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make butt bigger with this booty wow & fish oil??? really??


This is a study that states that mice given fish oil had a significant increase in white adipose tissue. White adipose tissue is the stored fat in your body waiting to be used for energy. So basically fish oil can increase the size of your bum by increase fat tissue growth in the applied area. Apparently we have two fat cells. Alpha receptors and beta receptors. The alpha receptors are known to create white adipose tissue and there are many known natural topicals and Orals to reduce or block this receptor. Many cellulite creams have a variety of different ingredients and have been known to reduce inches. The best known anti-adipose is caffeine. Orally and topically it can be every beneficial and is probably your best bet. Right now I am using an Nivea anti cellulite cream with l-carnitine and though I haven't used it long enough I have read great review. I am also using retinol cream and am thinking of purchasing a kola nut tincture as a source for my caffeine. I am applying this on my thighs, love handles, stomach, arms and back. Though I have tried fish oil before with some success I wasn't consistent with it, but I am going to use it again. I searched for two days to find something that could increase fat tissue and this was the only affordable thing I could find. I was pleasantly surprised when I came across the link because it really made sense.. Makes me want to rub it in everyone's face that says fish oil doesn't work! Though this is only one study and there aren't any claims, I feel like the testimonials make up for it. This little study just made the miracle make a little sense. I'm excited to modify my figure from the outside. phytoestrogen Herbs made me gain 10 pounds that I seriously can not drop because I screwed with my hormones. I'm only going to take the phytoestrogen fenugreek orally from now on because it really helps suppress my sweet cravings. I hope this works and I will keep you updated. Hope what I said makes sense and you guys can use my other methods to reduce fat in other areas. Smile

The fish oil smell sticks to everything. Even after washing it off. And will permanently stick to clothes. :/ I tried it 4 times, and gave up.

Other women have used different types and brands of fish oil that they claim have much less of a pungent smell, but even so, I wouldn't ever try it again. >.<

I also bought flax oil originally to try for my butt, since it gives the same type of results as fish oil, just to a lesser degree. I can't tell whether or not it worked, and I only used it a month and a half consistently. It may have worked and I just haven't been able to tell because I'm also using maca and butt workouts to get results.

Butt workouts give you a more toned, harder butt, where fish oil gives you more jiggle. I love the jiggle, but with my new muscle, my butt still jiggles a lot and it's a lot bigger, so I'll take it as a win. Wink

Unfortunately, because of my depression, I haven't been eating or drinking lately, so I've lost almost all the new muscle in my butt. Sad It's back to its jiggly old self again, but I really miss the size...
Thumbs Up 

I just started taking maca root soft gel capsels 2 to 3 times a day i started thursday jan. 10th along with miled butt excerises in the morning and at night so far no results ( not expecting any for another week or 2) im also trying the fish oil by nature bounty (oderless 3 for each cheek) i always here that all other brands smell this one is pretty decent not as strong as my friends did. I mix it with vitimin e baby oil and wrap the places i applied it to...i keep it on for 30min to an hr in the day at night i keep it on all night and shower it off in the does tingle lol but but with my b.f out of town its about the only sensation i'll be getting Tongue also the maca root is better used with a high calarie drink like ensure or boost and beware the maca root makes your sex drive very high!!! Hope this helps for anyone tryin to gain weight in your womanly places. I will keep you updated on my progess Smile

I haven't tried fish oil but I will be trying Maca Root and Glutimax. I have had success with Glutimax in the past but my results went away after my last pregnancy.

(28-04-2012, 05:08)k2012 Wrote:  I do not know what is all this hype about getting a bigger booty and rubbing fish oil on your body, and all of these things out there but I am one to experiment. I am going to try using fish oil and rubbing it on my body which sounds freaky, or a slip n fall waiting to happen; this booty wow product which will simply give u a lift and make butt bigger the minute you wear it, to see which one works best. my fave moto is you can't knock it til you try it so I will give fish oil and booty wow a chance and see which one win. both claims to give permanent results overtime but has anyone else on here ever tried these method? Big Grin

If u use the vitamin e oil after rubbing n the fish oil it will take the fish odor away...u can also 4 better results...use the fish oil then flax seed oil then vitamin e.....and u wont have odor...wash ur hands very well when done....

(18-02-2013, 21:34)leelee Wrote:  
(28-04-2012, 05:08)k2012 Wrote:  I do not know what is all this hype about getting a bigger booty and rubbing fish oil on your body, and all of these things out there but I am one to experiment. I am going to try using fish oil and rubbing it on my body which sounds freaky, or a slip n fall waiting to happen; this booty wow product which will simply give u a lift and make butt bigger the minute you wear it, to see which one works best. my fave moto is you can't knock it til you try it so I will give fish oil and booty wow a chance and see which one win. both claims to give permanent results overtime but has anyone else on here ever tried these method? Big Grin

If u use the vitamin e oil after rubbing n the fish oil it will take the fish odor away...u can also 4 better results...use the fish oil then flax seed oil then vitamin e.....and u wont have odor...wash ur hands very well when done....
...i also use maca & do butt exercises & ive seen alil difference n only 2wks..nothin dramatic but i have seen a far as the booty wow goes..i ordered it but it never came so i cant comment on its behalf


Hearing about all of this Maca stuff makes me wanna try it, too! I don't have a flat butt, but it's only 36". It'd be nice to get it a bit bigger maybe. When my Ainterol PM Cream arrives, I'm going to also use it on my butt because it says it's good for using on the breasts and the butt. I haven't heard too much on it's effects for butt enhancement, so we'll see! Big Grin

(06-07-2012, 11:03)JOCELYN Wrote:  hey girls i have being using fish oil for a bout 5 days and im getten results this realy works but am also trying to loose weight anybody know something i can do to loose weight fast or to get rid of lovehandles please let me kno tanksSmile

you can use slim expert , you can loose up to 35 pounds a month. its really good!Try It!!Smile

SOUNDS STINKY, PM cream or lotion worked OK 4 me

I just tried this fish oil running on the butt method last night & I'm not sure I'm doing it properly. Can someone help me with telling me the proper way they think it should ne done & how it worked for you?

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