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Fenugreek, maca and vitex.. Help!


(31-01-2014, 23:35)AquaArab Wrote:  I knoww! I'm so amazed by everyone's growth. Can't wait for mine to fill up Smile this is the first time I ever commit to anything. I think it's in my aquarian nature that i can't commit to anything especially relationships but when it comes to NBE I'm making long term goals and plans. Going to be very patient and persistent till I get the results I want.

From reading different threads I realized this journey isn't just about growing breasts but also to learn to love yourself; to gain more out of this experience mentally and emotionally. You are all extremely strong admirable individuals.

Aqua you look like a fast learner Smile
You are gona do well Wink

ACNEEEEEE!! It seems everytime I take anything my clear face gets bad acne.. My period isn't due for another 12 days so it's definitely not that.
But I'm going to ignore it and stick to my program for 2 more months till I get some results. Hopefully it clears soon! Did anyone experience break outs from maca or progesterone cream? And my skin is also super dry!

Good news though, I'm getting great swelling and firmness from the massaging with almond oil. Im also getting a lot of shooting pain and heaviness so I'm hoping this is growth.

(02-02-2014, 21:48)AquaArab Wrote:  ACNEEEEEE!! It seems everytime I take anything my clear face gets bad acne.. My period isn't due for another 12 days so it's definitely not that.
But I'm going to ignore it and stick to my program for 2 more months till I get some results. Hopefully it clears soon! Did anyone experience break outs from maca or progesterone cream? And my skin is also super dry!

Good news though, I'm getting great swelling and firmness from the massaging with almond oil. Im also getting a lot of shooting pain and heaviness so I'm hoping this is growth.
I use mak + algerine and I get little bit dry skin . I try not taking long hot showers.

(02-02-2014, 21:51)myboobs Wrote:  
(02-02-2014, 21:48)AquaArab Wrote:  ACNEEEEEE!! It seems everytime I take anything my clear face gets bad acne.. My period isn't due for another 12 days so it's definitely not that.
But I'm going to ignore it and stick to my program for 2 more months till I get some results. Hopefully it clears soon! Did anyone experience break outs from maca or progesterone cream? And my skin is also super dry!

Good news though, I'm getting great swelling and firmness from the massaging with almond oil. Im also getting a lot of shooting pain and heaviness so I'm hoping this is growth.
I use mak + algerine and I get little bit dry skin . I try not taking long hot showers.

Long hot showers is my favorite thing after my workouts Sad I don't mind the dryness as much as I mind the acne Sad

(02-02-2014, 22:03)AquaArab Wrote:  
(02-02-2014, 21:51)myboobs Wrote:  
(02-02-2014, 21:48)AquaArab Wrote:  ACNEEEEEE!! It seems everytime I take anything my clear face gets bad acne.. My period isn't due for another 12 days so it's definitely not that.
But I'm going to ignore it and stick to my program for 2 more months till I get some results. Hopefully it clears soon! Did anyone experience break outs from maca or progesterone cream? And my skin is also super dry!

Good news though, I'm getting great swelling and firmness from the massaging with almond oil. Im also getting a lot of shooting pain and heaviness so I'm hoping this is growth.
I use mak + algerine and I get little bit dry skin . I try not taking long hot showers.

Long hot showers is my favorite thing after my workouts Sad I don't mind the dryness as much as I mind the acne Sad

Try steaming the face .

(02-02-2014, 21:48)AquaArab Wrote:  ACNEEEEEE!! It seems everytime I take anything my clear face gets bad acne.. My period isn't due for another 12 days so it's definitely not that.
But I'm going to ignore it and stick to my program for 2 more months till I get some results. Hopefully it clears soon! Did anyone experience break outs from maca or progesterone cream? And my skin is also super dry!

Good news though, I'm getting great swelling and firmness from the massaging with almond oil. Im also getting a lot of shooting pain and heaviness so I'm hoping this is growth.

Shooting pain does not sound good. I only get that when I massage too hard. You don't have to massage that hard to drain the lymph nodes or increase circulation to the breasts.

(27-01-2014, 22:48)AquaArab Wrote:  Im very confident and quite arrogant about my looks, my body and my achievements (not annoyingly arrogant though) but it's just around him, I'm not. I just want to be perfect for him, even though I know he's extremely attracted to me. We broke up but he just made me pay attention to stuff I never noticed before, like boobs. Now I'm doing it for myself (ok maybe kinda for him too, incase we do get back). But I really want to get curvier.

I was a size 34C when I was 156but I used to be 10lbs fatter and extremely unhealthy so I'm hoping with herbal supplements and now massaging il go back to thatt without gaining weight overall.

(31-01-2014, 23:35)AquaArab Wrote:  I knoww! I'm so amazed by everyone's growth. Can't wait for mine to fill up Smile this is the first time I ever commit to anything. I think it's in my aquarian nature that i can't commit to anything especially relationships but when it comes to NBE I'm making long term goals and plans. Going to be very patient and persistent till I get the results I want.

From reading different threads I realized this journey isn't just about growing breasts but also to learn to love yourself; to gain more out of this experience mentally and emotionally. You are all extremely strong admirable individuals.

......I like you Wink And, not in a creepy way, but more like: you have a great healthy attitude and I like that! And you are very right. NBE should not be a "do or die" thing, but more of an "I already like myself the way I am, but I like to embellish and improve sometimes if I can!" type of thing. The path to success is the path to happiness and the people who are on this NBE train with a "do or die" mentality are only setting themselves up to never be happy. If you do not love yourself with small breasts, you will not love yourself with large breasts either (you will just always want more and more), so happiness starts with loving yourself the way you are! This way, you will be happy no matter what happens (or doesn't happen) with your breasts.

And I love the lot above about your confidence. I am exactly the same way! And with the boy-- it just means that you love him so much, there really is no end in your want to please him, so it does not necessarily mean that you are not confident with him. And my ex also confessed to me how he felt after the first time he took my padded pushup bra off (but he told me two years later, when I brought a related topic up). And, after thinking about it, I realized he was right! It would be like, if he were skinny and wore long sleeves with fake muscles stuffed in there to bulk up his arms and chest. Boy would I too be disappointed if he took his shirt off! He called it false advertising, hahaha. We girls need to learn to embrace ourselves as we are, and give men the chance to know us for how we really are, and love us as that. It took a while for me to detach, but I finally have been wearing lightly lined (no padding) bras for the past few months. I feel incredible, like I really embraced that part of myself 100% (I will not wear bras without lining because I do not want my nipples to show!).

And as for your breakouts, you do know that breakouts are caused sometimes by an increase in testosterone, right? And maca is know to increase testosterone levels for those whose T levels are not already high. This may not be the reason for your breakouts, but it may be a possibility.

So yeah, I just wanted to say hi and that I think you are off to a great start Smile It's great to have a person like you join the BN family!

EDIT: I am also excited to see that we have similar goals as far as how we want to achieve a curvier figure. And I am excited to see that fenugreek works for you to cease your menstrual cramps! I too discovered that sometime around this past summer. I love fenugreek for that!

(04-02-2014, 04:58)timarie Wrote:  
(27-01-2014, 22:48)AquaArab Wrote:  Im very confident and quite arrogant about my looks, my body and my achievements (not annoyingly arrogant though) but it's just around him, I'm not. I just want to be perfect for him, even though I know he's extremely attracted to me. We broke up but he just made me pay attention to stuff I never noticed before, like boobs. Now I'm doing it for myself (ok maybe kinda for him too, incase we do get back). But I really want to get curvier.

I was a size 34C when I was 156but I used to be 10lbs fatter and extremely unhealthy so I'm hoping with herbal supplements and now massaging il go back to thatt without gaining weight overall.

(31-01-2014, 23:35)AquaArab Wrote:  I knoww! I'm so amazed by everyone's growth. Can't wait for mine to fill up Smile this is the first time I ever commit to anything. I think it's in my aquarian nature that i can't commit to anything especially relationships but when it comes to NBE I'm making long term goals and plans. Going to be very patient and persistent till I get the results I want.

From reading different threads I realized this journey isn't just about growing breasts but also to learn to love yourself; to gain more out of this experience mentally and emotionally. You are all extremely strong admirable individuals.

......I like you Wink And, not in a creepy way, but more like: you have a great healthy attitude and I like that! And you are very right. NBE should not be a "do or die" thing, but more of an "I already like myself the way I am, but I like to embellish and improve sometimes if I can!" type of thing. The path to success is the path to happiness and the people who are on this NBE train with a "do or die" mentality are only setting themselves up to never be happy. If you do not love yourself with small breasts, you will not love yourself with large breasts either (you will just always want more and more), so happiness starts with loving yourself the way you are! This way, you will be happy no matter what happens (or doesn't happen) with your breasts.

And I love the lot above about your confidence. I am exactly the same way! And with the boy-- it just means that you love him so much, there really is no end in your want to please him, so it does not necessarily mean that you are not confident with him. And my ex also confessed to me how he felt after the first time he took my padded pushup bra off (but he told me two years later, when I brought a related topic up). And, after thinking about it, I realized he was right! It would be like, if he were skinny and wore long sleeves with fake muscles stuffed in there to bulk up his arms and chest. Boy would I too be disappointed if he took his shirt off! He called it false advertising, hahaha. We girls need to learn to embrace ourselves as we are, and give men the chance to know us for how we really are, and love us as that. It took a while for me to detach, but I finally have been wearing lightly lined (no padding) bras for the past few months. I feel incredible, like I really embraced that part of myself 100% (I will not wear bras without lining because I do not want my nipples to show!).

And as for your breakouts, you do know that breakouts are caused sometimes by an increase in testosterone, right? And maca is know to increase testosterone levels for those whose T levels are not already high. This may not be the reason for your breakouts, but it may be a possibility.

So yeah, I just wanted to say hi and that I think you are off to a great start Smile It's great to have a person like you join the BN family!

EDIT: I am also excited to see that we have similar goals as far as how we want to achieve a curvier figure. And I am excited to see that fenugreek works for you to cease your menstrual cramps! I too discovered that sometime around this past summer. I love fenugreek for that!

Ok so this just made my day! Thank you so much for your sweet words, getting an approval from a senior member and someone that has achieved so much makes me feel "In" with the cool crowd hehe
In my last hormonal test my testosterone was within average levels so will check my diet maybe I've added something new that caused it.
I'm getting another hormonal test next month and meeting with my gynecologist to make sure that my hormones are in check. Will just stick it out for another month and fingers crossed it clears. I've read reviews on amazon from people that said they got break outs the first month and then it cleared so hopefully that's what's happening to me.

Fenugreek helped my period so much but the acne was unbearable, oh and the abdominal fat! I already have love handles and a bit of jiggle on my belly that won't go away, no matter how much I work out or eat well, so not going to encourage it with fenugreek.

& LOL true it is false advertising! I've also given up on padded bras, they were not really helping my self esteem every time I take them off and realize that those are not my actual boobs. I just stick out what I already have and walk with my head help up high. It's like you said, you have to embrace yourself and all the little imperfections that make you who you are whilst constantly trying to improve, mentally, physically and spiritually.

Last note: I like you too, in a I'm looking up to you kinda way.... Happy growing Smile

(03-02-2014, 22:33)roseblossom Wrote:  
(02-02-2014, 21:48)AquaArab Wrote:  Good news though, I'm getting great swelling and firmness from the massaging with almond oil. Im also getting a lot of shooting pain and heaviness so I'm hoping this is growth.

Shooting pain does not sound good. I only get that when I massage too hard. You don't have to massage that hard to drain the lymph nodes or increase circulation to the breasts.

I actually get the pain randomly and not after I massage, I don't think I massage to hard but il pay more attention just in case. It's not exactly shooting pain but it's a very weird sensation that I haven't experienced before. Tingling, itchiness and then lateral pain... Not really sure how to explain it but it's a combo of everything so I believe it might be growth pain.

Timarie I just checked my last hormonal test and I think my testosterone is running a bit high, I'm confused. I've read on the difference and they're saying that free testosterone is the active form so if that's so then I'm with norm. But they're also saying that testosterone is weakly bound to serum albumin which makes it active in tissue.

Free testosterone 1.93 <4.0
Testosterone 0.7 <0.73

Don't want to give up maca yet till I get those extra inches on my butt but considering taking SP alongside Maca to reduce my testosterone levels and hopefully balance things out... What do you guys think?

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