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Back n Boomin! {noogle, PM, volufiline + MORE}


OK, so I tried to update here a lil while back and forgot to finish up my post haha so heres what I started to write plus theres more I will be adding as I have changed up my routine a lil bit since then anyway. so heres what I started on my last update:

"Hey gang! Wow, its sure been a while! I don't know if ne1 remembers me as its been about 3 yrs (maybe not quite) since I've been an active member. I would like to take a min to explain why that is, where I've been, where I'm goin and what's happening now! I'm going to attempt to keep this fairly brief and just sort of highlight the important details as I don't have much time before work and there will be plenty of time for discussion later.
Just a brief history... I started my nbe journey around 3-4 years ago after I had my first child and became VERY saggy and deflated. I've always been rather small breasted tho and had always wanted more. Rather then go into all the details again am providing a link to my old program page right here so plz read up on that for more info as I will not be covering everything here. But to make a long story short, back then I was going the herbal route and had started taking greenbush herbs, and while I had seen a small amount of growth (not so much seen but measurred! Wink haha!) I just couldn't keep up with all the pill popping, tea drinking, massaging, sitting around under a heating pad, etc.!.. also during the end of that time I started listening to blaketalks hypnosis, which was ok but again taking up too much time sitting around when I had 2 children to worry about and care for.. and aside from that I just feel I'm not one who is easily put in a trance. Too easily distracted! Lol. I just didn't feel I was getting what I should out of it. However, I am a stronge believer in the power of BELIEF! I truely believe u can manifest ne thing u really put ur mind to and if u..."

Annnd it just sort of cuts off there lol but I noticed I forgot to add that I had tried BO, plus towards the end of all that I had gotten a noogleberry and was using it pretty consistently. I think it was at that point that I was getting frustrated because I wasn't seeing the swelling that a lot of people were getting with noogleberry and things just weren't going fast enough for me with all my efforts. THEN I discovered this "magical" site called u mean FREE boobs without all this pill poppin and effort?! So yep, anxious, impatient little me signed right up without a second thought! I gotta say, I did pretty darn good on mfi. It took me about 6 month from my smart phone alone {no pc at the time} to raise 4 thousand dollars towards my free boob job. So I went in for my surgery consultation and got all the details worked out and what kind of implants I wanted and whatnot, but on the way home from that, I just didn't feel right. As excited as I was about finally having boobs, the idea of fake implants just wasn't sitting right with me, and not only that but I felt like I had sold myself like a cheap hooker just for boobs. Don't get me wrong, I never sold any nude pictures or videos of myself but I did sell highly sexy pictures (yes, hubby was aware) and had to chat it up with perverted men just so theyd give me money. It just wasn't really me and I felt sort of ashamed and didn't think I could live with those fake blobs on my chest knowing I had to sell my self short and as an object to get them. And anyway, ill take real over fake any day! So long story short, I dropped out of that crap and pretty much gave up any sort of breast enhancement all together for a while and decided to love and accept myself as is!
I HAVE come to love and accept my self too. I have never felt more comfortable and settled with who I am then I do now. However, I think u can love yourself and still want to improve and that's ok. In fact, I think that was a major road block for me in the past, was that I hated my breasts SO bad and wanted to see change so bad that I was mentally blocking my breast growth with hate rays of death lol.
So remember the blaketalks I had mentioned earlier? Well I think those subconsciously helped me in learning to love my breasts in a some small way as well as just maturing and working through some issues in my life. But I always held onto the belief the blaketalks taught me that as I move through my day, at every moment I can grow my breasts. I just have to know, not believe but KNOW that if I want them to my breast are growing. Ive always reminded myself of that over the years. If you know any thing about quantum physics you know that the power of faith and belief is a very powerful thing indeed.
So over the years, through all my efforts and sheer belief alone I HAVE indeed grown a small amount. Nowhere near where I want to be (hence the knew program) but I have in fact grown which in turn gives me more faith. Nbe DOES work with time and effort and I have seen that time and time again here on breastnexus and ALL over the net!
When I first started years ago I measured at around 31 3/4th inches around the biggest part of my bust and today I am at about 34 1/2 however, I will admit I have put on a SMALL amount of weigh since then so of course that contributes to a little of my measurements but I can see and tell for myself that my breast have grown and are MUCH improved from what they used to be. Just as an example, before I started nbe when I would lay down on my back my breasts would sink in like craters! It was disgusting! Oh, the thanks we get for giving our babies the very best nourishment in those tender first months of their lives! I am happy to report now that they DONT do that anymore! Smile Even after I stopped nbe for a long time the growth stayed.
So heres where im at now:
As I said before I my current measurement is around 34 (im just saying 34 because I think I was/am experiencing luteal swelling when I took that measurement this morning).
I have recently started up my noogleberry again (about a month ago). My preferred method is snoogling. I put it on when I go to bed and usually wake up about two to three hours later and ripped it off so I can get some quality sleep haha. For my noogling lotion i use a collagen placenta night cream i ordered from puritans pride. I realize the collagen doesn't fully absorb into the skin but i figure it cant hurt.
Massage is a BIG part of my current program now. Along with volufiline cream from eveline. I massage it onto my breast EVERY night and EVERY morning faithfully. I do about 10 mins worth of chi rotations plus incorporate some of chiyomilks fat brushing techniques.
I have recently started taking triple omega with fish oil, flax and borage oils.
I just started taking L-lysine yesterday and will be starting back up on my calcium today.
Heres the fun, new part of my program that im really excited about...
I just got some PM caps TODAY as well as a female hormone blend from solaray! PM is something ive wanted to try for a while and never got around to till now. Ive heard a lot of good about it but to tell u the truth i was a but intimidated by it, it always sounded so complicated, when to take it, when not to, etc., etc...! I finally bunkered down and did my research and got it all figured out tho!
So my plan of attack to to take it on the first day of my period (fingers crossed it'll start tomorrow!) and proceed to take it for 14 days then i will switch over to my female hormone blend which contains a propriety blend of black cohosh, dong quai, passion flower, red raspberry, fenugreek, licorice, cramp bark, chamomile, saw palmetto, wild yam, butternut and kelp.
So right now i am very deep into my luteal phase and certain to start my period any day now! My breast are SO swollen right now theyre bursting over my 32a victorias secret bombshell bra! while i love the extra fullness and size am SO ready to start my pm and see where it takes me! I don't think ive ever wanted to get my period so bad lol!

oh, also i have been and will continue to document my progress with pictures and post them as soon as u can really see a diff. Unforetunetly, i lost all my old very first starting pix years ago but i do have some recent ones i took before i started my current plan.

Whew, i didn't intend to make this so long lol but there u have it. If i forgot anything i will just add it in later but i think i pretty much covered it. Any questions or comments, or suggestions much appreciated Smile

Ok, quick update before I head to bed.

Still waiting for my period :s I was so sure id get it by now... so I haven't been able to start any of my new herbs yet. Ugh.

I also wanted to mention for those of u interested, I have been using my volufiline for about a month now and I really do believe it is working. I'm feeling A LOT fuller these days but the nb might have a lil to do with it of course, however, I don't recal nb alone making me feel this full so soon, nor have I ever felt this full and swollen from luteal swellling. So I think a nice culmination of things are happening right now. Kind of sucks for my bras tho cuz I'm spilling over all of them! Its annoying and exciting all at once! Looks like I'm gonna need to go bra shopping soon. Just sucks that I just bought a new 32a vs bra for $50! Lol

Oh, I also forgot to mention in my program that I am cutting back caffine but not entirely giving it up. I'm also trying to eat more healthy foods. So far so good Smile

Ok so I finally decided to just suck it up n post some progress pix.
There's not a huge diff at this point but I can def see improvment and I would LOVE some feedback please, please, please!

Ok so the first pic is the farthest back beginning pic I can find and that's only as far as jan this year which, believe it of not I've come a ways since then. I just REALLY wish I had my very first starting pic ever. Id love to compare the diff. I prefer to cover the nipples in my pix just for personal comforts sake but if u could see the nips ud see even more of a diff cuz that's where most my sagginess can be seen.

The second pic is just from a few days ago. Granted there's some luteal swelling I believe there's still some true progress shown.

Lemme know what u think.

P.S. I will post some side pix later today.

Sry, couldn't figure out the pic adding proccess lol
Here they are:

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

gotten a lot of views but still waiting for some feedback. I remember when this place used to be boomin with friendly replies and support.... hmmm. oh well lol

Still no flo today! Dodgy so I said "eff it" and took one of my female hormone pills.... maybe that'll knock me into my period?? Haha, I don't really know but I just wanted to see if I could feel ne affects at all.

I think I have a longer cycle then most. I'm really bad cuz I don't keep track of my periods on the calender or ne thing.. I just kinda guesstimate each month and go by my body changes. But it seems to me my periods are anywhere from 5 to 6 weeks apart. Does this mean I should take pm for longer then the usual 15 day cycle??? Does anyone know??? Please help if u have any thoughts on this.

Good news! I finally got my period today at work. So when I got home, I went ahead n took 1 pm. Hah, wouldn't u know it, I finally give in and take my female hormone pills and of course I get my period. I know its not a good idea to take other estrogenic herbs with pm but I'm thinking just that one dose of other herbs this morning won't make a diff as long as I just stick strictly with the pm for the next 2 weeks.
So one pm down! Let my new program offiicially begin! Smile ill keep you all posted! Wish me luck!

Sooooooo, exciting new I just wanted to share real quick. I just got back from walmart a min ago and while I was there I thought "what the heck, im gonna try on a 34b and see how it fits" (I wear a 32a), so I put it on and sure as shit, it fit! Aside from the fact that it was a 34 band size the cups were completely full, not tight by any means but definitely full. I haven't been in a b since before kids 8 years ago! I didn't buy the bra, cuz walmart bras suck and the band was too big around n not thick enough but it is exciting and encouraging to know I have moved on from an a cup I'm gonna be stuck in these annoyingly small vs 32a bras for a while tho because I don't think hubby will l let me chuck out any more money towards my boobs for a whileDodgy

(14-09-2013, 02:57)Chelsee.p Wrote:  Sooooooo, exciting new I just wanted to share real quick. I just got back from walmart a min ago and while I was there I thought "what the heck, im gonna try on a 34b and see how it fits" (I wear a 32a), so I put it on and sure as shit, it fit! Aside from the fact that it was a 34 band size the cups were completely full, not tight by any means but definitely full. I haven't been in a b since before kids 8 years ago! I didn't buy the bra, cuz walmart bras suck and the band was too big around n not thick enough but it is exciting and encouraging to know I have moved on from an a cup I'm gonna be stuck in these annoyingly small vs 32a bras for a while tho because I don't think hubby will l let me chuck out any more money towards my boobs for a whileDodgy

You are definitely no A cup! Id guess a 32 C?

They look fantastic!

lol thanks Blush I'm not sure about a 32C bcuz I just recently tried on a 32b at Victoria's secret and there was a lil room in the cup at the time. No doubt in my mind id fit he 32b now but unfortunately I cant afford to go drop another $50 on a new bra since I just bought one there about a month ago.... idk why I was stupid and bought a new same sized bra right before starting nbe again lol but I needed a new one really bad at the time I guess.
Thanks you so much tho!

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