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Acupuncture for breast enlargement


So - I contacted the White Lotus clinic about the possibility of getting accupuncture as part of NBE. I have had accupuncture for my heart condition and it was AMAZING... so hopefully this will work as well.

I also found this chart of acupressure points:

I'm no expert, but when I feel like I've hit the right spot it feels like there is tiny river or waterfall flowing into the breast!

Wouldnt this hurt????Sad

No accupuncture shouldn't hurt - the needles are very fine. Unfortunately the white lotus company has gone so I won't be able to try this.

Acupuncture/Acupressure for breast enlargement actually sounds like a good idea! If it's an affordable service and it's actually promising, it's something I would probably do once a month, or at least a few times a year. The logic behind it is very sound, so long as the acupuncturist makes the right approach specific to NBE.

I think this is worth investigating and finding another company/business. There's a lot of acupuncture places in the Chinatown in NY, so maybe I'll check them out soon and research around. Smile

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