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rateset's hardcore programme: Brava+ Bosom Beauty+Swansons BO+Volufiline+Biovea cream


You take only 2pills BB,not 3 and that makes around 1g, it is really the half of the milligrams that you take with swansons(1,5month supply-90pills), they advise not to take more, because you may grow faster in the beginning, but you may stall soon because its too much. I have been taking swanons BO for 1,5 months, not a week. But even if I do get results I cannot tell you that its from BO, when I pump for 12h a day at the same time, I already have changes, but no idea what contributes to it the most, I just think its pumping and BO perhaps supports it a bit, but I can't know that.

EVERY breast pills company over advertise, they are all the Nr 1, the best etc, none of them looks serius, at the best they look less unserius and swanson is not a breast pill company,they make many other things too. And this pill is not meant for breast augmentation, on the bottle it says 1pill a day and we take like 6-8Big Grin

(04-09-2013, 09:41)rateset Wrote:  You take only 2pills BB,not 3 and that makes around 1g, it is really the half of the milligrams that you take with swansons(1,5month supply-90pills), they advise not to take more, because you may grow faster in the beginning, but you may stall soon because its too much. I have been taking swanons BO for 1,5 months, not a week. But even if I do get results I cannot tell you that its from BO, when I pump for 12h a day at the same time, I already have changes, but no idea what contributes to it the most, I just think its pumping and BO perhaps supports it a bit, but I can't know that.

EVERY breast pills company over advertise, they are all the Nr 1, the best etc, none of them looks serius, at the best they look less unserius and swanson is not a breast pill company,they make many other things too. And this pill is not meant for breast augmentation, on the bottle it says 1pill a day and we take like 6-8Big Grin

Oh! Wow I'm sorry... I was thinking of UB when I made that calculation. My bad. That's what I get for having too many tabs open on my computer screen late at night! haha. Sorry about that! As for how many miligrams there are per BB pill, I was not able to find that online but called and spoke to a representative and in each BB pill there is 600mg of Bovine Ovary, Kelp, and Pituitary Gland combined. They said they will call me back in a week if they are able to obtain and give out that information about how many miligrams there are of each ingredient (if you'd like, I can let you know what they tell me when they get back to me! Let me know!). Where did you get that information, that between two BB pills there is 1g of BO? And yeah, that bit about homeopathic potentization is very interesting. It is even more strange that I have not bumped into that term ever while perusing this forum! Perhaps because this is the first time I am seriously considering BO....

To be honest, with most (if not all) growth by NBE, there is some kind of synergy involved. And what I mean is, not to focus about WHICH "thing" in your program is working; rather, the point is to find a PROGRAM that works! That is why lots of people on this forum try to keep it simple, because if there is a program that works for them that is simple and a program that works for them that is complex, they would rather discover the simple method first and stick to that! To them, complex programs are only necessary when all the simple ones have been found to not work for them. It is good though, still, that you are sensible and know that you cannot jump the gun and claim that anything particular works for you (as some people DO do that, which is alarming). But I think your gut instinct is probably right: it is a combination of your pumping and BO. Things need to work together!

I understand what you're saying, that all companies talk highly of themselves, but not all of them over-advertise. Clearly, as I had heard of Bountiful Breast before I joined BN but I never heard of UB. That's just one example of a company that over-advertises and one that doesn't. Breast Actives is one of the worst for over-advertising. But yeah, I'm sure they all think they're the shizzle. Well, they've all worked for SOMEONE, so...

But yeah, I know you have been on BO for almost two months, but you mentioned about how taking 2g of Swanson's doesn't work which is odd since only 1g of BB works. I didn't know where that came from, but I assumed you were referring to yourself when you mentioned the 2g of Swanson's not working (since you mentioned on August 29th that you were starting 2g)... so I was just saying that it is too soon to say that 2g of Swanson's does not work for you. Or, Swanson's at all. Everything needs to be given AT LEAST 3 months before expecting any signs of growth. I believe in more than that, though honestly. So, it's not about it working for you or not working for you. What it really comes down to is what you feel confident about!

Good luck, miss!! I cannot wait to see your progress Big Grin

It was on the homepage or some other BB site, it said one pill is 525mg or 520mg, but I think it was 525mg, I would have to search again, I meant around 1g, it is a bit more. Yes please inform me when you find out what exactly is in the proprietery brand.

You're right, UB makes no advertisment, nevertheless it doesn't look trustworthy at all, but thats another story, I understand your point. Alone for the design of the homepage many companies look really very unserius.

I don't want to loose time in trying every component of my program alone to see what works, the most important thing is that it works. On the other side it wouldn't be bad to know if something doesn't work at all, then I would discontinue. Like for eg I wonder if volufiline platinum has its part, because I dont trust the cream, it has parabens and silicons, its just that its japanese and they have somehow a good reputation, otherwise I would have already stopped.
Thanks for your support and good luck to you too!

I got my Bountiful Breast Pills although they do not deliver to my country! Thats the good news, I just ordered with borderlinx and let them ship to my borderlinx UK adress and they forwarded it to me, there was no problem at all, I didn't even pay taxes since there was no invoice inside.

But I am very unsatisfied with my swelling during the week. At weekends I do really long sessions and get huge swelling and when they swell like that they are also very close to each other, but during the week I don't have that much time and the swelling is much smaller. Brava makes them wide apart when I get only moderate swelling, I really don't like that. And today even my XL BB cup broke, now I have to wait for a week or so to get the new one. I am afraid that will stop my progress a bit. Somehow I have to think of strategy how to get the best swelling in 10hours during the week, when I suck out the air myself from Brava I do get more swelling, but I don't have a perfect vacuum so I have to suck out again and again and actually I am supposed to sleep at nights not pumpDodgy

sounds like a pretty good plan, and SOMEWHAT similar to mine, well at least in the sence that I am also using a suction device (nb) and volufiline. As far as other compontents I am taking pm and a few other supplements, but I wanted to mention that I am usiing eveline slim extreme volufiline that I ordered on amazon. Personally I think its working rather well for me because while I had been using my nb a almost a month before I started my volufiline I am already overflowing my bra and in all my attempts with nb in the past I NEVER filled up my bra this much, so I am thinking its the volufiline that's making a big contribution to my plan. I know its not the pm or other supplements because I didn't start all those till about a week ago. So keep at it with the volufiline, I think as long as ur using it twise a day with massage, u may see some good results. Smile

Best of luck to u!

(19-09-2013, 08:59)rateset Wrote:  I got my Bountiful Breast Pills although they do not deliver to my country! Thats the good news, I just ordered with borderlinx and let them ship to my borderlinx UK adress and they forwarded it to me, there was no problem at all, I didn't even pay taxes since there was no invoice inside.

But I am very unsatisfied with my swelling during the week. At weekends I do really long sessions and get huge swelling and when they swell like that they are also very close to each other, but during the week I don't have that much time and the swelling is much smaller. Brava makes them wide apart when I get only moderate swelling, I really don't like that. And today even my XL BB cup broke, now I have to wait for a week or so to get the new one. I am afraid that will stop my progress a bit. Somehow I have to think of strategy how to get the best swelling in 10hours during the week, when I suck out the air myself from Brava I do get more swelling, but I don't have a perfect vacuum so I have to suck out again and again and actually I am supposed to sleep at nights not pumpDodgy

Crazy!! My UB just came in today, too!! (I decided to go with UB in the end because I discovered their discounted price, which was aaaaaaaaall the way on the right side of the page and I never saw it before! So it is significantly cheaper and since there have been many on this forum who have had success with it, I'm going to give it a go!). I hope BO is exactly what your boobies need!! I'm looking forward to hearing of your progress with it!

Brava 3 Months update
Well maybe I have reached the 89cm (started at 86cm), but I have also been pumping for many hours in the last days, maybe its just longer lasting swelling, when I pump more and they swell more it also lasts longer. Still I find my progress slow in the sense that I have planned to do brava till the end of the year and with this pace I would be nowhere near my goals at that time. Thats why I decided to do more marathons, just to try to get the maximum and do not think at the end of the year I should have done it differently and half a year of much work and commitment didn't use much, I have the impression that I'm pumping the whole day anyway. The theory was - if I do like 3more months I would have the size that I have now 12hours later. Hmm, I definitely have some gains, but they are very modest. Because I was unsatisfied with my swelling during the week, I decided to do less Bosom Beauty, only if I manage to do some BB before 20PM I can do it, after 20PM I will always do just brava. At weekends I do really long marathon sessions (what I was not planning to do as I started brava) and then I get really big swelling, but only if I make some extra pressure with my breath. When I do that, my bigger breast is filling out more than the half of the domes (the smaller one has to catch up), not like just touching the top, but filling out the dome on all sides. BUT only when I suck out the air myself and when I do that I am damaging my domes quite fast, because the silicon gets into the domes sooner or later, which sucksDodgy I will also need XL wide domes some time in the future and I read they are hard to get-not good..

BO Bountiful Breast
Since 22.09.2010 I switched to Bountiful Breast and I am taking 2 pills a day (1050mg) at the moment. It is doing somethin since I have spotting, hopefully it will do also something for the breasts too.

Still taking Volufiline platinum, Biovea and aloe gel and creams. Apart from redness no other skin problems

Brava 4 Months update
Last month I wasn't sure if I have reached the 89cm or if its just the longer lasting swelling when it gets huge after marathons and this month it's similar, I am around 90cm and I'm not positive if I have really reached 90cm. I find it hard to say for sure if its 1cm+/- because the measure changes if you hold the tape a bit lower or higher on the back, it also depends how much you press the nipples etc. But they definitely look a bit different with and without a bra. I did marathons on weekends doing 20-30h and for the first time this week I managed to get more swelling on workdays every day, it's not that huge as on weekends, but its OK. During the week I manage to do 11-12h.

October (or the last september week to be precise) is the first month I started increasing the pressure till maximum using my breath and trying to do more hours, just to see if I can make a faster progress. I noticed that if I just use the smartbox I am filling like the half of the large domes and when I increase the pressure I am almost filling the large domes completely, like touching the walls of the domes on all sides. I don't know it, but my logic tells me that bigger swelling is better for growth,more tension and it stays longer. In this first month I faced some problems and learned a bit, I ruined my domes in 3weeks, because the silicon got into the domes and then it gets damaged very quickly, it is necessary to hold the silicon rim as you pump to prevent it from getting inside. This is what I am doing with the new domes and it actually works. Also, because I damaged the domes 4-5 days I was always loosing suction and got only very little swelling till I realized how I can make a seal, so these 4-5days are more or less lost. Still I did make progress. WIth the new domes I have another problem it hurts my sternum when I increase the pressure, the new ones are narrow, before that I had wide domes and they never hurt my sternum. The redness also got much better, even after marathons its not that red. And the smaller breast is now also filling the dome better then at the beginning. I don't have time for Bosom Beauty at the time, I do notice that I do more brava, I really have no time for anything.

And as for my growth rate: if I manage to get decent swelling on workdays too and with every additional cm it should be easier to gain another one, I expect a pace of 1cm pro month, last two months I had it too, but I need one more month to confirm it, somehow I am unsure. So if at the end of november I get to 91cm, then I can say my growth rate is 1cm pro month, which would mean - my first goal was 93cm, I would be that far at the end of January and in ordder to make that permanent I should do 2more months, so it would mean at least till the end of March=9 months brava. And this rule - after you have reached the size you desire you should do the same number of week to make it permament, only makes sense if you do 3-4 months, if it took me 7 months to get to my size, its nonsense that I should do another 7 months to make it permament-just my opinion.

BO Bountiful Breast
I started taking 3Pills a day since 21.10.2013. I don't notice anything, no pains, sensations, nothing. And if it works I could only say when I stop doing brava.

Volufiline + Biovea PM Cream
I am using Volufiline Platinum only on my smaller breast, also using Aumenti on my ribs and once a day Biovea PM.


Do you know how much bo the pills contain? I read somewhere, that it's a homeopathic dose. Because if it is so, i would buy it in germany. There is a pharmacy in munich that produces homeopathic bo pills.

Are you worried about prions in bo that can cause bse? I read about this r

isk and now i'm afraid...

They say the pills are from Argentinean cattle where no cow disease was found, if that's true I don't know, I don't find any of the breast pills trustworthy, but Bountiful Breast has been on the market for almost 20years. Somehow I don't think I will get ill with them, but I am not too optimistic they will work for me.

As for my brava story, I got a wound on my sternum so I make just a little pressure on one breast and max on the other. Another thing, the other day couple of hours after taking off the domes I had also 90cm circumference, but I had much more in the center and on top-which looked quite nice even with only 90cm, so from that point of view I don't know if I will have 1cm pro month, actually I need a lot of filling in first. But on the other hand I don't think that they will fill in first as perfect as with swelling, I think they grow a bit more outwards than on sides, not quite sure that's true,the time will tell.

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