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Short cycles (<21 days) on PM?


After starting PM my cycles have gotten shorter and shorter. I've been on PM for 3 cycles so far. My first one was a perfect 28 days, my second was 21 days, and my last one was 18 days. I've been taking it the first 14 days of each cycle. Before this I used to have cycles at least a month long, often with skipped periods.

I had tingles the first month, and my breasts felt heavy and grew half an inch, so I was really excited thinking PM would work for me. Especially since before that I was on BO for a year with zero effects. But after the first cycle I felt no more effects and they shrank back.

Does cycle length have an effect on growth? Should I be doing something to keep them at a normal length? I'm really confused 'cause I thought PM was supposed to extend your cycle, not shorten it.

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