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insufficient glandular tissue, can your body develop more?


After tons of searching. I've found out the majority cause for underdeveloped breast shape is the lack of glandular tissue as you all probably know. This happens during puberty and is usually associated with symptoms that can lead to pcos and infertility. Something happens during puberty that prevents the body from developing the reproductive system completely and effectively. Most cases show a lack of progesterone and progesterone is known to aid in development of mammory glands. Goats rue and alfalfa are also known to help create glandular tissue. One.lady who had her breasts examined found out her cause for low milk supply and tuberous breasts was her mammory glands we're clustered in the tip and none we're up in the chest and near the armpit like they're supposed to be. Many women trying to breast feed find progesterone, goats rue, alfalfa, etc. helpful in producing more milk, but what I can't find anywhere is the answer to my questions. Could long term use of these herbs and creams create the mammary glands that aren't present? And if so can they STAY? And if so, could this be helpful for tuberous breasts lookwise and milk production-wise. Have women been able to change their breasts by simply keeping their hormones balanced long term? And of this process was started during the early years of life when development can still occur in early 20s could women prevent this hardship before pregnancy occurs? I cannot find stories of this happening for women all I find are stories of painfully sad experiences and them trying to cope with it. This pissed me off because this is not something women should have to "cope" with. Our environment caused this because of the crap man-kind creates, so man-kind needs to find a solution! Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I'd like to help find a solution and I'd like if ANYONE can post their experience with IGT, pcos, tuberous breasts, hormone problems, and tell me your story! What was the culprit of the problem, what is currently helping you, your success stories, anything at all. Anything that goes against what doctors say or what is known to be impossible. Your family history or any exposure to something in particular. I myself was exposed to pesticides growing up. My dad was a bug man! He has RSD in his leg from it

Also! Although they say tuberous breasts are from constricting tissue and only surgery can fix it, massage and herbs have successfully made some breasts closer together and starting to shape differently. I find these stories of women saying they notice more fullness....or slight increase in milk supply, but I cannot find a single story with their ending results. is there never an end with trying to fix this problem?

(01-06-2013, 21:53)kelsitree Wrote:  After tons of searching. I've found out the majority cause for underdeveloped breast shape is the lack of glandular tissue as you all probably know. This happens during puberty and is usually associated with symptoms that can lead to pcos and infertility. Something happens during puberty that prevents the body from developing the reproductive system completely and effectively. Most cases show a lack of progesterone and progesterone is known to aid in development of mammory glands. Goats rue and alfalfa are also known to help create glandular tissue. One.lady who had her breasts examined found out her cause for low milk supply and tuberous breasts was her mammory glands we're clustered in the tip and none we're up in the chest and near the armpit like they're supposed to be. Many women trying to breast feed find progesterone, goats rue, alfalfa, etc. helpful in producing more milk, but what I can't find anywhere is the answer to my questions. Could long term use of these herbs and creams create the mammary glands that aren't present? And if so can they STAY? And if so, could this be helpful for tuberous breasts lookwise and milk production-wise. Have women been able to change their breasts by simply keeping their hormones balanced long term? And of this process was started during the early years of life when development can still occur in early 20s could women prevent this hardship before pregnancy occurs? I cannot find stories of this happening for women all I find are stories of painfully sad experiences and them trying to cope with it. This pissed me off because this is not something women should have to "cope" with. Our environment caused this because of the crap man-kind creates, so man-kind needs to find a solution! Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I'd like to help find a solution and I'd like if ANYONE can post their experience with IGT, pcos, tuberous breasts, hormone problems, and tell me your story! What was the culprit of the problem, what is currently helping you, your success stories, anything at all. Anything that goes against what doctors say or what is known to be impossible. Your family history or any exposure to something in particular. I myself was exposed to pesticides growing up. My dad was a bug man! He has RSD in his leg from it

Yep, I'm taking all right now. I cant wait to see what happens. I am hoping my low poles lift!


Oh my goodness, wouldn't that be awesome, that's what I want sooooo bad as well!!

I don't know, I have been battling a different demon, (searching for my biological father) I have taken genetic tests and ran my dna data through some online program which shows my disposition to different aliments. I found that I have some genes linked to PCOS. I have many many risk factors for Breast cancer, there is obviously something wrong with my hormones and it is at the genetic level. The idea of me getting breast cancer is almost funny. One breast isnt even an A cup! They other is a B, though they both seem a bit fuller lately maybe due to BC pills. I am one of the few who actually got the Dx of IGT by a lactation consultant and it was devastating. I would love love love to grow my breasts still eventhough I don't have plans of having more children, there is still a possibility.

My mom smoked while pregnant with me, I sometimes wonder what effect that had on my developing breast buds within the womb. There is no link to smoking or BC pills or pesticides linked to IGT, because no one cares to look, it isn't a big deal blah blah blah it is just cosmetic, no it isn't! For me breast asymmetry is another tale tell sign of increased risk for Breast cancer, who knew? Not only do we have to suffer with small mismatched breasts but then we have to deal with the increase of cancer! For loves sake it is sad, I do hope that my culmumative breastfeeding of almost 4 years between 2 children will help counterbalance all my Breast cancer genes!

I know my post is a couple years late but a few ladies and i are on an IGT facebook group dealing with this and have discovered this board! We are attempting progesterone and i am attempting the BO therapy to see if glandular tissue develops thanks to Cheryl's breast pumping experience and posts !! Goat's rue has helped many of us. Also progesterone during pregnancy does wonders. I'm so excited to try this. I've noticed quite a few pics of women on this very board have igt- from the looks of their breasts, they just don't know it because they haven't tried to breast feed yet.

I was looking at join dates- not message dates so it looks like this is a current thread. Whoops.

And I think the cause to my IGT is excessive adrogens, which could be pcos, but not sure! The other symptoms don't seem to be present, but that could be because i lead a very helathy lifestyle.

I myself am concerned about IGT since my sister wasn't able to produce enough milk for her newborn so I've starting taking alfalfa hoping it helps. I'm almost 6months now and my breasts are now starting to increase in size and getting heavier and constaintly warm to the touch.

I was almost close to starting a nbe routine prior to getting pregnant. In researching the issue of igt and breast enhancement a couple of things were clear to me:

1. What works for 1 person isn't necessarily gonna work for another.

2. Its a slow process.

3. Dietary considerations. I personally feel outside of often quoted supplements, peoples diet are often not discussed which may contribute in ways that were never consider by the nbe'r. For example, chicken feet soup and real bone broth soups in Asian cuisine could have a lot of growth factors.

4. Men can be very fast responders, IMO probably moreso then women. Several reasons why that could be.. Never experienced the estrogen surge of puberty so perhaps their breast tissue is primed for growth potential. Androgen's may play a key role with many women failing to consider a lack of androgens as a reason for unrealized growth.

5. I know Cheryl had amazing results with a noogleberry and I looked into it but I'm not sure if can cause damage to delicate tissues of the glands etc. for women looking to have children at some point. I was to concerned about the stretching effect and damaging ligaments, enlarge areolia's, damaging glands, stretch marks etc. I decided it would be my last resort option to nbe. Just my conservative opinion of a mechanical device.

6. I believe you need to figure out what hormone balance works best for you and make sure you're feeding your body the necessary building blocks to feed the tissue growth. As for hormone balance it could mean;

1. Increasing estrogen
2. Increasing progesterone and prolactin.
3. Increasing both 1 &2
4. Anti-androgen
5. Both 1 and 4 or both 2 and 4 or 1 + 2 +4
6. Maybe even decreasing Estrogen as it may be having a negative feedback preventing growth if consistently high.
7. Consume bovine ovary
8. Consume pituatary substance
9. Visualization and audio hypnosis
10. gh supplementation?

Just some ideas.

LookingforwardtoNBE you should join us on the Igt and low supply support group facebook page! There is a whole file on breast growth during pregnancy, including a progesterone program (and your alfalfa and goat's rue) which has helped some mothers create 2x the amt of tissue in their subsequent pregnancies.

I am looking forward to experimenting with some of these as the most i could produce, even on 160 mg of domperidone was 2 oz per feed, totalling 20 oz a day. I'm hoping i'll create enough tissue that next time i get preggo i will have enough to exclusively breast feed. Many women on there have had success w/ goats rue during lactation as well.

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