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Late period - do I change my PM routine???


Hi, I've been cycling pm for 4 months now and my period has been almost like clockwork. This month my period was 9 days late. I'm not sure why, I didn't take any mire pm than usual. the month before last I took 5 more days of pm by mistake but still had my period on time.

Basically my question is do I continue to do the 14 day on/off thing just the same as usual now I have a late period of should change something up?

Please help if you have any info, this is my only source of advice about what to do.

Many thanks xxx

It could be a build up. I don't know how to fix it exactly. Try taking less next month or take something to balance your hormones. I am still looking into this stuff at the moment so I can't provide an exact answer.
Big Grin 

ThankS for the advice, I think I'll only take pm for 10 days this month to try and help me get my regular cycle back. If anyone else has any words of advice, please let me know x

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