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Dream Body - Boobs = This Thread


I have no idea where else to put this... So I put it here.
I don't want this on my boobie program page.

I'm going to put all my exercise sutff here, I think that's okay. I don't know where else to put it and how to share it with any who might be interested ^_^.

Current Goals:
**Bigger butt!!
**Smaller/Tighter abs!

~~~FOR BUTT!~~~
^^Leg presses, Squats, Hip Extensions, Lunges, Leg Curls, Kickback/Cable Kickback, Hyperextensions, Hip Extension and Step Ups

I'm not sure how often you should work to build a bigger butt. Some things say every other day, some say every 2-3 days.

Looking Into:
  • Donkey Kicks as high as I can. Starting: 10/15 reps + 2 1/2 pound ankel weights on each leg.
  • Seated Butt Stretch Sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor. Cross right ankle over left knee and bend forward. Repeat with other leg.
  • Butt and Hamstring Stretch Lay flat on your back with your arms down at your sides. Pull each knee up towards your chest, using your hands to hold your knee there for five seconds. Repeat with other leg.
  • Squats
    The Squats is the king of all leg exercises, and also builds you butt up to. To do this, I suggest you use a power/squat
    rack, for safety purposes.

    1) Put an empty barbell on the rack, just above shoulder height, and put on the chosen weight
    2) Step under the bar and place the barbell on the back of your shoulders (just under the neck) and your hands on either side. Now lift the barbell off the rack by straightening your legs and your body.
    3) Now, move away from the rack and set your feet to shoulder width apart, toes slightly pointing out and keep your head up and back completely straight. This is your starting point
    4) Next, as you breathe in, bend your knees, sitting backwards with your hips, whilst keeping your back straight. Carry on going till your thighs are pretty much parallel to the floor.
    5) Now straighten your legs, pushing off the floor, as you breathe out. Carry on going till you return to the starting position, making sure you do not lock your knees.
    6) Repeat steps 4-5 for 6-12 reps per set.
  • Hip Thrust on Floor
    --"Add dumbbells or a weight bar across the front of your hip area.

    Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

    Press through your heels and lift your butt up towards the ceiling until your body is a diagonal line from your head to your knees, then back down.

    Again if you're NOT using additional weight make sure to squeeze your butt as hard as you can at the top of the rep. Repeat."

    "The hip thrust is one of the greatest exercises for a bigger butt. If you do them correctly, majority of the pressure during the move is placed on the glute muscles.

    Make sure to press from your heels, if you have to you can slightly lift your toes to make sure you press from your heels. Also make sure you move slowly, count to three when you lift up and then count to three when you come back down.

    The different variations in the hip thrust make it a very effective butt building exercises."

  • I've also looked into this...
    I don't know if this is a bunch of BS or not... They compare their product to many other butt products (like eBooks) that I was actually interested in.

    "When doing exercises for a bigger'll want to do low reps with heavy weights, other wise you're just toning.

    So for example, say your goal is a rounder butt/hips with a skinny waist. Then the butt building exercises you're going to do will include low reps with heavy weights, while for the stomach/core area you'll want to do high reps with low or no weights. Make sense?

    Can you build your butt with just your body weight? Well, you can definitely get a nice round behind with just your body weight...BUT, if you're looking to add some size, then you need some actual added weight.

    Remember: to build your muscle, you have to stress it out by lifting heavy. "
    ^-- So, I should do high reps, low weight for abdominal moves, and low reps high weight for butt moves.

I'm thinking switch around with the moves I picked above, then later I can try out the Flex Mini?
I'll look into ab stuff later.

Okay so...
Here's Plan 1:
When: 3 days a week (EX: Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Where: Butt
  • •Donkey Kicks (as high as I can). Starting: 10/15 reps + 2 1/2 pound ankel weights on each leg.
    •Seated Butt Stretch Sit (Once per leg, after workout)
    •Butt and Hamstring Stretch Lay(Once per leg after workout)
    •Squats (5 reps, bar only)
    •Hip Thrust on Floor 10 reps (5 pounds on stomach)

When: Opposite days (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
Where: Core/Abs
  • The Hundred
  • Plank (Twice, 30 second holds)
  • Single Leg Stretch (10 reps)
  • Bicycle Crunches (10 reps)

Sundays I will rest. After every workout, I will drink a protein shake.
Currently: Chocolate shake, one banana, 8 oz. milk (1%)
I will increase as I go (weight for muscle building, reps for fat loss/toning)

***I need to tweak!!***

When: Opposite days (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
Where: Core/Abs
  • The Hundred
  • Plank (Twice, 30 second holds)*[Ooooh, this one hurt ^_^]*
  • Single Leg Stretch (15 reps)
  • Bicycle Crunches (15 reps)
Thinking about adding Reverse Crunches...

I'll post before/after pics & measurements ^_^

"the Bulgarian Split Squat!
And Get Amazing Results Fast
Try to do about 3 sets of approx 12 - 15 repetitions, every 3 - 4 days and you will see great results fast. If you can do more, then do some more!!"

I think I may add this, it says sets of 12-15 reps every 3-4 days, buti think I'll do 10 reps every other day.
^^Think I'll add this next week, I'm sick right now but I'm still going to do the moves I currently have (or at least as much as I can). ^_^

(05-09-2012, 20:25)BodyRocking Wrote:

"the Bulgarian Split Squat!
And Get Amazing Results Fast
Try to do about 3 sets of approx 12 - 15 repetitions, every 3 - 4 days and you will see great results fast. If you can do more, then do some more!!"

I think I may add this, it says sets of 12-15 reps every 3-4 days, buti think I'll do 10 reps every other day.
^^Think I'll add this next week, I'm sick right now but I'm still going to do the moves I currently have (or at least as much as I can). ^_^

So that's what a Bulgarian squat is? I kept wondering, but I've actually done that before! It's intense, I need to do it more often. Only problem is the chair I used to put my foot on was too high and I overstretched the muscle on the top of my foot. >.< And I want to do jump squats cuz those are hardcore, too, but my townhouse is so tiny, if I do that, everything will shake and stuff will probably fall. =_=

You've planned your workouts very well! If you do donkey kicks with your leg curled like there's a dumbbell in between it (you can use an actual dumbbell, I'm just afraid I'll drop it on my head x.x), it's a curl kick, and WAAAYYYY more intense! I switched out donkey kicks for curl kicks once I realized how much better they were!

I want to order heavier ankle weights Smile I think I'll keep a max of like 20 reps until I move up weight. {Ex: I'm able to do 20 squats without much work, I'll add more weight and go back down to 10 reps, and work my way back up.}

How do you have your leg curled? Would the dumbell be between your calf and thigh? If it's more work, I could switch them or use both... Thanks Big Grin

I'll have to find a bench/surface low enough not to hurt me >_<. Oooh, jump squats are tough! I can't do them even if I was fit enough to because I'd make the room shake and have things fall too.

As expected, I've come to some problems.

1. I can't do squats, at least not the normal ones. I just can't keep the correct form when I try multiple reps. My back doesn't stay straight, and it hurts my calves/lower leg mouscles and bones. I could do Bulgarian Squats, I just need to find a short enough to use.

So, for now, squats will not be in use.

2. I need more butt exercises, because I felt nothing, NOTHING[/b] after working out!! My butt muscles feel like they were barely worked at all! I want to get a bigger, rounder, and less flabby looking butt, and I don't think I will if I don't feel liek anything was worked.

**In need of: More butt exercises- moves that will make my butt get BIGGER, not smaller!!

3. My ab muscles don't feel sore, I swear I've gained fat or lost muscles on my belly, and my stomach isn't engaged all day like it used to be (pretty darn flat, muscles tightish, no pooch).

*What I need: UP-UP-UP-UP the reps on current moves!! I want to feel SORE!!
^--I want to get rid of the fat on my belly (muscle burns calories at rest, more muscles= less fat right?). I don't want to do cardio, I can't risk more boobage loss. Will continuing muscle working burn the fat, won't it?
^^--My goal isan EXAGGERATED HOURGLASS FIGURE. I DON'T want to get a square, boxy core!!

How do I get a smaller midsection, a flatter stomach, tighter abs (not ripped, no six-packs, just nice and flat and toned), and keep an hourlgass shape?!

Thanks for any help!!

(05-09-2012, 23:43)BodyRocking Wrote:  How do you have your leg curled? Would the dumbell be between your calf and thigh? If it's more work, I could switch them or use both... Thanks Big Grin

Yeah, that's exactly it.

And with squats, keep practicing them, and you'll probably get the form right over time. I have trouble with them, too, but mainly with balance (of course, I also don't use a yoga mat or shoes, so my feet keep slipping on the linoleum floor ^^Wink. Practice it without weights first, and then once you get it down more, start adding weights and "teaching" your body how to do it with weights. It might also help your form with weights to hold them on your shoulders rather than by your sides, I know this helped me, too.

I just got 5lb ankle weights at Wal-Mart for less than $20, and my friend and I split the cost even! (We're on a limited budget, so we only work out one leg at a time Blush) It's not too much harder than 2lbs actually, so once we get more accustomed to that, we'll also put the 2lbs on, too. Eventually we'll get another set of 5lbs, so we'll be able to have 10lbs on an ankle at a time (12 if we can fit the other ones on)! Lol We look stupid, but we know we'll be able to start seeing progress again at last! We've plateaued long enough!

So this week this is what I'll be doing (Tues.-Sat.):
  • Reverse Crunches (20 reps)
    •The Hundred
    •Plank (Three times, 30 second each)
    •Single Leg Stretch (20 reps)
    •Bicycle Crunches (20 reps)

**My stomach has gotten flabby and is really bugging me- so I'm going to work my abs out all week, then I'll go back to switching. I hope this doesn't give me a boxy look though, my mom told me it wouldn't because she has an hourglass figure (just a much shorter torso than me) and she
a never had a boxy look. I'm hoping for my once flat-ish ~or FLATTER~ tummy, and less fat ^_^, but wit time, not by Saturday.

Well, I'm a little confused about Reverse Crunches...
These are so different:

The way I'ce done is like this:
  • Lay on your back
  • Bend knees at 90 degrees, legs up
  • Hands behind head
  • Lift with abs, move your knees not your head
So, I'd say more like the first video.

*I am also trying to adjust my butt workout, so if that's sketchy next week, I'll just add a few butt moves every other day with my ab moves until I have a full plan.

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