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AshleyHumphries Program


Still no growth (december 5th will be two months on PM). Today I do have very sensitive nipples so hopefully that means something.

Right now I am only taking PM (biovea), ainterol spray and biovea PM cream
Then MSM and PABA.

Not 100% sure that just PM will give me growth but I don't really know what else to take, I am hoping taking a progestin birth control is a good enough supplement.

I don't get it at all, I have daily aches and pains while on PM with no growth and had no pains at all while on herbs and I got almost 2 inches of growth.

I am completely baffled on this.

I upped my PM dosage to 1,500 mg from 1,000 since nothing has been happening in almost two months. Thinking about switching back to herbs but still want to give PM a shot.

Sorry to hear PM isn't quite working for you. You might also want to try just 500mg of PM. I've heard of some ladies who got no growth from 1,000mg, but when they lowered down to 500mgs, saw a huge difference. I'm also on my second month of PM, and just started getting my pains and swelling, so maybe you just need to give it more time. My nipples have also become very sensitive, and I do think that means some sort of progress is happening (I don't know about you, but I've never had nipple sensitivity before in my life).

Doll- That's a good point. I have read several programs that went a lot better when they had lowered their dosage.

I know Wahaika always says that the best growth is during spring time and that seems to be exactly when I got my most growth (from February to end of July are the only months I have had growth). Maybe he is really right and I just need to be patient until February again. We will see, luckily Feb is just around the corner!

Well my hairdresser says our hair grows less in winter, so maybe there's something in it Smile

I read on here that if ur estrogen is too high & not enough progesterone u'll struggle to grow - think it may have been on Tibetan's programme today, so less could be more.

Good luck

Thanks mellephant, I think that may be my problem. I started taking only 500 mg a day now starting two days ago. Nothing yet, obviously but hopefully this is the answer. I'm just barely naturally low on estrogen so 1000 or 1500 may have benn stalling me. We will see

I just realized that when I stopped growing from herbs is when I upped my dose by 1500mg of each herb. Man, I think that may have been why I stopped.

I have had sensitive nipples all day. It has been 6 days on 500mg PM, no shrinkage. A little bit of swelling (this is the first time I have had swelling in a long time)

I will be taking 500mg until the end of this month to see what happens, if no growth then I will be going back to greenbush herbs.

On the emotional side, I want bigger breasts of course, lately though I have been very satisfied when I look in the mirror. I am not sure why since I haven't had real growth in months but it seems like I am happy with what I have. It feels nice for once.

Well I finally have some serious nipple sensitivity for the first time ever over the last three days or so.

Also, growth! for the first time in months I have growth! Small but still there. So excited to have finally gotten over this stall.

I mean it could just be swelling but honestly I haven't had swelling in months either so I'll take it!

Well done that's good news Smile

Also I'm pleased for you about liking what you have already, it's a good place to be Smile

Here are some update pictures. One from last month and then one from today. I can feel the heaviness but I am not sure if you can see growth

I put these pictures up so you guys could tell me if you see growth/swelling cause I cannot really see it. Mind you I only am measuring less than a 1/4 inch bigger.

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