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Why do YOU want bigger breasts?


(08-10-2013, 19:29)Zormad Wrote:  
(08-10-2013, 19:01)Missed Miss Wrote:  I think it's just a kind of quantitative freak out. For instance, you have something, anything at all, that's just an ordinary normal size, then, one day, you see another of them that's either huge or very small and you can't really help but look at it in wonder. "WOW!! Look at the tires on THAT truck!!" Well, it's the same with tits.
Also, anthropologically speaking, we used to walk around on all 4's like simians still do, so, the one thing that attracted a male to female was her ass. Once we learned to walk erect, her ass was no longer in our face, so, breasts grew to take the place of the ass. They DO look similar! So, the girls ARE there for purposes of sexual attraction! Nature is just doing it's part to help keep the species alive and all women can do is complain about guys looking at what naturally is very attractive to them.

First, I think you meant biologically...not anthropologically...Actually, there are tons of cultures that don't have the same breast fixation that Americans and some Europeans do. There are a few theories floating around as to why that is but they haven't settled for one yet. Some feel its the dichotomy between simultaneously hiding them away like a prized possession (daily lives) and presenting them on a platter (the media). Cultures where breasts are exposed in daily life don't have the same view of breasts. Funny because, anthropologically speaking, they live closer to the way our genetic ancestors did than we in the "civilized" world.

I can assure you though, breasts grew to feed young...not to attract males ha haha. Its that mind set that prevents women from being able to breast feed in public (what they are supposed to be used for). Biologically speaking, breast obsession makes no sense because essentially breasts are baby food and not actually a sexual object.

I'd think the biggest reason cultures that walk around topless aren't obsessed with breasts is BECAUSE they are a topless culture! If we'd do the same thing, eventually seeing naked breasts would be no big deal either.
Our ancestors, primates, don't have breasts at all UNTIL they have babies!! So, obviously, there's NO reason to have then constantly except for sexual attraction. Flat-chested woman and men can breast feed, too, but you don't see them walking around with a chestful, so, very obviously, protruding breasts are NOT needed just to breast feed. They HELP, but they're not needed.

(05-08-2013, 12:49)Anon Wrote:  Get ready for a morbid, deep story. Tongue

When I was in middle school there was this new guy in class. A real wise guy. He was assigned a seat at out table. I know you're thinking that's like something straight out of elementary but I lived in a close nit community in a tiny town where middle school was still like elementary school. We had one teacher, and one desk(each), and one class. And so at first he was teasing me light heartedly but then he started to get real nasty and I remember he said, "Really? You're a girl? I was a little fuzzy on that." It was hilarious but man did I take a blow to the feels. I excused myself to the bathroom to cry my heart out. You know how fragile egos are at that age. He tried to assure me he was kidding but the damage was done.

The boys saw how easy it was to ruffle my feathers and they all followed suit. I was made fun of and teased until 8th grade when I became withdrawn and they just left me alone.

It's silly I could let such an insignificant comment change my life. But since that day, I doubted my gender. To be honest, I'm still surprised people can tell I'm a girl. I spend so much time trying to differentiate myself from the opposite sex. It's all that my life has become. I epilate everything, I use skin peels, I grew out my hair, etc.. For a while I was even waist training to get that real feminine shape. I want to be as womanly as possible. That means a smaller waist, shapelier hips and of course, bigger boobs.

It turned to something else recently though. A few months back I see the boy who started it all near my campus. He eyed me up and down, that boy. He thought I was fine and oh, how I've changed. I went from an ugly androgynous duckling to a feminine young lady. That look. There was something about it that changed my whole perspective. It was no longer achieving beauty for other people but rather, for my own satisfaction. I like seeing people when they realize they were wrong.

I don't have as many issues as I used to and I ain't a victim no more. I learned that bullying can either push you to suicide or perfection. I took the perfection route and here I am, becoming better looking one goal at a time. I guess I am thankful. Had it not been for him, God knows how I would've turned out. At least when I'm spending time trying to prove everyone wrong, I'm becoming better looking. Smarter. Stronger.

"Mom says my boobs will stay small?" Well look, I'm growing and even you noticed, mama.
"Dad says I can't lighten my eyes?" How you like my light brown eyes now, daddy?
"You can't afford driving lessons." Really? Here I am, 4 months later with my permit.

Ugh, how I love the look on people's faces when they realize how wrong they were. I like the look and the silence that follows as they observe the changes. They stand there in awe and wonder. They want to ask, "What's your secret?" as if I'd tell the person who hurt me and propelled me to persevere & succeed in the first place.

In short, I want bigger boobs because at least four people have told me I can't have them. And because of that, now I have to and I will have big boobs. They told me I cant. I'll show them I can.

Is this an unhealthy way of choosing and achieving goals? Yeah. It is. But I don't care. At least I'm being productive.

Amen sister. Love your willpower!

What a topic, ay! To simplify, like I wrote on my own page, where I live plays a large part of this whole internal issue. I live in a beautiful city filled with big boobs and gorgeous people. It weighs on you if you feel you don't measure up to your peers. And it swallows my self-esteem with my bf. Let's just say he is popular thanks to his field, with many females at his feet (UGH). I mean, I would do this with or without him, but I think he is the reason I FINALLY started it. The fact that he virtually paid zero attention to my boobs didn't help either. Now he's all over them & talks about them often. That proved my secret point perfectly.

I always had a ton of guy friends so I know for a fact that guys love big boobs. It's a big deal to them! I was "one of the guys" and let me say, they are cruel! So many flat-chested bashing going on behind closed doors. I always dressed pretty conservatively and would wear padded and push-up bras so nobody ever commented on me being small (because they didn't know). Never wore a bikini around the friend-boys either.

When I was younger, my biggest fear came true: my ex cheated on me with a HUGE-breasted girl. Then later when I had taken him back and we were fighting about it, me asking what the hell he SAW in her, under his breath he said "yeah well, she had huge tits". What a dirt bag! Needless to say I do not keep in touch with him.

I also became sick of looking completely flat without a bra on. I like lingerie and beautiful bras but I couldn't pull off the beautiful lingerie look because I had no boobs! I am in my early 30's now so I have had plenty of years to decide that this is something that I truly, REALLY want. And now that I am actually getting larger it feels wonderful and my self-esteem is really growing!

Us girls who will reach our goal will always know what it was like to be the small-boobed girl. Just like the "fat girl" who got skinny. We will hopefully always be sensitive to other people. I think it's better than always having being blessed in that dept.


@MissedMiss: Exactly "if we saw bare breasts everyday they would be no big deal". Point and case lol, its the stigma our culture has created not a subconscious primal drive. In France (and probably other places where dance is highly valued) they are not infatuated with breasts and many find big breasts too make people look fat. Hell Tyra Banks had to diminish her breast size appearance when she started modeling there. And they wear clothes, albeit are not shy to nudity.

@Jenniferlove: I know exactly how you feel. I am also one of the guys but also do not hide my flat chested-ness. Honestly though, I have heard my female friends make comments far more than my male friends though it is not non existent among them either. I still consider my reason for nbe to be that I personally find large breasts attractive but I cannot ignore the many societal perks that come with it Big Grin

(08-10-2013, 20:29)Jenniferlove Wrote:  When I was younger, my biggest fear came true: my ex cheated on me with a HUGE-breasted girl. Then later when I had taken him back and we were fighting about it, me asking what the hell he SAW in her, under his breath he said "yeah well, she had huge tits". What a dirt bag! Needless to say I do not keep in touch with him.

Well, I HOPE you know that was about HIM and NOT you!! It's HIS hang-up that he didn't want you because you had little tits!! If he REALLY loved you, he wouldn't have cared!!

(08-10-2013, 20:29)Jenniferlove Wrote:  We will hopefully always be sensitive to other people. I think it's better than always having being blessed in that dept.

That WOULD be VERY nice!!!! But, I'm not so sure it'll ever happen. :-(

(08-10-2013, 20:53)Zormad Wrote:  @MissedMiss: Exactly "if we saw bare breasts everyday they would be no big deal". Point and case lol, its the stigma our culture has created not a subconscious primal drive. In France (and probably other places where dance is highly valued) they are not infatuated with breasts and many find big breasts too make people look fat. Hell Tyra Banks had to diminish her breast size appearance when she started modeling there. And they wear clothes, albeit are not shy to nudity.

@Jenniferlove: I know exactly how you feel. I am also one of the guys but also do not hide my flat chested-ness. Honestly though, I have heard my female friends make comments far more than my male friends though it is not non existent among them either. I still consider my reason for nbe to be that I personally find large breasts attractive but I cannot ignore the many societal perks that come with it Big Grin

This is exactly how I feel. I am happy to know that I can remain humble with my larger breasts. I see so much beauty in the world and potential in most people. When I see a beautiful face and skrauny body or no boobs on her, I think " she could have them if she wanted to, wow, she's beautiful." Instead of "Too bad she's flat, she'd be a TEN if only she had boobs," like most insensitive people.

I have had a friend in college that remarked while we were shopping, "man, you need boobs! You are so flat chested! You need breast implants."

I wanted to cry a little inside, of course, she was a 34C.


(08-10-2013, 23:09)tibetan113 Wrote:  When I see a beautiful face and scrawny body or no boobs on her, I think " she could have them if she wanted to, wow, she's beautiful." Instead of "Too bad she's flat, she'd be a TEN if only she had boobs," like most insensitive people.
What's kind of heartbreaking is when some people see someone that is kinda normal looking, not extremely pretty, but certainly not hideous, they flat out call her ugly!!!! I take a look at her and I can CLEARLY see that she is by NO means ugly!!!! The person that called her ugly most certainly is, though!!!! Internally ugly!! The worst kind of ugliness!!!!
But, although I'd prefer to go by someone's personality than their looks, because there are SO MANY GORGEOUS-LOOKING girls out there that VERY internally ugly, but, you can't exactly suss that out on first sight, so you kinda HAVE to go by looks. But, I look at her face first and then I might look at her tits and body later.
Most often, women I hear being called ugly are actually quite pretty!! Sadly, they're self-esteem, because of these internally ugly people, is practically destroyed, and, in most cases, after just one crude comment directed towards them!!
How cruel!! I hope someone can do the same thing to them to see how they feel about it!!

I've always been considered to be a tomboy and I'm also a lesbian, so honestly I

I've always been considered to be a tomboy and I'm also a lesbian, so honestly I really don't mind having small breasts. I once actually considered transitioning into becoming a male, and then I realised that instead of cursing my sex, I'll take advantage of it.

I love boobs, so why not have some? Whenever I see a sexy lady, I'm all like DAMN THAT'S ONE SEXY LADY. One day, I'll look in the mirror and say that exact thing, and then realise that it's me Big Grin

I'm also a cosplayer, some characters you cosplay as honestly won't look good unless you have some kind of cleavage, so that's were I'm headed Tongue

I want bigger breasts because I want to know if I can get them. Whenever the topic of NBE comes up, people always say "Oh it's definitely a scam; if it worked everyone would have huge boobs," but I've seen the success stories. I want to try it out for myself.

Being able to fit it bras would be a definite bonus, though.

Actually, I used to be kind of insecure about my breasts and want bigger ones because I wanted to look more feminine, but one semi-abusive ex and a healthy dose of self-confidence later, I'm happy with how I look. Though I'm not saying no to the possibility of more, obviously. Smile

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