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Problems with taking PM while menstruating? It might be the brand!


Hey, everyone!

Basically, I'm here to report that I have successfully been able to take PM all throughout my period! I'm so happy!

This is pretty big to me because the first time I tried taking PM while menstruating, I would take one Thanyaporn PM pill a day only for mensturation (ainterol as my regular post-menstruation dose)- a nice low dose to prevent any issues. But my experience was HORRIBLE! Within a couple of days of taking PM while menstruating, I began to get so dizzy, I had horrible stomach cramping, insane diarrhea, and vomited so much, it was ridiculous.

Because of it, I got dehydrated and paid my doctor a visit. Nothing was wrong in my body, but these were some pretty bad symptoms and it was clear the Thanyaporn pm was to blame. I thought such a low dose wouldn't give me such big problems, but I thought wrong. Another instance of Thanyaporn making me sick proved Thanyaporn is simply not for me. Such a shame, I have so many of their pills left!

Skip to a few months after which is the present and I decided to give PM while menstruating ONE MORE TRY but with Siriporn since I love how low my dose is and yet how well my body is responding to it.

Tomorrow is my last day of menstruating and I have taken one 100mg pill since my first day and I have encountered NO PROBLEMS. Big Grin I'm so happy!

I decided to give PM while menstruating another try because of how short the follicular phase is. I felt about a week is too little time, even if it works for some. So my word to you is if you have had trouble taking PM while menstruating, it may be brand related. Thanyaporn is a compound pm product meaning there are other herbs and things mixed in. Siriporn is a low dose but potent (it's definitely potent, I accidentally delayed my period last cycle, haha!) product with nothing but pure PM.

I don't think Ainterol has given me menstruation trouble since I have taken ainterol at the final days of my period with no problems. So I say if you're going to try PM while menstruating, make sure it's a pure and low dose product! Happy breast growing! Tongue

Do you use Thanyaporn in pink-purple bottle?
That's the PM that I took before. If I'm not mistaken, the PM is mixed with pepper (it is stated somewhere on the bottle's label I think). the compound has a spicy taste. I used to take the PM capsule sublingually and it's really spicy and nasty Big Grin


(10-10-2012, 08:13)aveh Wrote:  Do you use Thanyaporn in pink-purple bottle?
That's the PM that I took before. If I'm not mistaken, the PM is mixed with pepper (it is stated somewhere on the bottle's label I think). the compound has a spicy taste. I used to take the PM capsule sublingually and it's really spicy and nasty Big Grin

Yep, that's the one! And I always thought it smells strong and spicy! No wonder. Tongue It tastes HOOOOOORRIBLE, though! Whether I swallowed it or puked it up, the taste was AWFUL! Spicy and disgusting, that's how to describe it!

Well! I think you should not take any pills during menstruation. As pills generate heat in the body which results in heavy menstrual flow as well as menstural cramps.

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