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BB. . .the beginning


After years of reading and more reading, I started my program with Bountiful Breast yesterday. We decided to go with this one for its simplicity and it's the company my husband felt the most comfortable with. I'm hopeful. . .nervous, but hopeful. Before children I was a small 34 B. Nursing 5 babies has pretty well ravaged my chest so I'm looking forward to any improvement. Here's my info in a nutshell:
Age: 33
Height: 5'6
Weight: 128
Underbust: 29
Across: 33 1/2

Two BB pills a day, one protein shake, one prenatal vitamin and soon I hope to get into a good daily massage routine.

So, if I'm interpreting all the different measuring theories correctly, I'm starting as a 34AA. Thank you all for sharing your stories and advice, and giving me hope.

One week into BB and massage. I swear my breasts feel fuller and heavier. Can massage do that in a week? Or. . .it could be that I'm due to start my period in a few days and I'll loose it all then. Either way, it's helped me stay consistent with my massage, so that can't be a bad thing.

Day 5 of my cycle. I lost a little of the fullness that I've gained in the last two weeks, but not all of it. When I do my massage, I can tell I definitely have more flesh to grab. I'm guessing it's the massage and BB hasn't kicked in quite yet.
Update on my massage routine: I'm doing Tiger Lily's routine with coconut oil twice a day. It usually takes me around 20 minutes.

Where can I find Tiger Lily's routine? Happy growing!

Yes, could you guide us on Tiger Lily massage?

Ok, I have no idea if that link will work, but I thought I'd give it a shot. If it doesn't work, enter Tiger Lily into the member name search here on the forum. Click on the thread in picture pages. It shows her before and after shots, then lower in the thread it gives the link to the old forum where she shared her entire program. I'm sure that will give you a more accurate description than I could.

How's growth so far? All progressing well?
I've received my BB this week but will only take it 6 weeks later. Can't wait to start!

One month in. I don't feel comfortable with measuring yet. I could say I've grown about half an inch, but if I adjust the tape measure it changes. I guess it'll just take time to be sure I'm measuring correctly.
I have definitely gained fullness and circumference. My small bras from the teen department do not fit anymore. I tried on some 34 A bras at a department store and filled them out completely! What a great feeling. I ended up buying a few bras that were stretchy, without a defined cup size so I can keep growing Smile

Hi how are you? i just have a question. I ordered BB yesterday Mar 30, 2013 around evening through the internet. I have not received any confirmation of my order. I beleive you supposed to get a confirmation within 24 hours after placing an order. I was just wondering, how long did it take you to receive confirmation from them, status of your order and tracking number? I'm just worried i might have been scammed.

I am now three months in. Over the past couple days I have measured and remeasured and remeasured. I'm getting the same results every time. I'm now up one whole inch! From 33 1/2 to 34 1/2.

I had let my massage routine slip, but a couple weeks ago I picked it up faithfully again, and I think that made a difference. I've still been lousy at the protein shakes, but I've been trying to eat well so I guess it's been enough. I'm going to try to get consistent with the shakes again and see if I can keep the gains going. It's hard to believe I'm actually seeing gains. Be encouraged ladies! It seems this can be done!

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