the Biovea brand PM is basically worthless! The cream works really well for some reason, but the capsules do nothing as far as I can tell. Dodgy I have requested a refund, hopefully they mean it when they say "100% satisfaction guarantee"!!!!

I only have 50 of the Thai brand (Perfect Curves) left, but they are super potent, so I hopefully those will last me until I can order more!

pls tell me where do you buy your thai brand of perfect curves, pls give me the link.
I cannot find it, since there are 2 other websites with this name, but they are both from the states

I have CLEANSED! I let my cycle return to normal and then I started experimenting with massage using flax seed oil and added flax to my diet as well. I got a little soreness in the mornings but NO swelling from this, ssoooo I'm back to experimenting with the PM. Last cycle I was taking a very low does in hope that starting off as slllooowly as possible would stop my cycle from being screwy. But no, it was still really screwed up - so weird I don't even feel like describing it, it would take too long!
But it was not unbearable and several threads have reassured me that after a couple months of persistence with the PM this should "right itself" and become closer to normal. This month then, I'll be ramping it up a bit.

Last cycle I just took 500mg at night for the first half and then 500mg in the morning and 500mg at night for the 3rd weed and then nothing for the 4th week. This is when I realized that for some reason my body is just gonna bleed as SOON as I stop taking the PM. I'm not into taking progesterone quite yet, so I'm altering this cycle to work around this new discovery

This cycle-
week 1 -500mg in the morning and 500mg before bed
week 2 -500mg in the morning and 1000mg at night
week 3 1000mg morning and 1000mg night,
Week 4 - period, 500 mg at night

I should mention that I will actually start the "week 3" dosage a little before week 3, like around day 12 and then STOP taking pm for a few days at the end of week 3 (like at day 24) so that I can actually get my period.

I did loose 5 pound and drop a pants size while I was cleansing from PM. Gained it all back as soon as I started Dodgy Boobs and visable muscle tone, its a trade off it seems.

Hey Rateset!

This is the site, though they do seem to have changed the design a little bit since I ordered last year. I'm fairly certain its the same one. You may have been confused because I mistyped the name its actually "Perfect Curve" not curveS. whoops! sorry about that. It does work well, but its kinda pricey, especially the shipping Sad

I've decided to go with Aniterol for my next order, but if I had the resources I would definitely keep ordering the Perfect Curve!

Well, I just completed 2 cycles using PM and spearmint tea. I was drinking strong tea 1-2x daily and starting with 500mg of PM on the first 1.5 weeks of the cycle and increasing to 100 on the next 1.5 weeks. Now I have been taking a break from everything for the past 2 weeks. Now I have been taking a break from everything for the past 2 weeks.

One thing that I have noticed is that SP tea clears your skin up a lot if you have pimples/oily skin, but when you stop it - you break out worse than when you started. At least this is what has happened to me both times I took a break from SP Dodgy

I'm not sure about growth because I'm awful at measuring, but my smallest bras were feeling tighter, so that's hopeful. Rolleyes I had spot bleeding the whole time though, and no matter how much I read people raving about PC I'm still wary....So at this point, I have decided to start taking Vitex/chasteberry. My plan is to start taking Vitex tomorrow-up to around 1000mg/day and continue with the SP tea as well for the next six weeks.

By that time it will be almost September and then I'll start adding the PM back in slooooowly. I've hoping my body will be in a little better place to start the PM again after this break and the Vitex, though I have heard that it takes several months for Vitex to work fully....hopefully.

So I've been taking Vitex for at least 2 full cycles now and massaging about 2x a day. I have been swelling up to 33.25ish, making me a full A-cup on those days. Verrry humble beginnings, but because my boobs are just so itty bitty even this half an inch is enough to increase my confidence. And my boyfriend has been paying them more attention too Wink

When I get my period I lose the swelling, or at least it seems so but I'm not one to measure everyday. Perhaps that is due to becoming lazy with the massaging at the same time as I get my period, which always seems to be the case. But at least I have a regular cycle for the moment, though the Vitex definitely increases the flow! (sorry if that's TMI!) But its worth it if I can get the swelling all the time Big Grin

I started the Vitex because the PM messed with my cycle too much, but now I think I will start to add in small amounts of PM while staying on the Vitex. I know it will be a lot of trial and error to get the timing of the PM right in my cycle, but it might be worth it in term of boobies!

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