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jaybee11's plan


I usually break my vitamins and supps throughout the day. I do a couple with breakfast, lunch, dinner and also before bed. I dont want my body to have all of it at once only to flush out by lunchtime. Hth.

Good point, I'll try to break it up better..
Oh and I also take a chromium supplement to help balance my blood sugar because I tend to get low blood sugar, and alpha lipoic acid as an anti oxidant along with my general daily supplements...getting to be a long list!

Soooo....I don't know how long I'm supposed to wait to start noogling after breastfeeding, but I recently stopped breastfeeding and I used it last night for the first time and I think it's triggering milk production again, and raising prolactin is not good for NBE, right? Confused yet again..

I think prolactin is good!

So here's an unexpected twist...
this month according to my temps I'm already at day 16 and haven't ovulated yet, but decided to stop PM at day 14 and start herbs so that I don't delay things even more with PM in case I did ovulate on time, if that makes sense...but I'm having some major spotting, which I never do but could have been taken for ovulation spotting if my temps showed that I actually ovulated..anyone have any idea what this all means?

You stopped Pm at day 14? Thats probably too late. Stop at day 11 at the latest, I stop at day 9 or ten depending on my temperature drop. You are probably postponing it yourself.

Did you notice a drop in your temperature in your second week a few days before you think you should be ovulating? I stop at a half degree to a whole drop in temperature. My temp is so very consistent throughout the follicular phase that when I get a drop I stop then to let myself ovulate. ( my average temp is 98.4, anything lower about say a half degree and I stop. You should notice if you are charting, it gets soo obvious. I stopped at 97.8 this cycle. Does that help?)

You should read the pm boards religiously before taking it, booby greed isnt worth your body and healthSmile I am sure I got the days almost right, it could be twelve at the latest though, go read up, over and over to see what people do especially the senior and respected members. I stop at 9 or 10 for my own cycle reasons, see whats up with your temps.

I stopped at day 14 because I don't even start PM on day 1, I wait until at least day 4 or 5, otherwise I'd only be taking it for a few days if I used it between day 4-9...I'll take a closer look at my chart...maybe I did delay it myself..but I'm trying to think if there are any other possible culprits: flax daily? l-arginine? On my bottle of l-arginine I noticed it said do not take if you have delayed menses! Does it actually affect your cycle? I stopped taking it for now. Is it possible to ovulate without the spike in temps? I mean the spotting happened when I should have ovulated..very confusing. Right now my chart is still looking pretty consistent..
I have read pages upon pages especially the PM board but so much of the cycling technique is based on regular predictable cycles.
Thanks for your help.

I wish I could help more. Maybe pm's not agreeing with you. Maybe it could be the flax with the pm if your taking alot, flax is a phytoestrogen and its said not to combine other phytoestrogens when taking pm. Are you taking it same days as pm? I wish someone else would chime in. Anyway I hope everythings okay. I forgot to mention waiting a few days after day one, until your menses ends is fine. You shouldnt be on pm for 14 days, its not necessary. 6-7 days is fine.

From what I have read, progesterone and prolactin compete so stopping PM around day 10 would do some good.You need to ovulate and on time. You need to lower your prolactin more if you are triggering milk production by. Prolactin is good but it should be the least out of all the other hormones you should have as far as levels go.


Thanks, both of you Smile
I was taking flax on the same days a PM so I won't do that next time around. But can I resume taking it in luteal along with my other herbs or will this raise estrogen too much? I was only having a couple tablespoons with my breakfast.
What makes things trickier for me is I usually have long cycles and ovulate late for whatever I don't really know if I should stop at day 10 regardless of what day I actually ovulate (even if on day 20 for example) in case taking PM longer than day 10 ends up delaying things even more...meaning, if I normally ovulate late around day 20-22, should I stop PM sooner than that anyway? Right now my bbt chart looks so weird but I'm taking my FG, SP and RC anyhow. I mean there was no spike to indicate a shift into luteal.. it's just been hovering between 36.45 and 36.6 for more than a couple weeks now.
I'm taking it easy on massage because it seems to stimulate too much prolactin since I just recently stopped breastfeeding.
I just can't wait for my next cycle to start so I can reasses things. If I haven't messed it up royaly already.
Thanks again.

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