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BustMaxx - Five month journey.


Hello all, if you're like me then you've been looking too...looking for answers, looking for stories, looking for something non-surgical. I read reviews and spent almost a hundred dollars (my price limit for trying this unknown to me product). No special this, or extra that. My sole purpose of this thread is to give those (regardless of gender, race or age [legal of course]) from day one to the last day (will follow through) and update every other day my initial feelings, mental changes due to taking the product and the results of progress if any. I'm just a small breasted lady with a reasonable goal of one cup size, nothing cartoon, natural is attractive to me.

DAY 1;

Opened my package and googled all ingredients. I'm safe to proceed health wise (always do this, nipping preventable issues beforehand will save complications after the fact, nothing is fullproof safe, do this also if considering).
Two pills a day, was thinking of doing two at once and call it a day lol, but I want optimal results. I took one at 10am and will take the other shortly at 7pm(eat) will keep this routine for the first four weeks, consistently(will note change of timing and why, we change up our workouts for optimal shaping so why not change when your body expects the supplement?). Will eat normally and will gradually stop drinking soda, as the ingredients of bustmaxx has energy-like supplements (will list at the end of my day one post).

Everyone is different, let me explain my chemistry (some), I've low iron anemia and low blood pressure. I am below 124lbs and am 5'4". I do not take multivitamins, will consider the so-called "fish oil" thing if I feel it is necessary (will keep you posted if I decide to ingest while taking the pills ok), or if I need a cream to maintain "my suppleness" as I read elsewhere lol, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there lol, for now just the B.M. and light massage with argan oil/or cocoa butter oil will do.
Halfway through day one and the only thing I notice d right now is my breasts are warm, and extremely soft to the touch (I'll call this the introducing of the supplement to the body, my breasts reaction to the augmentation complex. No growth, I will be honest with this throughout my taking the product until my five month supply(to assure that I bought enough to let you know IF it IS enough also) just want to give you guys full detail as accurately as possible(like I said, I wish I had it before I began but this will be here for future review searches on the product)

Will take my second pill at noted time(7pm), today is Sunday, will update every other day starting now, see you guys Tuesday!

Main Ingredients;
Fenugreek (seed)
Saw Palmento (berry)
Fennel (seed)
Wild Mexican Yam (root)
Kelp (whole plant)
Damiana (leaf)
Dong Quai (root)
Mothers Wort (whole herb)
Blessed Thistle (whole herb)

Miscellaneous Ingredients;

Gelatin, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate

Well, day 3 intentionally scheduled update. Scheduled solely for incremental progression just like starting a diet, you don't put on your smaller jeans, when the bigger ones aren't yet loosened on our waists. Likewise, this two is just for my not obsessing over progress (pace yourself, expectation can lead to disappointment...disappointment leads to giving up, and we're not quitters here.
Will go over a few things that I hadn't in day 1. Like, my exercise...which, has been non existent for a few years, about 3yrs exactly. So, I will begin a routine soon during the augmentation process(I'll post the routine when I've created it. Will avoid chest decreasing exercising such as push-ups and pull downs. I'll focus on butt-toning and mid-section toning to enhance the results of BustMaxx later on when it does progress. Positive thinking and not obsessing will also help the process though not enhance the progress will make it flow well without much stress. I caught myself before I let it become so. Taking it easy.

Must work, still pill @ 10am, one at 7pm. Look out for the switch in times and why. It is a personal experiment to make this more fun for me. Tricking the body's response time to the drug it's become accustomed to. Will explain fully when we cross that bridge.

My breast are still warm, inside and out (to the touch). My suppleness is fine, lol, cannot get over the hilarity of the person who instills fear to deter the one trying to find a better option. Whether belly button, armpit, nipple or under the breast surgery involves some harsh ways to get our bust where we'd like. If for you, go ahead! I thought about it, but then I thought about Now I thought about BustMaxx, and now am doing it. Let's move on, shall we?

I've been doing the massage, cupping and slow light pressure movements have been helping circulation and to massage while breast are warm has helped with distributing the augmentation complex which is absorbed through the stomach and intestines. I've read about gaseous effects, I've only experienced light burping, nothing outside of what's normal. I find eating decently reduces this with myself.

I've experienced minor lightly-distributed growth around the breast today, firmer than before but not enough to go crazy over, but progress is progress and some results is a testament to it working long term (given one should follow through as I plan to do..will make the over difference in your individual results). See you in two days, will add second post below my Day 3, if need be.


Day 7 and I definitely feel different. Not in a bad sickening way, but I can tell I am taking the B.M. supplement. I feel somewhat tired, and that's due to my situation and not the pills. B.M. also improves mood in stressful situations, I've noticed(do not know WHICH ingredient attributes this, but ONE or TWO does indeed).

Steady light-paced changes in my overall feel of my breasts, the literal feelings we have of our organs are incomparable to anything that I can describe. We know when a body part FEELS numb, or when a finger is sprained...the pain from that, and so forth. I've been feeling some numbness, not to a non-feeling state, but that changes are beginning or setting up to begin to change. That's because I've never taken the drug, and it has international ingredients in this American body so used to local herbs, roots..etc.

There are a few things I must point out, as this is a slow process one may FEEL urged to "double up", but please do not. Our bodies weren't made for rapid change, as I thought of it yesterday and atlas, caught myself once a again from the deep thropes of negative, impatient thinking. Now back to my straight I forward thinking(..don't you just hate distractions that take you off track? Whatever IT may be...stay focused, even if you cry or if you get frustrated, whatever the HOW you release it [hopefully not dangerous], get back focused on your goal. Never keep yourself in a slump, slumps turn into habits..).

Still taking them(B.M.) at the same time everyday for now until I reach that four week mark of changing that five hours from my original times of taking them to trick my body's expectation of the pill and thus my body's metabolic response to my overall consistent intake of BustMaxx. I find also that I can go that extra mile in walking, with PLENTY of water of course. I must stress this, as I've noticed is a possible easily fixed side effect of dehydration and plenty of fluids throughout the day should solve this as B.M. does cause a slight increase in bathroom usage such as softer stool and more than average urination (for example, if you go three times a day, increase that by one or two. Not a big change, but as I said... I'll be detailed as I am normally regular.).

Been doing my workout routine(will post detailed routine in my next post on tomorrow, then back on track as far as updates go), four out of seven days a week, every other day that I do not post. I could post due to domestic issues, but again we let not outside forces take us off our own personal goals, as they ARE our Personal goals.

B.M. is not ineffective, so far, (any of the things I've been feeling as i describe them here is treatable in some way), in my body's chemistry day 6 has the slight changes that encourages continuing usage. Will update in a couple days, we're hanging in there. When one wants something for yourself, and not someone else...when it concerns your own body, one should be selfish as no one else has to live in your skin but you. So why not be the best you! You can be, naturally. I believe when you put your mind to it, anything is possible. I'll make this possible within my means of doing so without giving into the knife and without giving into what another thinks is attractive and focus on what YOU finds is attractive, and thus others will find you attractive regardless of your cup size. But we're not here for insecurities, no, we're here with an intentional purpose. To see if this works, and if I can grow a cup size without surgery and if BustMaxx is truly a safe, fast (which always means slow, but we'll humor them lol),effective way to enhance our breasts. And to share this information for anyone who's considering taking BustMaxx, or are taking BustMaxx and see that you are not I know I am not as well. We all have our individual reasons for wanting to do this, or that. We're journeying together now..

(19-08-2013, 00:00)SmallBreastedLady Wrote:  Main Ingredients;
Fenugreek (seed)
Saw Palmento (berry)
Fennel (seed)
Wild Mexican Yam (root)
Kelp (whole plant)
Damiana (leaf)
Dong Quai (root)
Mothers Wort (whole herb)
Blessed Thistle (whole herb)

Miscellaneous Ingredients;

Gelatin, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate
I see you are not taking any PM (Pueraria Mirifica). Have you done any reading on it?


(25-08-2013, 04:46)pom19 Wrote:  
(19-08-2013, 00:00)SmallBreastedLady Wrote:  Main Ingredients;
Fenugreek (seed)
Saw Palmento (berry)
Fennel (seed)
Wild Mexican Yam (root)
Kelp (whole plant)
Damiana (leaf)
Dong Quai (root)
Mothers Wort (whole herb)
Blessed Thistle (whole herb)

Miscellaneous Ingredients;

Gelatin, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate
I see you are not taking any PM (Pueraria Mirifica). Have you done any reading on it?

Hello Pom19, I have not taken P.M. yet..but, I will do some personal research on it (after my four week mark, after I see the progress with the complex I'll consider adding a supplement to enhance B.M. results). So far, BustMaxx has been effective by itself. Thank you for the suggestion, looking it up now and will mention if I add it to my plan at a later date(as after my 4wk mark, I'll be open to additional supplements if I am disappointed with B.M.). I've heard good things from others about adding P.M. to their program, but never tried anything before B.M. :-)
#7 background story, no pics and you're you claim to feel changes (albeit slight) in the first few hours...Dodgy

My guess? Very thorough spammer...

(25-08-2013, 15:59)Zormad Wrote: background story, no pics and you're you claim to feel changes (albeit slight) in the first few hours...Dodgy

My guess? Very thorough spammer...

Lol, I really don't care what you THINK, if it's negative. I'm open and friendly. All you need to know is that I am taking the product. The rest is irrelevant. My individual results are my own, I share like others but in my own way...follow my journey or not..wish I had this thorough info! ;-)


I'm not being negative, I simply stated my observations and opinion. I read through a LOT of these threads (not to mention various websites) and feel I can pretty well distinguish real results from fabricated. I feel your are the latter for the reasons I've stated. I just want any less well read members that may come by this post to take the "info [you] wish [you] had" with a large portion of salt. Feel free to provide actual evidence of your claims or they will remain nothing more than claims. Again I say this only so women don't get the impression that they should be feeling anything the first day. But goid luck pushing your product elsewhere Big Grin

(25-08-2013, 19:03)Zormad Wrote:  I'm not being negative, I simply stated my observations and opinion. I read through a LOT of these threads (not to mention various websites) and feel I can pretty well distinguish real results from fabricated. I feel your are the latter for the reasons I've stated. I just want any less well read members that may come by this post to take the "info [you] wish [you] had" with a large portion of salt. Feel free to provide actual evidence of your claims or they will remain nothing more than claims. Again I say this only so women don't get the impression that they should be feeling anything the first day. But goid luck pushing your product elsewhere Big Grin

Not my product, but is the product I am on. These are my results, not opinions and everyone is different. You like most, enjoy confrontation I can see... I do not. I'll continue as usual. Actually read what I've written, before you throw flames. If I wanted to be known, I'd post this on Facebook. Moving on..

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