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Hey! haven't seen you in a while on the forum! I wish I had real progress with my expirements. I am still fighting these posessing entities. I am able to kick some ass every now and again, but they just keep coming around. The girls now are more of a problem then the raping males.

I made one teen gal cry because I "awoke" during her session of inhabiting my body. I told her repeatedly to leave my body alone and it was not hers to take from me and she knew I was angry and wanted to kill her, she just kept morphing and resisting. Then she bit me. I woke up to stay up.

What is going on with you? PM me any time.

(16-09-2013, 11:05 AM)kouklitsa Wrote:  Hi Tibetan,

How is it going? Do you have any updates? I hope things are well, or at least getting better!

Would you mind if I pm you about this topic? Get your advice about something that's been bothering me for a while?


My sister lives in a haunted house! Sometimes she'll be on the way up to the second floor and see someone dressed like Abe Lincoln walking from the bathroom towards the attic and when she'd go up to check the attic seconds later he was gone!
The first time my nephew's ex-GF set foot into the house, she go as far as the living room door in the hall, looked in and, in the mirror over the mantle, saw her long dead grandfather!! She screamed and started crying!
About a year ago, my nephew was in the house alone in the kitchen one night, around 9:00 or 10:00, he was cooking something to eat. Suddenly this woman in a very frilly Victorian style white dress appeared in the doorway and when he started to talk to her (I think), she shoved him clear across the kitchen!! (About 15 feet.) When he regained control, she was gone! He called us up moments later to tell us about it!
One night, my other sister spent the night and both of my sisters slept in the same bed. The blinds were completely down and the door was locked from the inside, but, around 3:00 a.m., this small white dot of light appeared in the room and got larger and larger!
When my sister first moved in, there were a few nights where she and her hubby went to bed and, a few hours later, the t.v. in the living came on BLASTING loud!!!! They both KNOW that they had it down low when they went to bed!!
And, around the same time, they'd be in bed at night when the smoke detectors they had on the ceiling went off! When George got up to shut them, he found that none of them had any batteries!!

So, I have been reading through this thread and all I can say is WOW. I am so sorry you have been going through this.

Do you mind if I ask your advice on something?

This is something that has always bothered me. A bit of background, my family has a lot of Native American in us and I have always been told that can make someone sensitive to spirits. My grandmother saw a woman in white walk into the room with my uncle when he was a baby and had tick fever, touch his head, then walk out. My uncle's fever was gone the next day and they didn't think he would make it the day before. My mom saw things as well... including a man in a top hat coming in to the room when my parents first got married. She also had something run across the room and land on her chest. I also saw things when I was little, and I would randomly get uneasy at times. I had deja vu a lot and I still experience a lot of sleep paralysis where I will see things in my room, though I don't know if that is related or it's just me dreaming.
Now, this, I am not sure if it actually paranormal or something different all together. My baby brother was born with a hole in his heart, a rare condition in his eye, plus a blood disorder that he is the 51st person in the world to have. AKA he was very sick from day one. He fought for life for a long time. Again, I don't know if that is related to what happened or not I just feel like it could be. We were brought up in a very religious household for a long time and scary movies were out of the question, so I don't feel like he could daydream this up. Plus, he was like 4. Anyways, he had fallen asleep on the couch and my dad decided to sleep on the floor just in case he woke up (waking him up to go to bed was a nightmare since he would get violent and not know where he was and not remember anything the next morning). So the next day he asks mom who the kids were that woke him up and explained they asked him to play, but he didn't like them so he didn't. My mom asked him to describe them and he said they were dressed in black and didn't have faces. There were several of them playing in our living room. He didn't seem scared, just very matter-of-fact about them and the fact that he had no intentions of playing with them. lol. Yeah, I have chills right now. I hate talking about that. It still freaks me out.

Any insight to what this could be?

I believe in this type of stuff too. That an entity or demon can latch itself inside of us and turn our body into its home. It will silently breathe negative thoughts into us, make us feel bad about ourselves, drive people to severe depression and sometimes suicide. The more powerful ones spawn the crazy serial killers we read about (and most likely the sociopathic gov't officials running the show).

I have for a very long time felt something inside of me. Something that was not me rejoicing during inappropriate times that I was not even happy about, or flooding sad thoughts in my head. It was always strange, and just enough to make me think that I perhaps have a demon of some sort in me.

Well, the other night confirmed it for me. I will tell the story and then what I plan on doing about it.

The other morning, I knew he was there because I was awake but still letting my last dream run its course and I heard him speak a nasty thing to me. He came out of nowhere, but I clearly heard him get involved in my conversation. I won't get into detail what was going on, but that was the first time ever that I realized that he is real.

That's when I exited the dream and entered reality and tried to cast him out. So, while I was AWAKE but still in my bed and eyes closed I tried to cast him out of me. I told him to get OUT and that I know he is in there, that I was COMMANDING him to get out. I felt 100% confident and it showed! I felt more powerful than ever. I could feel this tingly sensation take over me and some type of energy began to leave me, but then an even more powerful vacume energy began CLINGING to my body! Out loud (not in sleep but in real life) I started whisper screaming Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ! And you will not believe it, but my whole speech began slurring to where I could not say it anymore, like it was right out of a freaking movie!! He, or whatever it is, won this time. But I am now positive it is there.

IMMEDIATELY after I gave up I got up and brushed my teeth. Completely awake. So no, this was not sleep paralysis or dream world. Something is in me, CRAZY! Just happy I now know what needs to be done.

About 10 minutes after I brushed my teeth and was about to enter the living room I said out loud to him "You're going to leave" and I felt a tingly anger vibrate inside me. I said "I know you're there and Jesus is going to help me get you out. You will lose". That tingly anger energy vibrated in me again. So scary.

I will note that I am not religious, but extremely spiritual. I have heard time and time again to cast out a demon to say in the name of Jesus so that is what I did and *something* was extremely pissed. I mean, every time I go inside a Christian church I can FEEL something in me go apeshit. I just thought it was because I kinda view church as a cult, but now I think there's more to it.

I am going to look on having someone powerful pray over me and try to get this out. I know of people who do this and are reknowed for it. I have felt this in me for over a decade, but it could possibly be finally nearing an end.

Sorry for such a novel, but Tibetan, I see you are trying to fight this alone and it's not working. Have you thought of being prayed over and "exorcised"? It couldn't hurt, you know? I mean, if it gets rid of all this nonsense?

The crazy serial killers are most likely Montauk boys. They'd grab them from the streets when they are very young and take them to Montauk and brainwash them, causing them to have multiple personalities, then program one of their personalities to kill on command. It may be decades before they get the command and they have NO idea why they've done this to innocent people, nor do they even KNOW they've done it! That's why Mark Chapman took out a book and started reading as soon as he killed John Lennon! His alternate personality's job was done, so his normal brain took over.
Columbine, Sandy Hook, nearly every one of those things you can think of were all Montauk boys.

Repeat the following until the entity departs:

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of the people.

"The King of the people.

"The God of the people.

"From the evils of sneaky whisperers.

"Who whisper into the chests of the people.

"Be they of the jinns, or the people."
Make sure you imagine the LIGHT going thru you. Blessings

(01-10-2013, 05:48 PM)Missed Miss Wrote:  The crazy serial killers are most likely Montauk boys. They'd grab them from the streets when they are very young and take them to Montauk and brainwash them, causing them to have multiple personalities, then program one of their personalities to kill on command. It may be decades before they get the command and they have NO idea why they've done this to innocent people, nor do they even KNOW they've done it! That's why Mark Chapman took out a book and started reading as soon as he killed John Lennon! His alternate personality's job was done, so his normal brain took over.
Columbine, Sandy Hook, nearly every one of those things you can think of were all Montauk boys.

Looks like I have some new reading to do! Never even heard of Montauk. I mean, I have read extensively on serial killers and the psychology behind them. Most have very troubled childhoods but some, like the Nighstalker & Son of Sam, say that they got into Satanism and that's when it all began.

(01-10-2013, 05:50 PM)pom19 Wrote:  Repeat the following until the entity departs:

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of the people.

"The King of the people.

"The God of the people.

"From the evils of sneaky whisperers.

"Who whisper into the chests of the people.

"Be they of the jinns, or the people."
Make sure you imagine the LIGHT going thru you. Blessings

Thank you so much for this. I will memorize this and practice it.

(17-09-2013, 12:49 AM)echapman Wrote:  So, I have been reading through this thread and all I can say is WOW. I am so sorry you have been going through this.

Do you mind if I ask your advice on something?

This is something that has always bothered me. A bit of background, my family has a lot of Native American in us and I have always been told that can make someone sensitive to spirits. My grandmother saw a woman in white walk into the room with my uncle when he was a baby and had tick fever, touch his head, then walk out. My uncle's fever was gone the next day and they didn't think he would make it the day before. My mom saw things as well... including a man in a top hat coming in to the room when my parents first got married. She also had something run across the room and land on her chest. I also saw things when I was little, and I would randomly get uneasy at times. I had deja vu a lot and I still experience a lot of sleep paralysis where I will see things in my room, though I don't know if that is related or it's just me dreaming.
Now, this, I am not sure if it actually paranormal or something different all together. My baby brother was born with a hole in his heart, a rare condition in his eye, plus a blood disorder that he is the 51st person in the world to have. AKA he was very sick from day one. He fought for life for a long time. Again, I don't know if that is related to what happened or not I just feel like it could be. We were brought up in a very religious household for a long time and scary movies were out of the question, so I don't feel like he could daydream this up. Plus, he was like 4. Anyways, he had fallen asleep on the couch and my dad decided to sleep on the floor just in case he woke up (waking him up to go to bed was a nightmare since he would get violent and not know where he was and not remember anything the next morning). So the next day he asks mom who the kids were that woke him up and explained they asked him to play, but he didn't like them so he didn't. My mom asked him to describe them and he said they were dressed in black and didn't have faces. There were several of them playing in our living room. He didn't seem scared, just very matter-of-fact about them and the fact that he had no intentions of playing with them. lol. Yeah, I have chills right now. I hate talking about that. It still freaks me out.

Any insight to what this could be?

I've heard of the sleep paralysis thing happen when aliens comes into someone's room to abduct them. Supposedly, they use some kind of power on you to keep you still while they fiddle about. As far as I'm concerned, the jury's still out on that one. I'm SURE there are other people on other planets, but, I'm not 100% sure I believe all the alien stories.
Except for the "kids" not having faces, again, I'd think that was aliens. I've heard children claim they were playing with other children no one else could see, but it turned out they were actually aliens, but they thought they were other kids because of their size.
I think I mentioned in my previous post that one of the people my sister saw in her house was an Abe Lincoln looking guy complete with stovepipe hat.
My ex-fiancé (she's Indian, too, but the other kind...Hindi) told me about 15 years ago that, one morning, she was running out of her house to go to the library to study, and, before she left the house (it was converted into apartments) she saw a little girl in an old fashioned white dress, Victorian era, I think, standing by the cellar door and they talked for a moment before Anu left. JUST as she stepped out the front door, about 15 feet away from the girl, Anu remembered something she needed and went back inside. This was only maybe 5 seconds after she saw the girl. When she went back inside, the girl was gone! She thought it strange and looked for her, but never saw her again! Then she remembered, NOBODY in the entire house HAS a little girl!!!! The two women on the top floor were older hippie chicks with no kids, just a dog and two cats, on the 2nd floor was a young couple, the male of which was also a drummer (like me) in a local rock band, and another single, older woman with a severe cat fetish and no kids and Anu & I were on the first floor, but I wasn't there when this happened.

(01-10-2013, 06:05 PM)Jenniferlove Wrote:  
(01-10-2013, 05:48 PM)Missed Miss Wrote:  The crazy serial killers are most likely Montauk boys. They'd grab them from the streets when they are very young and take them to Montauk and brainwash them, causing them to have multiple personalities, then program one of their personalities to kill on command. It may be decades before they get the command and they have NO idea why they've done this to innocent people, nor do they even KNOW they've done it! That's why Mark Chapman took out a book and started reading as soon as he killed John Lennon! His alternate personality's job was done, so his normal brain took over.
Columbine, Sandy Hook, nearly every one of those things you can think of were all Montauk boys.

Looks like I have some new reading to do! Never even heard of Montauk. I mean, I have read extensively on serial killers and the psychology behind them. Most have very troubled childhoods but some, like the Nighstalker & Son of Sam, say that they got into Satanism and that's when it all began.
Look up Preston Nickles (Nichols?) on YouTube or Al Bielek (again, not sure of the spelling), they know just about everything there is to know about Montauk. They worked there. Another good source there (again, I'm failing on his last name) is a guy named, Duncan. They programed at least a dozen different personalities into this guy when he was about 8 years old. You should be able to find out a lot about it just by looking up Montauk Chair in YouTube.

So sorry @echapman, I must have missed your post. But didn't we PM eachother on this? Anyways, this is all too typical. So yeah, these spirits are around you and that boy. Just entities that want to interfere. Be careful, they latch on to the little ones and try to get them to do stupid and dangerous things by first befriending them. The sensitivity to them must run in your family.

OMG, I feel the same way you do @Miss about the school shootings! I sware they just want to get rid of our gun rights. The drive the people mad.
So sorry @Love that you are going through this pesty entity. I know exactly what you are talking about. Having them set up home inside you is the worst feeling like prison! They often interrupt my prayer. Such a big clear sign they are there!

I do believe group prayer and exorcism works. I have submitted my name for group prayer, I have not tried the exorcism as my issues are not the demonic kind. But who knows, maybe it will work.

Also, to update about what I've been doing. I am still experimenting with hz waves and now amplifying them.

I blast my self with amplified (acoustic) sound waves from a subwoofer speaker as mentioned from my last postings. I have been getting this weird consistent result where I would feel vibrations running through my entire body and I swear I can feel my soul being affected sometimes. I ly there and feel this drop sensation in the center of my brain like I left this world and entered the other. I saw that tunnel like thing that many see in NDE's. Its scary because I don't know the long term effects of this kind of exposure since it supposedly can be dangerous. But I found my self extremely realm sensitive to where I can get out of my body at times and if not, I can always hear that realm and feel it to some degree.

This is so trippy. I'll just be lying there for a seconds in and I can hear the things they say and what they are trying to do with me and I'm not even asleep. While this happens to me normally, its not this strong as when I use this subwoofer. I think I may have opened a small portal (that can not be closed by them. To me, this is good!Last night, I was able to escape a couple of times from these entities with all of my senses. But then the vibration sensations wore off about 4 hours into sleep (out of body). So I think exposure for 15 minutes of hz 28-49 amplified and then do it again for the next four hours vs. having it run all night which I think can be dangerous.

Faceless entities are those just hiding their identity whether they are interdimensional aliens or humans (from my experience). I see this often when I'm being taken advantage of sexually, if I'm even that lucky to become spiritually aware for that moment to try and stop them ;(

This is why I never want to have children, the "awarness" ability runs in the family, I would never want them to experience such trauma. I'm angry at what they do to us to get away with on a daily basis. Lucky for those who are not targeted. But I plan on doing something about it in a scientific approach while praying about it daily.


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