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Natures Answer PM


I recently bought Natures Answer PM, but am confused on when to take it. Some people say the first 15 days of your cycle while other people say the last 15 days. Since the brand Natures Answer only has 100mg of PM and I take it once per day, would it be safe to just use it everyday. I have heard that most people take 500-1000mg per day. Also, I heard that when people stop taking PM, their skin breaks out. I get acne very easy which is why I would not want to take it on and off every 15 days.

Hi J12345678, I just started NBE about 3 weeks ago, and PM about 2 weeks ago. I am taking 250mg in the morning and 250mg at bedtime. Then I am going to bump this up to 500mg morning and night at the begining of my next cycle. What I understand is that PM is best taken the first 1-15 days of your cycle. Taking it all the way through could mess up your periods. And that you could other herbs such as FG and SP the other 15 days. I don't think you see any results if you took such a low dosage of only 100mg. However its best to start off slow with PM. I am not sure about the acne and PM, but I heard it is really good for the skin as well.

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