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Need help slipping my wife safe breast-enhancing mickies


(10-02-2014, 05:53 AM)Missed Miss Wrote:  Well, again, I wasn't pointing to JUST one faction of the pansexual world, but ALL of it. Men growing tits, women growing beards, the whole works, and you can even include gays. Pretty much anything in the "not normal" sexual world.

It's like, you didn't even read what I wrote.
You are in your own world on that one.

Yeah, I did read it. Never mind.

(04-02-2014, 08:37 PM)Edtar Wrote:  
(04-02-2014, 08:25 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Here's a bright idea: tell her how you feel. If she's for it, great! If not, get over the dream. Simple enough yeah?
BTW, most women say that to make their man happy, thats if he's average

I'm not that stupid. We've had that talk at least 5 times. She said she'd consider having her breasts get bigger when I get a job and lose 30 lbs. So obviously she's willing to consider it. But I'm not willing to go to all that trouble without a firm commitment. Plus, I prefer being a stay-at-home dad.

BTW, I'm 8 1/2" erect and over 8" in circumference. That's definitely bigger than average, especially in girth.

You are absolutely ridiculous and as Tibetian said, if you've urges from larger breasted women NOW then there is probably an underlying reason as to why you're being tempted by larger breasted women. This is further corroborated by the fact that you have kids with her and are only complaining of this now. I'd suggest some soul searching.

I think that your wife's 'demands' of you losing 30 pounds and getting a job are very reasonable. That's great that you like being a stay at home dad, we all like things. But your wife's requests are incredibly reasonable.

My boyfriend is a physician and also has a similar size penis. The best part? He absolutely adores me and loves my breasts. He doesn't even check out other women when we go out, even when I am checking them out and point them out. My ex boyfriend is a plastic surgeon with an even larger penis and absolutely adored my breasts. Not once did he even suggest such a thing, even though it would have been more or less for 'free'. Even when I brought up the notion that I'd like bigger breasts or to get rid of my stretch marks, he was baffled and actually talked me out of getting breast implants.

I think that you need to re-examine your relationship with your wife and find out why you are suddenly attracted to other women now.


Please see post #63 (

(10-02-2014, 07:25 AM)meow.mix76 Wrote:  I think that you need to re-examine your relationship with your wife and find out why you are suddenly attracted to other women now.

For what it's worth, speaking honestly and just for me (though I think most men would agree), marrying the love of your life doesn't stop you from being attracted to other women. I've always been attracted to other women but I've never cheated. Likewise, in reverse, for my wife. I'm never jealous when she looks at other men and she's never jealous when I look at other women. In fact, she'll alert me to big busted women in public or on TV. I love that about her. Of course, if I were to ever reach out and touch one of them, I would end up pulling back a bloody stump.

Sometimes, there is a small part of me that wishes she WAS jealous when I looked at other women or when other women paid attention to me. But I figure that's a primitive emotion from deep inside my reptilian male brain. I know I'm better off with the way things are. From what I've observed in other marriages, jealousy too often gets out of control.


I can't believe how nice everyone is being on this thread.

First of all, the fact that you are so eager to change your wife's body to the extent that you would be willing to slip something into her food is pretty disgusting and I really suggest you seek counseling. It's bad enough that women are constantly bombarded with ads and articles telling us how imperfect we are already, now your wife has her own husband trying to change her. You are human, you are not wired for monogamy. Your brain is going to zero in on any lady who could be a potential fertile mate. However, YOU choose to be faithful. If big breasts tempt you this much now, you will find something to be tempted by later.

My husband loves big breasts. He is attracted to "natural" beauty. I am bleach blonde, an A cup, and I have a very obvious piercing in the middle of my face. He is crazy about me regardless and has never made me feel like I needed to change to fit any other criteria. If I found out he was slipping things into my food to change me, it would absolutely crush me.

Edit- Just went and read your post on trolling. I used to do my fair share of that (I'm from a tiny Southern town in the Bible-belt. I used to post constantly on my town's newspaper forum). Glad to hear that you aren't actually such a D-bag. Welcome to the forum.

Speaking for myself here, its so much easier to find someone you are just super content with and loving with half a heart and never getting jealous than it is being crazy in love over someone. That jealousy can be out of control! So yes, not saying this is your wife, but its better this way, I agree.

(10-02-2014, 09:57 AM)Edtar Wrote:  Meow,

Please see post #63 (

(10-02-2014, 07:25 AM)meow.mix76 Wrote:  I think that you need to re-examine your relationship with your wife and find out why you are suddenly attracted to other women now.

For what it's worth, speaking honestly and just for me (though I think most men would agree), marrying the love of your life doesn't stop you from being attracted to other women. I've always been attracted to other women but I've never cheated. Likewise, in reverse, for my wife. I'm never jealous when she looks at other men and she's never jealous when I look at other women. In fact, she'll alert me to big busted women in public or on TV. I love that about her. Of course, if I were to ever reach out and touch one of them, I would end up pulling back a bloody stump.

Sometimes, there is a small part of me that wishes she WAS jealous when I looked at other women or when other women paid attention to me. But I figure that's a primitive emotion from deep inside my reptilian male brain. I know I'm better off with the way things are. From what I've observed in other marriages, jealousy too often gets out of control.


Personally, I think "crazy in love" lacks a level of maturity and/or complete honesty. To be obsessed is to be blind, and to be blind is not healthy. One can prioritize and adore someone without being "crazy in love." In fact, I think it is more genuine that way. There is usually some unhealthy reason behind every obsession...

But as far as being attracted to other women goes, I think not all men are attracted to other women. Having attraction towards someone is to feel the urge and the desire for someone. Many men who are happy with their significant others do not feel the urge and desire for others. But it is important to know that ALL do NOTICE other women and may find them to be good-looking. I have no problem when my man notices another, as I notice them too! He would have to be blind not to notice them and have an opinion, as so would I. But I don't think a man has to think "man, I WANT that!" whenever he notices someone. So, what I mean is, this does not mean they have to be drawn to wanting them but they most certainly all notice the beauty of other women (I am not sure which of these you fall under, Edtar). I am guilty of this (the latter) myself. It's human nature and, if we are to deny it, it would be to live our lives in a fantasy land with unreasonable expectations.

(10-02-2014, 06:01 PM)tibetan113 Wrote:  Speaking for myself here, its so much easier to find someone you are just super content with and loving with half a heart and never getting jealous than it is being crazy in love over someone. That jealousy can be out of control! So yes, not saying this is your wife, but its better this way, I agree.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. So forgive me if I got this wrong but you seem to be saying that you (but you seem to be inferring me too) are better off half-heartedly being content with someone than being "crazy" (in love) about them.

I can't speak for you and perhaps being "crazy' about somebody implies just that in your parlance with concomitant jealousy.

In my case, however, I know my wife and I love each other with our whole hearts and we are probably more in love than when we first married. I don't think that profound love or deep sexual feelings have to be accompanied by jealousy though I'm sure some people are more prone to it from nature or nurture than others.

Again, my apologies if I'm overthinking this, but I would hate to think that you can't get all that love and sex can offer because you fear that you or your partner won't be able to handle jealousy or other emotions. Wouldn't it be better to figure out why these negative emotions arise and see if you can fix that? Then maybe contentment can blossom into even more.

On the other hand, it seems that so few even reach a steady level of contentment with their partner in this culture that maybe it's better not to "fix what ain't broke". I don't know. I'd be curious what others think. I'm confident we don't all experience, love, infatuation, jealousy or passion the same way. Sometimes, maybe we can't even tell the difference ourselves.


If you're content but just loving half-heartedly then you have not found love!

Is some jealousy normal? Yes. Crazy jealousy isn't. I am crazy in love with my husband and he is honestly my best friend. I can't imagine my life without him. I have had a crush on him since I was 15, and at 21 I still get butterflies. Contentment is there, too... it is in any relationship. We have days where we sit in our pajamas all day and he definitely sees me at my worst and is okay with that. We fall into the routine of married life just like everyone else does. However, there are moments where I still have "holy shit" moments with him where I get all giddy and it still feels new. He is my other half. Neither of us really get jealous... he has porn on his phone. None of the girls look like me for the most part. That doesn't bother me. He has female friends that I know have crushes on him. He doesn't act on it and will never do anything like that.. as an elderly patient at the nursing home I used to work at once said, "honey, I don't care where he gets his appetite as long as he comes home for dinner!"

Yeah hun, @Echap,
I didn't say it is true love. I just said much easier. I agree with you for the most part. Many relationships are indeed lopsided when it comes to consideration for the other like who is willing to give more, who takes more, who takes the other for granted, even at the slightest. Not to say we need to measure "love" on a scale. I'm sure that's hard to do anyway. There is a high percentage of one truly loves the other more. Are you the one that loves him more than he loves you? Does he get those same butterflies? Of course, its all trust and the connection you both feel you have. I just know, so many have been "blindsided" by their mates after years and years of the relationship.

A little jealousy is normal. those who are extremely jealous are obviously insecure, traumatized, or obsessive. It seems for those who are not at all jealous, They are either very connected, naive or feel they've got it in the bag, taking their partners for granted. Either way, I can't judge, to each their own.

But its just reality. True, compassionate love is really hard to find. Great you have itSmile

P.S. I say "halfheartedly" to see the relationship for what it really is, I tend to get my hopes up. I can always fall in love later. Like friends that turn into lovers type of situation.

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