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Binaural Beats for Breast Growth


(14-03-2014, 03:48)KardashianKurves Wrote:  If you download the videos it might not work the same because it could suppress the frequencies and therefore be ineffective. It's not like subliminal tracks. I'm not saying for sure it won't work, but I don't download them just in case. Good luck guys (:

Thanks for that I never even though it could affect it. Best not to download just to be on the safe side. Thanks Smile

RolleyesGood morning Ladies, Lovers `n lurkers.
This morning, -NOTE; i'm a Cancer, Cancer, Mars, Venus and it's a
Virgo Full moon- i did the unthinkable?!.
It blocks my self hypnosis.
Those of you who haven't yet seen the movie "what the Bleep Do We Know", , , ,well
looken forward to the chat after you do.
It was made right here in wonderful weird Translandia
Portland Oregon.
It's all about how the brain doe what we want when we learn how to tell it what we want.

with happy Heart and expectant gratitude i ask directions to get some of that wonderful stuff into me head while i awaken the girls with
the oxytocin rush from chatting w you a!!
a strong Lickerish Root Tea
which i'll follow with Spearmint Tea.
Later, when i start to be incoherent,

thank you


(14-03-2014, 03:48)KardashianKurves Wrote:  If you download the videos it might not work the same because it could suppress the frequencies and therefore be ineffective

Oh,oh...I've never though it!I'm gonna use subliminals traslated in mp3s...has anyone used downoladed videos and had results?

Are there any scientific studies or any scientific basis for this? Lol sorry but this all just seems to silly to me that beats can affect bodily growth like this.

(24-04-2013, 02:16)serena Wrote:  Hi emily, is the app named " sapien medicine"? I tried to type in breast enlargement in the play store and this the only bb related app pop up. But it doesn't look like a japanese app to me. Thanks!

(06-04-2013, 23:31)Emily Loretta Wrote:  
(06-04-2013, 18:43)kmkm Wrote:  
(23-11-2012, 19:54)Emily Loretta Wrote:  Been listening BB recently, my breasts are bigger then before and much more heavier then before!

Emily could you please tell me where you got BB? thanks

Google Play Store if you have an android, I just typed in breast enlargement and this Japanese app pulled up and it was talking about BB so I downloaded it. I don't know the name of the app because I broke my phone and all my apps were lost, and it doesn't show in my library on the play store.
I've been listening to Sapien Med. on computer. It's only 10 mins. long and I have to restart it all the time to continue listening. Are there longer ones that someone can provide a link for please?


(02-02-2013, 04:56)Ever Hopeful Wrote:  So, I listened to the version on the freeware site someone found and the high-pitch frequency sound kinda hurts my head. >.>; Am I doing something wrong?

The instructions on the site say to tape the earbuds to your boobs. So I'm not really supposed to be listening to the mp3 track then? o.O; Is the focus on the frequencies hitting the boobs? I'm so lost, sorry. I even read from the start of the thread. ~.~;
Someone on the Sapien Med BB forum asked about putting headphones on one breast because they wanted only one side to grow. S.M's answer was, "I don't think it works like that."

I'm thinking, Doesn't binaural beats work on the brain? So instructions by freeware to tape ear buds to breasts sounds a bit wacko. But why are they saying to do that?, that is the question.

(14-04-2014, 08:51)bobowo Wrote:  Are there any scientific studies or any scientific basis for this? Lol sorry but this all just seems to silly to me that beats can affect bodily growth like this.
Yes! We need studies to read.
I've been getting strange pressure sensations in my boobs now and then since listening to Sapien Med. Been listening for about 4 weeks.
A lot of the ladies here are doing other NBE methods as well as BB, so it's hard to tell if they're getting growth from BB. And say they start BB and get more growth, it'd hard to know if it was one of their other added methods that may have started to kick in.
For me, I'm buldging out of the top of my A cup bra a bit more lately, but I've also started gelatin and take MSM.


So does it actually work to tape the ear buds to your breasts? It seems kinda stupid really. And it didn't feel any different while the ear buds where on my boobs. More like "Why is there tape on my breats?".

So, how do you girls listen to the Binaural Beats?

Do you lie down, close your eyes and focus on the track?

Or can I get the benefits from them while doing other activities (like browsing this forum for example)?

No you don't have to lay down like hypnosis. Use BBs like subliminals. Do what ever you like while listening.

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