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May 5 2007 at 10:05 PM Envie (Login Envie3)


Hey all, I have been on BB for 3.5 going to 4 months and I have no growth whatsoever. I take the pills with water in the morning and late in the evening. I take my protein shake around 14:00 in the afternoon, but I feel nothing. The only time I get fullness is during my periods (which is normal for me). I want to share in the fun, but can't write anything positive from using the pills. I see that almost everyone is popping more than 3-5 pills in addition to the BB pills. Do I need all these pills to grow?

Thanks for any information you might give me.


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Paula Longstreet
(no login) extra pills May 5 2007, 10:13 PM

I am new here but if you go you can see the correct method and that she recommends no other pills needed besides L-tyrosine for temp.
She is saying to stick to keeping it easy and simple.
I am sorry you are not seeing any growth.
Can anyone respond that knows more?

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(no login) Re: NO GROWTH IN 3.5 MONTHS May 5 2007, 10:24 PM

I recommemd calling BB direct, I spoke to customer service a month or so back and was impressed at how helpful they were this time. They say on their site that they give personal attention to those are not growing and can help them, they claim that is why they have a high rate of success. You should not need the other suppliments, it can't hurt, but you should grow on the BB without them. You paid for the product, use their services. I do believe they want to help, otherwise their product would get a bashing on this forum. Good luck, if you do call, let us know how it went please, I'm interested, and still learning myself after 5.5 months. -- Sissy

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Paula Longstreet
(Login butterfly40) Evie May 7 2007, 11:34 PM

How's it going Evie?
Did you contact BB for the questions you had?
Have you noticed any difference in growth?

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(Login Envie3) BB May 16 2007, 11:24 AM

I did receive feedback not any different from what is on the site about massaging, taking supplements (L-Tyrosine and Vitamin E for body fat),and all the other stuff. I will continue with the pills that I have (till mid-June) and see what happens.
I don't have children and would like to have them one day, so I don't want to take supplements that will interfere with my fertility or cause my future babies to have birth defects.I thought I would grow exclusively with the BB pills, but it seems that is not the case!!!

Anyway,let's wait and see.

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(Login lindyrose) Re: NO GROWTH IN 3.5 MONTHS May 16 2007, 2:08 PM

Sorry Envie. How's your temp? I know on their website it says if you have diabetes or endocrine problems then it wouldn't work. Wish I could help you hun, I know it must be depressing.

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Paula LOngstreet
(no login) growing May 16 2007, 4:48 PM

Envie, you should be able to grow exclusively on the BB only.
It is strong enough to work on its own.
Wish I knew what to say except keep massaging, keep doing the l-tyrosine, and keep positive!
You'll get there!
I am just starting to notice alittle difference (not alot) but alittle fullness.It is neat.
I wasn't sure what to expcet.
I wish it would hurry but it takes time!
You could increase protein shake to 2x a day instead of one.
To jump start the protein levels in your body.
You need enough protein so your breast tissue can grow.
Or else eat protein enriched foods, like eggs, tuna, beans, etc.

Peanut butter, too.

Hope this helps!

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(Login Envie3) L-Tyrosine May 27 2007, 12:10 PM

I got myself a bottle of tyrosine, however it says I should take 1 tablet first thing in the morning.The BB tablet should also be taken first thing in the morning!!! Any insights on how to take the supplements?

I did also get omega-3 supplements and when I took it yesterday for the first time, the reaction was really bad!!! Flatulence yikes!!!! Will definitely not take it during the week,just weekends when I'm home alone :-)

Did anyone receive such reactions too?

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(no login) Paula... May 27 2007, 8:07 PM

Breast tissue doesn't grow from eating or drinking protein.

From the FAQ section on the Bountiful Breast website:

11. Can anyone grow new breast tissue?

No, there is no such thing as growing "breast tissue" all women have the same amount of mammary glands and connective tissue. All breast size is caused by the body releasing its own hormones which in turn stores fat in the breast's connective tissues.

26. Why do I need to drink protein shakes for breast augmentation?

Protein shakes give your body the building blocks required for the synthesis of new hormones. Amino Acids are an essential part of proteins. A chain of Amino Acids form proteins, and it is Proteins that are vital to all living organisms. Next to water, proteins make up the greatest portion of our body weight. They make up our organs, glands, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nails and hair. The composition of each protein is determined by which chain of amino acid is present, and how they link to form a specific protein. Proteins can not be obtained from diet unless they are broken down into amino acids. Therefore, it is amino acids that are truly the essential nutrients. Most people need to supplement their body during the "growing process" with these protein nutrients. Experience has shown that using the shakes greatly contributes to the overall success!

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(no login) Taking L-Tyrosine May 30 2007, 7:17 AM

Is anyone able to answer me here? Each table of L-Tyrosine is 500mg and it has Vitamin B-6.It is said that I take one serving, is there a problem if I increase it to 2 servings per day? Are there any dangers to it?

Thanks for answering my questions.

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(Login sandy111)

Hi Envie..That would be 1000mg LT. Many girls take that amount and u can even check the program pages..So it should be okay..Good Luck

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(Login fawnmarie) Re: NO GROWTH IN 3.5 MONTHS June 1 2007, 12:39 AM

You can take up to 1500 mgs, but 1000 in the AM, 500 in the pm.

Start with 500 AM, then 500 PM - try for 3-4 days and see if things improve. If not, add another 500 in AM.

Things to be aware of: Any feelings of anxiety or panic. Hot flashes. If you experience either, cut back by 500 mgs.

Take on an empty stomach, do not eat for 20-30 minutes for best absorption.


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Lost Sheep
(no login) Re: NO GROWTH IN 3.5 MONTHS June 3 2007, 10:55 PM

Thanks Fawn. However, I wanted to know...what am I aiming at? Do I want to raise my temperature before taking BB pill, or just raise my temperature in general. Since I started taking L-T (almost a week), my temperature hasn't gone above 97...So I have no idea what is happening, or what more I have to do.

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(Login PrincessPearl) Someone heard that BB says one cannot grow breast tissue. December 7 2007, 7:38 AM

Do not believe everything you hear or read. Just because the BB site reads that it is impossible to grow breast tissue, does not mean it is so. They have to cover their own, shall we say, bums, so customers cannot complain, lawsuits against false statements etc...and even herbs cannot make claims as to health benefits in the US unless the FDA okays it...

I believe I have gained some breast tissue, it is far to firm to be just fat. Just keep the positive thinking. I grew a half an inch when I was 26 years old, for some reason. Why not have the bosom grow later in life with the help of herbs, massage, BO or any other type of NBE? Stranger things have happened.

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(Login PrincessPearl) Someone heard that BB says one cannot grow breast tissue. December 7 2007, 7:38 AM

Do not believe everything you hear or read. Just because the BB site reads that it is impossible to grow breast tissue, does not mean it is so. They have to cover their own, shall we say, bums, so customers cannot complain, lawsuits against false statements etc...and even herbs cannot make claims as to health benefits in the US unless the FDA okays it...

I believe I have gained some breast tissue, it is far to firm to be just fat. Just keep the positive thinking. I grew a half an inch when I was 26 years old, for some reason. Why not have the bosom grow later in life with the help of herbs, massage, BO or any other type of NBE? Stranger things have happened.

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(Login PrincessPearl) clarification to above message December 7 2007, 8:13 AM

I was referring to growing a half an inch in body height at age 26. That "wowwed" me at the time, since I was all of a sudden 5 foot 5 inches instead of 5 foot 4 1/2.

So why can't breast tissue grow?! I believe it can!

(Login PrincessPearl) Massage might help December 7 2007, 8:51 PM

Dear Envie,
Have you tried massage? In the orning and evening massage your breasts (more often: even better!) and maybe that will get them going. PM lotion is great, I got some on eBay. I read on this forum that one girl gained a half inch in a month from massage only! Gets the blood going to that area. It is healthy, too. Good luck!

Is there anyone still taking BO or Bountiful Breast?
December 6 2008 at 6:32 AM dory (Login Dory505)


I have been taking 2 bb pills daily since 2 months and 26 days with no results, decided today to take 4 pills daily instead of 2, and will quit taking Kelp tablets since bb has already kelp mixed with the bovine ovary. i am using suction device and i think its very helpful, but i still need growth from bountiful breast cuz i bought the 13.5 months suplly and it rilly expensive! i need to get result from this.
anyone still taking bovine ovary for nbe?? thsi forum been silent for a while @@

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(Login itsPaytience)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Is there anyone still taking BO or Bountiful Breast? December 27 2008, 11:37 PM

Hey Dory,

I just starte BB, its been like almost 2 weeks and nothing yet. I have tried mirifem, natureday and flat to fab program and still begining to think im one of those unlucky on‌es =[
Have you been following the program exactly? I havent...i am going to start....i dont take protein shakes and i dont take L tyrosine but i will get them about you what is ur regimen? keep me posted good luck!

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(Login Dory505) Re: Is there anyone still taking BO or Bountiful Breast? December 31 2008, 12:53 PM

Hey Paytience,

I have used bb as i mentioned above for nearly 3 months and no results. the last 5 days i took bb 4 pills daily, but i dono why i got sick after that and decided to give myself a break from pills. so i stopped bb now. and stopped using the suction machine. been using it for 30 days and i have got good swelling from it but didnt last, cause i had to use it for atleast 2 months but for me it's time consuming and i'm very busy to have time for suction (bosom beauty 2012), i used hypnosis from for 3 weeks and no results.

please keep up the positive mind. you still have time and many options to try before admitting that u r (one of those unlucky ones) since u begun using bountiful breast, u need to follow the program as directed, when i was on bb, i left all junk food and was eating as healthy food as possibe, if i dnt find good food then i wouldnt eat, i also counted my protien intake i took nearly 90 grams daily from shakes and food. i was also taking 2 kelp and 2 l-tyrosine. and i massaged my breasts with cocoa butter and breast creams 3 times daily. the problem is i couldnt fix my tempreature the whole 3 months. that's why i decided that BO is not for me.

When i was taking bb first month, i took also 3 pills of Saw Palmetto daily and in the end of the month i got 1/2" growth, i was so happy i thut its from bb. the i stoped taking SP after reading that it causes weight gain and i actually found that i had gained 5 pounds when taking SP with BO, so i removed that from my routine, the month later, i lost my 1/2" growth.

please eat good and make sure your temperature is 37 c. take 90 or 100 grams of good protien (isolated protien shakes and MEAT!!!!) massaging is not required but i'd advice u to do that to direct ur Nutrition to go str8 to ur breasts.

right now im listening to Subliminal Messages mp3 files and decided to start using herbs, i'll also try to be careful with Saw Palmetto since i know already it's a terrible weight gainer but i'll count my calories and i'll excersise more. please, please post ur results when u see any difference. i still have some bottle left of bb and i plan to use it again later after trying herbs cause maybe using it in summer might be useful atleast my body temperature wont be 36 c :S . i'll never give up on nbe i'll just try using everything til i find what suits me.

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(Login riven_one) Re: Is there anyone still taking BO or Bountiful Breast? January 1 2009, 4:53 PM

If you are having trouble maintaining your temp you might try some kelp pills. They have iodine in them that boosts the thyroid.

(no login) Re: Is there anyone still taking BO or Bountiful Breast? January 2 2009, 10:24 AM

thanks riven one, i did tried kelp 300 mcg along with L-Tyrosine 1000 mg daily Sad , my body temp cant reach 36.4 c. i'll give BO another shot in summer, after trying herbs, good luck everyone. pls post ur results :|


Bountiful Breast
August 17 2007 at 8:30 PM denise a. (Login taygav)


Hi Everyone,

I am new to this whole "chat forum" thing. I have been taking Bountiful Breast for 5.5 months now and have had no growth. I have had the occasional tingling sensations in my boobs, but no growth. My morning temperature is within the 98.2 as required for these stupid pills to work. Does anyone out there know the correct way to take these pills? The company has changed the directions three times since I have been taking BB. The first 3 months I have been taking them wrong. Oh, and the company's customer service department sucks. They haven't even updated their website with the correct directions. I am left once again in limbo. What I am looking for is what is the best time to take these pills. I was taking 2 pills in the morning until I started getting my period every 14 days and not to mention I now have acne.

Advice please!!!!! I don't to have to tell my husband that he was right once again! He told me these pills wouldn't work. Of course this is the same man that won't allow me to get implants.


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Fennel Fairy
(no login) Hi! August 18 2007, 6:27 PM

My suggestion to you is to take saw palmetto together with your Bountiful Breast pills. They are a natural androgen blocker and contain no competing phytoestrogens or anything, but will block testosterone if you happen to have too much of that. Buy saw palmetto capsules and take two a day and see if you get a change.

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denise a.
(no login) Bountiful Breast August 18 2007, 10:54 PM

Thanks Fennel Fairy, I appreciate your advice! =-)Will Saw Palmetto do any harm to me though? I am wondering about the long term effects of Bountiful Breast on my system.

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Fennel Fairy
(no login) No August 19 2007, 4:43 PM

Saw Palmetto won't have any negative effects unless you take enormous amounts of it. Just take two capsules a day and you'll be fine. Try this ans see if you get any growth. If your temperature is low, try kelp or coconut oil.

(no login) Re: Bountiful Breast August 20 2007, 1:31 PM

Hi Fennel...I did see you mentioned that saw palmetto does not contain competing phytoestrogens. So in that case it is not advisable to use BB + saw palmetto + pueraria mirifica cream and mask together? Just wondering, since my using BB for the last 6 months has brought me nothing but terrible acne, and BB has refused to refund me back saying I need to use it for 12 MONTHS!!!!

Your ever valuable advice will be much appreciated.

Thanks, E.
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