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19 year old AA with the smallest ugliest boobs


My breasts are small, conical lumps with a slight elevation at the nipple, around the areola exists a tiny bump of fatty tissue. They are so small and pointy and have not developed since I was around 13.

Right now I am diligently messaging following tigerlily's method and eating chicken feet.

Do you guys have any suggestions. I think my mind is starting to get diseased with hatred at these ugly lumps :'(

Have a look at the girls in these pictures...It always makes me feel better.

Going on though, have a research through the forum for ideas suited for those in your age category. Good luck!!

Take a look at it's such a cool helpful site. I found it yesterday and I'm so happy I did.

Now as for your breasts, what you can do is start massaging with flaxseed oil to get your breasts growing. You can begin supplements but honestly I think you should try topicals first. Topicals can help just as much if not more then herbs.

I agree massage is very good place to start and if you are looking to take supplements glandular therapy was made for growth stunted breasts its effects are more to restart puberty like growth it meant to be healthier for teens than herbs.

thank you guys for the advice, very much appreciated Big Grin such lovely ppl on the internet, you are all very inspiring. Sometimes we just have to be thankful that we are healthy....but does not mean i will not continue to massage and eat chicken feet soup lol and look into glandular therapy, i'll let u guys know if it works!

You should try to go here:

It will really help you to improve your breasts.

How long ago did you start? Be patient. Sometimes growth takes time. I am also doing chicken feet soup, hypnosis, massage, and noogleberry. Just be diligent and stick to your program. I would also try massaging with some kind of oil. I use either flaxseed oil or coconut oil.

I started in December 2012, not really seeing any results other than feeling sore in breasts but my mum is convinced that they look a little fuller so that's encouraging. She's the one cooking the chicken feet for me Smile Best of luck to everyone trying the natural, massage way, hope we will all yield results. I'm still lucky that I'm not completely flat but at least have some little mosquito bites Big Grin

They are just underdeveloped. I have conicals to but the more they fill out, the more rounded they are. They are still pointed but I think its just my shape and I have become to love them more over this time.

Your mom sounds like a sweetheart. That soreness could be a sign of growth! My conical breast are much rounder now that iv started massaging them several time daily. Just remember to be patient. I'm 19 too, there is still time for us to fill out. We just have to try and help them along. I'm going to look into that chicken feet now. Does it taste good? Are they easy to find?

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