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Buying PM in bulk


Hello there ladies,

First of all I would like to share what I found (though many of you have probably already stumbled across it I can't find a thread):

This distributor sells 100% pure PM extract (and one that's 60% and mixed with other Thai herbs) by the kilo: this is a sote geared towards manufacturers of PM products, but anyone can buy. I figure why not go ahead and cut out the middle man? The link I've posted is to the water soluble variety which is $325 a kg...if you do the math, thats about ¢0.00325 a mg. From all the research I've done, that's definitely the cheapest I've found.

Now my question is this: since the extract is 100% PM, assuming I balance it with other herbs, would this be more effective than products like Ainterol whom are not 100% PM? I also like the idea of buying manufacturer direct because I can also add the PM to creams or oils and make my own. Also, what are some effective herbs besides maca (thanks Doll!) and Ginko? I have read that PM is a phytoestrogen... I think. So what properties would my supplementing herbs need?

I just read the ingredient list on my Ainterol PM capsule bottle and other than the gelatin capsule itself, it is 100% PM. Like St. Herb, they only recommend 1000mg a day. So, I am not sure as to how potent Ainterol is versus the powder "extract" of St. Herb. At around $15 per 100 capsule bottle and each capsule is 500mg, it would come out to about $300 for one Kg of already capsulized PM through Ainterol without any discounts.

Just an observation.


You right, you right lol. The extract I posted is water soluble which is why it is more expensive. They also sell the powder for capsules which is only $220/kg and a root slice version for tea and cooking for $200. I figured the soluble one would be easiest because I can just put it in that I've priced out the other herbs I'll probably go with the $220 version lol.


Liquid extract is better than powder extract... especially when it comes to the solubility factor and also the density.

1 drop of a liquid extract is roughly equivalent to half of a 500mg dose of ainterol pm powder.

You might not think that's a big deal... but it adds up.

Ainterol also sells liquid extract, but their 1 liter version costs a grand, not $260.

A grand for 5 liters should last you at least a few years if you can manage that much at once... Though you should probably put a little into a smaller container and put the rest into some sort of freezer storage.

Personally, I'm strongly considering getting a liter through that site and just refilling my Ainterol dropper from it and sticking the rest in the freezer, getting it out to thaw, refilling, freezing, etc.

Yeah, liquid tends to be better for a lot of reasons (with any supplement) but I can't find it for anywhere near as cheap as powder. I just found this site: that sells pure powdered extract for $9.76/kg! I thought this was too good to be true so I did some quick research on the site. They have good SEO reviews, though I can't find anything from a specific person about their experience. I did find the site's terms of service: which states that they cannot guarantee a price until after a product is ordered...huh? Sounds fishy, BUT they also state that they will automatically cancel an order if there is a price discrepancy, and they seem to have a legit refund policy...I think I might just have to give them a shot. The minimum order is 5kg (it's a B2B site open to public) but even so that comes to less than 50 bucks. And that's a LOT of PM lol. Gonna do some more research before I decide. As far as most other herbs go, I've found that: has the best prices. My dad makes all kinds of tinctures and has used them for years.

Uh. You're comparing apples to oranges...

Your buck goes a LOT further with liquid than powder. So direct price comparison is meaningless. You have to compare cost per effective dose for each. I think you will find the site I linked has the absolute best price on PM in that regard.

At least, I haven't found better yet, and I've done a LOT of looking in the past.

I completely understand what you're saying, but I don't think I am. A liquid tincture or extract is simply the extract that has been soaked in some form of grain alcohol (this is why you'll always see an alcohol % in the ingredients). So with what I'm purchasing I can make my own tinctures, creams, capsules, etc. Also, the product you mentioned is for topical application on‌ly =\ it can't be taken orally which is an option I find mandatory. Like I said, my dad makes tinctures, my friends and I call him The Apothecary lol. I know my way around the art of holistic heqling, at least a little bit.

Pretty comon these days, buy the bulk supplies, 100-1000% mark up and rebag it.

First, thanks for the great suggestions ladies. Yeah, I've noticed more of a mark up on PM then any other herb, to me that shows how effective it is lol. I've found this site:

That has capsules for $135/kg and powder for $80/kg. I actually prefer the powder because, like I said above, it is more versatile. I would end up just taking the powder out of the capsules lol.


I bought mine last year on eBay for 100 gram at USD 9.99 including postage. I put it in my batter oil, drink, and also on my face. but then I afraid I might get estrogen dominance and stop putting it on my face just use it for internal and massage only.

It works for my NBE. I still have ample of it. NBE is a long time process. You can save your money when buying in bulk and can devise your own dosage to suit your body.

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