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Health Risks of bovine ovary


I'm concerned about taking BO, I've tried many herbal supplements. I put much time and effort to every possible route to gain breasts and nothing. I think I've messed enough with my body.
What research if any has there been for Bovine ovary, Links and published studies would be helpful. I found this content below and it scarred the bajesus out of me.

•Bovine Ovary Extract - There are no published studies of the safety or effectiveness of bovine ovary extract in humans. Unlike the other herbs discussed here, websites selling the product say that bovine ovary extract stimulates the pituitary gland resulting in an increase in prolactin and growth hormone levels.

If this is true, there are potential risks. Prolactin is a hormone that rises almost ten-fold during pregnancy to stimulate breast development and milk formation. High levels of prolactin can cause infertility, irregular menstruation, reduced libido, and possibly increase the risk of stroke.

Growth hormone is needed to stimulate growth in children. High levels of growth hormone in adults who don't need it can cause the development of diabetes, abnormal growth of bones and internal organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

I read this on ....

I also wanted to mention, why do the before and after photos in bountiful breasts look so retro? Couldn't they update it.

Those testimonials look so fake. I know people on this forum said it worked for them but they had to put in work. I doubt those "testimonials' popped the pills and bam their breasts grew. In most it looks like they are wearing baggy shirts in their before and extra padding in their after.

I'm thinking of trying swanson's bovine (I'am familiar and would feel comfortable with their products) and trying to find someone who has had growth with it.
If you know any girls here who did get results pls let me know, otherwise il be searching this forum until I can find someone.

I'm using swanson I have only just started and yes that annoy me about bountiful breast too if they have a product that works update their pics right

I just emailed asking them why they haven't changed the pictures in years saying it makes people not want to buy from them I'll see what they say.

That's just... weird. Not sure if I can exactly trust the site because, if you take a look at the sources cited below, none of them cover the topic of Bovine Ovary. Secondly, I've specifically looked for a galactogogue for my program because I was told by very knowledgeable sources on this forum that BO DOES NOT increase prolactin. It does not effect the pituitary gland; rather, it effects the ovaries, and the ovaries are responsible for estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone production. I would take this site's information with a grain of salt.

EDIT: YES, I even checked/read through the articles that have no specific herb in the title ("Bust Enhancing Herbal Products" and "Correlation comparison of uterotrophic assay and E SCREEN assay for estrogenic activities"). Neither made any mention of Bovine Ovary. So then, where did they get their information from for Bovine Ovary? No where worth mentioning, I suppose Tongue

@ Bonita--So you've started!! Exciting. Just curious but what made you choose Swanson's BO?

(20-10-2013, 15:54)timarie Wrote:  That's just... weird. Not sure if I can exactly trust the site because, if you take a look at the sources cited below, none of them cover the topic of Bovine Ovary. Secondly, I've specifically looked for a galactogogue for my program because I was told by very knowledgeable sources on this forum that BO DOES NOT increase prolactin. It does not effect the pituitary gland; rather, it effects the ovaries, and the ovaries are responsible for estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone production. I would take this site's information with a grain of salt.

EDIT: YES, I even checked/read through the articles that have no specific herb in the title ("Bust Enhancing Herbal Products" and "Correlation comparison of uterotrophic assay and E SCREEN assay for estrogenic activities"). Neither made any mention of Bovine Ovary. So then, where did they get their information from for Bovine Ovary? No where worth mentioning, I suppose Tongue

@ Bonita--So you've started!! Exciting. Just curious but what made you choose Swanson's BO?

I may not have been clear on my opinion of BO affecting Prolactin levels. While BO does not contain or directly increase prolactin, it does indirectly affect other endocrine glands. Since BO has a stimulatory effect of the functioning of the ovaries, they are also connected to the functioning of the pituitary which releases these hormones like HGH, prolactin levels and releasing of oxytocin and other hormones that are released from the pituitary. So the effects of what the pituitary releases can be, and often are related to anything that stimulates the functioning of other organs such as the thyroid, adrenals, and ovarian (hormones). That is why endocrine balance is So important, if one gland is not functioning correctly, then there goes the others in time and especially when taking glandular therapy. It may or may not be fit for one person.

Since BB brand has pituitary substance, those who take it, will have an effect on their pituitary function. It was added to strengthen the gland and have it do what it needs to for over all endocrine function since these glands work together. Same with the kelp for temperature and thyroid hormone function. So all of these glands will be stimulated.

That is why I think some women lactate on BO and others don't. I take golactagogues and I am not lactating, but I can if I wanted to. My prolactin levels before nbe were right smack in the mid range. I knew I can raise it a bit and it wouldn't be a problem. I did however, leaked a bit. I cannot tell if it was colostrum, or an infection. I had extreme sore glands that were with pain and it was around the time I took vitex. Once I droped the vitex, it ceased. Im fine now. I can induce lactation with lactation techniques so I have a little milk stored in my glandsSmile But other than that, no pain nor soreness and I can pump and not lactate.


I have ultra breast too but I found a UK site selling Swanson bo the postage was much better to Spain I started Swanson last Tuesday they feel achy a bit already I'm taking 1000mg to start is that right?

(20-10-2013, 18:29)BonitaDDs Wrote:  Tibetan
I have ultra breast too but I found a UK site selling Swanson bo the postage was much better to Spain I started Swanson last Tuesday they feel achy a bit already I'm taking 1000mg to start is that right?

That is just fine!

(20-10-2013, 16:55)tibetan113 Wrote:  I may not have been clear on my opinion of BO affecting Prolactin levels. While BO does not contain or directly increase prolactin, it does indirectly affect other endocrine glands. Since BO has a stimulatory effect of the functioning of the ovaries, they are also connected to the functioning of the pituitary which releases these hormones like HGH, prolactin levels and releasing of oxytocin and other hormones that are released from the pituitary. So the effects of what the pituitary releases can be, and often are related to anything that stimulates the functioning of other organs such as the thyroid, adrenals, and ovarian (hormones). That is why endocrine balance is So important, if one gland is not functioning correctly, then there goes the others in time and especially when taking glandular therapy. It may or may not be fit for one person.

Since BB brand has pituitary substance, those who take it, will have an effect on their pituitary function. It was added to strengthen the gland and have it do what it needs to for over all endocrine function since these glands work together. Same with the kelp for temperature and thyroid hormone function. So all of these glands will be stimulated.

That is why I think some women lactate on BO and others don't. I take golactagogues and I am not lactating, but I can if I wanted to. My prolactin levels before nbe were right smack in the mid range. I knew I can raise it a bit and it wouldn't be a problem. I did however, leaked a bit. I cannot tell if it was colostrum, or an infection. I had extreme sore glands that were with pain and it was around the time I took vitex. Once I droped the vitex, it ceased. Im fine now. I can induce lactation with lactation techniques so I have a little milk stored in my glandsSmile But other than that, no pain nor soreness and I can pump and not lactate.

Thanks for being more specific on that, T.
But, back to the main point, considering that it indirectly effects prolactin levels (compared to other herbs that directly effect prolactin levels) why is this author so concerned about Bovine Ovary specifically? Also, you cannot deny the fact that they used absolutely NO sources for their statements made of Bovine Ovary. I am not saying that the entire thing is a lie; I am just saying that the source is not credible. Which was the main point of my post to IttyBittyJane. I don't think it is THAT concerning. All of these herbs have risks, but it is true that we know the LEAST about Bovine Ovary. Even what you are saying about it is not a proven fact-- it is all just theoretical. What IttyBittyJane should know is that no one knows how Bovine Ovary really works.

EDIT: @ IttyBittyJane--I wouldn't take the bit about the human growth hormones too seriously either, because we get that in so many things we eat every day and when we exercise. It is good to be cautious and not go overboard with anything you choose to do, but you certainly shouldn't be so concerned specifically about those things mentioned. I think the lesson to be learned from the article is to not overdo anything... not that these things can kill you. Just be safe and do your homework and don't be afraid to ask more knowledgeable members for help Smile

*** Very frustrated right now, my computer turned off after i wrote a page responce on this forum Dodgy

Anyways i'am very happy to get so much feedback on this topic. I'am a parnoid person so these were big concerns for me. I don't want to learn in 20 years from now i have thyriod problems or worse, and still end up with no boobs (oh hell no).

I have done more research since then and saw bovine in many positive lights, how it is used to treat many dysfunctional health problems. I feel more confident that this will help me more rather than hurt me.
Here in the U.S. alternative medicine is very unaccepted and looked down on. It's hard to ever get advice from professional doctors about this. The first thing they will do is point me to the nearest plastic surgeon (and this did happen).

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