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SO dissapointing :/ reaction to Fenugreek


So I was SO excited about fenugreek cuz of all Ive heard about it and I was starting to take red clover, saw palmetto, n fenugreek but I had an acne break out ( and I usually do NOT have acne! ) I just continued to use fenugreek. I started having a rash on my tummy but Ive always got that once in awhile ever since I was little then it would just go away. but its actually getting worse and its traveling to the side of my tummy and to my back and NOW its on my inner thighs and on the back right leg and my black butt cheek.
its reaaaally bring down my confidence and Im guessing its form the fenugreek :/ I read fenugreek helps with skin rashes and eczema but I also read that it can actually CAUSE skin irritation? so ugh idk!!!
Has this happened to any1? its red bumps and it itches sometimes but not constantly at all.

I would really hate to stop cuz I was really hoping fenugreek and massaging would help my breast size Sad any opinions?


It could be a reaction from the SP, RC, or FG. Its hard to tell if you started taking them at the same time. I would stop taking them and slowly re-introduce them one at a time. Then you'll find out which one your having the reaction to.

Yes, Kaitlin could be right. Or it could be a bad bottle of herbs, maybe the brand of one of them is no good for you. Or, your usual rash is spreading this time, sometimes that happens to me. Maybe see a doc or dermatologist.

(07-07-2013, 05:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  So I was SO excited about fenugreek cuz of all Ive heard about it and I was starting to take red clover, saw palmetto, n fenugreek but I had an acne break out ( and I usually do NOT have acne! ) I just continued to use fenugreek. I started having a rash on my tummy but Ive always got that once in awhile ever since I was little then it would just go away. but its actually getting worse and its traveling to the side of my tummy and to my back and NOW its on my inner thighs and on the back right leg and my black butt cheek.
its reaaaally bring down my confidence and Im guessing its form the fenugreek :/ I read fenugreek helps with skin rashes and eczema but I also read that it can actually CAUSE skin irritation? so ugh idk!!!
Has this happened to any1? its red bumps and it itches sometimes but not constantly at all.

I would really hate to stop cuz I was really hoping fenugreek and massaging would help my breast size Sad any opinions?

It could be you're taking too many and some cause internal conflict as your body is not able to adjust it. Drink more water and wash/detox more often (I use Up & Up facial brand at Target).

Last 2 months with my BO route with a lot of pills and I had *cyst* acnes on the face and then acnes on my back (entirely). So I stop all those extra pills but the BO & L'tyrosine and it went away completely.


if it happens to be fenugreek, there are other herbs you can take to replace it. There are plenty.
Flaxseed is one of them. Fennel seeds too.

Don't forget, it's also a massage thing. The liver filters about 80-90% of all you swallow, and on the 10-20% left, it goes to ALL the body, not only to your boobs.
So a good cream combined with massag is a good choice.

Don't be discouraged

I had the same problem. It is likely the fenugreek since Saw Palmetto is supposed to treat acne and is often in acne skin care products. I'm taking a break, detoxing, and seeing how it goes.

For both of you, is the saw palmetto a ~90% fatty acid extract? It might not be strong enough otherwise.

Yes, it might be the fenugreek because it is the highest concentrations of the plant elements. Except the main propose of breast enhance, it also balance the hormones. And acne could be occur when the hormones change. So like veganesthie said take a break and drink more water for detox, that might help.

I will have to agree with others that you are taking too many of these herbs. I usually only take one or two with no issues

(07-07-2013, 05:17)AthenaGirl Wrote:  So I was SO excited about fenugreek cuz of all Ive heard about it and I was starting to take red clover, saw palmetto, n fenugreek but I had an acne break out ( and I usually do NOT have acne! ) I just continued to use fenugreek. I started having a rash on my tummy but Ive always got that once in awhile ever since I was little then it would just go away. but its actually getting worse and its traveling to the side of my tummy and to my back and NOW its on my inner thighs and on the back right leg and my black butt cheek.
its reaaaally bring down my confidence and Im guessing its form the fenugreek :/ I read fenugreek helps with skin rashes and eczema but I also read that it can actually CAUSE skin irritation? so ugh idk!!!
Has this happened to any1? its red bumps and it itches sometimes but not constantly at all.

I would really hate to stop cuz I was really hoping fenugreek and massaging would help my breast size Sad any opinions?


This is a bizzarre question, as you posted this so long ago. However, I also started taking the combination of the three herbs above, and I got moderate acne breakout for the first time in my life on my right cheek. I stopped taking them immediately. That was 2014.

I STILL have it! I have tried almost everything by now. Are you still getting spots and if not, what was your cure?

Thanks so much, 


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