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Fenugreek and red clover!!!


Ok so today i bought fenugreek capsules and red clover extract, i decided that i want a herb to take orally but also be able to apply another one topically onto the skin, so from today onwards i am taking 3 capsules of 620mg fenugreek and adding a few drops of red clover extract to my cocoa butter for massage, im so excited, i recently read that this combination works wonders for the breasts so hopefully it will in my case too, im all for natural breast enhancement and i know it will take a few weeks if not months to kick in but its soo worth the wait!!! I ll make surento update on any progress, my period finished a few days ago so i dont have any swelling on my breasts anymore however i must say they are looking rounder and firmer than ever so my month of massaging is having good effects so far!! Big Grin i am a 36B/34C depending on the bra, i want an inch of increase at least, even a bit more fullness and i will be satisfied haha Tongue any success stories ladies??

i to have added red clover to my herbal routine with fenugreek and i see a big noticeble better and quicker growth with the combination of those two with wild yams.

me too want to add red clover to my program soon,, I hope it makes difference for us,,,plz tell about any news
good luckBlush

Well this is my second day of massaging with red clover extract and to my surprise my breasts are starting to feel somewhat different... I really do have a good feeling about this as somethin is definitely happening!! My breasts are staying nice firm and full so far Big Grin i just cant wait for a month to pass so i can find out if theres any noticeable changes, i hope we can all get a lot of growth!! After all we deserve it for all the hard work Tongue

hahahaha yes working soooooo hard
tell me which massage you did?

I do the feng shui and rub my breasts to let the lotion really absorb into my skin, i also do the 'fat transfer' massage hoping that my body will learn to deposit more fat in the chest Tongue haha, ive recently decided to start herbs altho ive been massaging for ages, i want quicker results and a nice cup size increase Wink

I do fat transfer massage too,, and 360 chiyomilk rotations ,,,
I heard about feng shui massage but I don't know how to perform..can you post any links or give me some tips?

I get very impatient with massage, i constantly change my techniques when i notice that its not working for me, the feng shui is very simple and quite exciting to do i must say, the whole purpose of it is to touch vital pressure points in ur breasts so that it encourages growth..this is the exciting part Tongue basicay u use ur knuckles so that u can deeply press the pressure points, what i do is make a fist with my right hand, starting at the arm pit i push my knucles into the skin and circle it around my breasts, really pushin it in feeling the pressure inside, but not too hard so u dont damage anythin, and i do around 30 rotations on each breasts, u can use left hand for right breast and right hand for left breast if its comfortable for u, i like to do right hand right breast, left hand left breast Tongue also using just one knuckle u can press it under the nipple and go downwards from the nipple, then start at the nipple again and go to the side towards ur other breast, then start at the nipple again and go upwards, do yhat a few times in these places, theres a pressure point between ur breasts which i press and massage for a few minutes, it is located roughly where ur breasts start from the top, u ll feel it if u press in deeply and let go because it really leaves a significant feeling in that area, u can also giv ur breasts a rub after all this to encourage more blood flow
I hope this helped Big Grin how long have u been doing the massages for?? Have u got any success so far?? My breasts just look a lot firmer and rounder but no change in size, ive been doin it properly for way over a month altho ive been on and off massage for over a year now Tongue

hi veronicas thanx for these nice tips,, I loved the pressure thingTongue I'll give it a try
I've been doing my massage 3 months ago,, and yes I can say my breasts are fuller now and my cleavage is more defined
but I'm not sure whether it caused by the massage or the herbs that I'm taking...whatever. just do everything you can

I think the pressure point massge gets u more connected with ur boobs if u know wat i mean :p haha and wow thats great!! Definitely encouraging Big Grin what herbs are u taking just now??Smile

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