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How to use PM and Progesterone cream?


I've noticed lately there's been a lot of talk about progesterone cream on the forum. And it's got me thinking. I've been on PM for about four months and I use a NB regularly and I can honestly say I've gotten growth from the combination but as my breast size increases I'm beginning to notice that my right boob looks different then my left boob. My left boob looks perfect and my right boob looks tubular. I've been in denial for awhile. I've wanted to post pics on the forum to show my progress but when I look at my photos my right boob looks so tubular. That's when I really noticed it was in pictures.

Anyways I don't want to stop taking PM because I am seeing results but it seems that progesterone cream could help with my slightly tublar boob. I'm just not sure when to use the cream because I don't want to end up screwing up the PM. Also for NB users, I have the medium and large domes. I can't wear both larges at the same time but can wear both mediums. I'm wondering if pumping with a medium and a large (using the large on the tubular boob) would help round out one while still growing the other? Does that make sense? Sorry for the long post. Any replies would be helpful.

One other thing. Before I started NBE I was prob a 34a and I always knew my right boob was smaller but shape wise they always looked the same. Is it possible that NBE gave me a tubular boob or did I always have one and it was just to small to notice.

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