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Summerglow's beginning of NBE


I'm excited to receive my Victoria Secret bras today. I got them in 32C as per their online calculator. One bra fits better than the other and looks cuter b/c it pushes up and together better. The material is also so soft and comfy. The other does seem to fit on the larger side for me in the cups and is less padded. I'm curious to see how this will change over the month though with luteal swelling and hopefully over time with some growth.
One thing that bugs me on a personal level is that even with such great pushing up with the bra, when I put on a tank top, I don't show much cleavage. Everywhere I go, since it's summer, I see cleavage, cleavage, cleavage and it feels no matter what I do I am too small on top.

Today is CD4 for me.

CD 9 and I'm 34.75"-35". They are feeling squishy.
Underbust 29"

CD 18. 29" under and 35.25 over. I'm putting on weight because of all the good food available this summer Tongue And I'm not exercising like I used to. My weight was 124.5 when I woke up in the morning, before eating or drinking.
In my last post I said my boobs felt squishy, then after they started to become very sore. They have been tender for about a week and firm. I pretty much ran out of supplements other than MSM and flaxseed oil. I don't use the oil very often and most of the time I can't swallow the MSM. I don't know when I'll have the cash for more supplents. I do know next time I want to buy some collagen. I usually do chi massage though and also just a lymphatic massage a couple times a day. When I take my bra off, they hurt a lot. I wonder if that is fluid not draining from the lymphatic system properly do to push up bras.

My right side is the smaller side. It is the side when I lost weight, the bottom half of the boob seemed like it got eaten away. Today, I know most of it is swelling from water or whatever, but the bottom half was so full, I hadn't seen it that way in a long time. I measured at 35.75 which I never have before. CD 20 and I should have a 25 day cycle so this is part of PMS but even so, they were never this big with PMS. It does help one to dream though... Rolleyes I've been applying b ath and b ody w orks body cream to them first and then the fso. They just seem fuller and I wonder if that is the winning combo? Huh
I was digging through my cabinet and I found alfalfa, I forgot I bought it. I still have fenugreek. I have MSM, FSO, fish oil, Vitamin C, and L-lysine. I wonder if the Lysine would help anything? I ran out of l-arginine and ginseng. I'd also like to get some more b complex.

CD20 and 36"! I know it's just swelling but I've never swelled this big before. It makes me think something more is going on!

btw, I didn't mention this before but for about a week I've been doing subliminals in addition to FSO on top of body butter.

CD6 and 35" even. I made the mistake of going to a site called mybodygallery. You put in your height and weight and it shows other submissions of women who are your height and weight and what their bodies look like. Well, apparently most 5'3"123 lb women have nice figures, small waists, flat smooth bellies and big boobs. Yay.
I'm feeling ugly today.


across bust: 36
underbust: 29
waist: 28

I didn't remember supplements this month and my diet has been pretty crappy too. I feel bloated and I think I'm retaining water. I have breast tenderness, which is pretty early for PMS.

Period came 8/13. I measured that day and every couple days to see my starting point for that month and it was 35".

I was browsing this site and so many women who are 35" look way bigger than me, even when their band is similar.

I may post pics in the near future. I'm not taking supplements or anything right now. I'm deciding if I should do just supplements or add something more.

Do you think borage oil is worth taking?

Last month I had a 17 day cycle. This month tomorrow is day 28. Oh how I hope to be normal again. I've been so busy I haven 't massaged. I remembered to take MSM for two days, I used flax one day, muscle rub one day.. and the past week I have done some massages but that's it..and my cycle is longer. I wonder if massaging isn't messing up my cycle?

One thing that has been nice is that having a cycle this long, I've gotten to enjoy the fuller boobs longer, even if they hurt from PMS Dodgy I seem to always measure 35" but they change how they look over the month. Sometimes they look so deflated and sometimes full and perky, but the measure tape will keep saying 35" even.

I need to get some money and then I plan to start up my supplements again and get a noogleberry. I want to try the powder MSM this time, maybe with Emergent C, collagen, omega 3, l-arginine, ginko biloba, booby stacked in AM, fso overnight, possibly prog. cream for use in luteal phase. I want to do massages and noogleberry.

LOL!!! OK! So yeah... It HAS been a long time since anyone's responded to anything of yours!!! Uhm... I really don't have anything to add right now though? I DO keep checking in and if I DO have anything to say I'll try to say it OK? Blush

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