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Kelsitree's program and progress!


Period is just about over. Stomach is flatter and less bloating. Less cellulite on my legs which is a sign I'm not retaining much water anymore and still maintained growth! They are definitely bigger, small one is actually catching up but lacks fat in this one little spot so it still feels much smaller but weirdly doesn't look noticeably smaller. Heaviness is lessening though and the firmness :/ so they aren't as round as they were before my period. But hey at least I kept some growth. My first permanent progress! :-)

Done with the 7 day cleanse. Feel great list three pounds, no bloating woo love to see those potential abs! And GUESS WHAT. Maintained the growth Smile today started royal jelly again, alfalfa, and going to add maca root tomorrow

Hi Kelsi,

I read your thread and I love your focus on being healthy, starting with a healthy endocrine. It did not occur to me before but I'm starting to think that physical appearance is a good indicator of one's health. And when you're really healthy, it shows outside as well.

I also have a problem with water retention and I'm suspecting to be lacking progesterone as well. What has been helping you with getting rid of the extra water? I'm pretty skinny but my stomach is never flat, ever, since 8th grade. Dodgy

Hi! I'm slightly new at this. I was wondering why you don't take things on your period?

Goosebump- I always thought I was healthy because I ran, maintained a healthy weight and ate low calories, but it never occurred to me how important minerals and vitamins were and since I've been focusing on that and not my calories my skin has been glowing and my breasts have a firmness I've never had before! So yes, I'm so glad you agree! And as for the water retention I have not found a permanent solution! :/ when I first used natural progesterone cream it was all GONE. I've never liked myself so much as I did that day lol. But progesterone cream started doing the reverse for me and had painful stomach bloating! I now wonder if it was just too much or if it was actually helping my uterus. However, I'm scared to try the natural progesterone cream again because a friend I talk to on here had problems with it and told me some problems it can cause to the lover, it may say natural but they do have to concert wild yams to progesterone in a lab which sounds kinda scary, but probably the best option if you're really low on it. You're hormone levels and water and sodium intake play a role in water retention. Get those hormones balanced with herbs like maca root, ginseng, vitex etc. but figure out which sounds best because they all have their own fun effects lol Smile lower sodium,mention increase water, sweat a lot! Running helps me, and a water and fruit day cleans you out. This helped me a lot I plan on doing it once a week not to mention more energy then ever! Weird huh? But majority of it is diet and balanced hormones. My retention has been bad but it's been 126 degrees so I'm not too worried.

Stephanie Nicole- I don't because during this time your hormones are reducing and balancing out and I don't like messing with my body during this time. Some women do, and they're fine, but my body is super sensitive and it's more uncomfortable for me, especially maca root blah, bad cramps! Lol but I don't take much to begin with, I take royal jelly every day though. This has given me amazing fast results. And same for other women too.

(30-06-2013, 17:39)kelsitree Wrote:  Stephanie Nicole- I don't because during this time your hormones are reducing and balancing out and I don't like messing with my body during this time. Some women do, and they're fine, but my body is super sensitive and it's more uncomfortable for me, especially maca root blah, bad cramps! Lol but I don't take much to begin with, I take royal jelly every day though. This has given me amazing fast results. And same for other women too.

I don't stop things completely during my first week of a cycle, but I do take VERY reduced amounts of anything designed to increase anything... of course I don't even use maca.

If you take a look at a cyclic hormone chart for a female cycle, it makes a lot of sense, because as Kelsi said, this is the point where your hormones really ought to be at their lowest and just rebalancing back before you start to have your estrogen ramp up to its first peak the following weekend, on ovulation day. Not necessarily literally, it is for me, because genetically I'm male and that's the way I set it up, but it's actually just the end of your second week of your cycle, depending on where in the week your cycle starts, and the length of your cycles, that could be at any time during the week. My day 14 is a Sunday.

And yeah. This totally feels right to me, much more so than taking the same thing all month had been like. Kelsi uses different things and doesn't change doses quite as frequently as I do, but it's the same concepts being applied.

I think this makes sense. So, essentially, since the hormone levels are down, it's really no use to do it anyway, plus it also gives your body time to - excuse the phrase- "un-used" to it, that way your initial growth from whatever it is your using can reset and happen again?

Hi Kelsi.

Any progress?

Ya and my periods are weird to begin with so last thing I need to do is mess with my hormones even more during this time haha Tongue Stupid periods.... Although my last one felt like a real one for the first time in a year! And no noticeable changes but they are sore on the inside all the way to my areolas oooo! Haha, also ever since I've been doing NBE I notice my areola are becoming easier to stimulate and get smaller! It used to be only freezing cold weather would make that happen, but now the slightest touch and they perk up and look nicer. I don't know why that would be though because no one has ever had areola changes during NBE....I know puffy areolas are due to pushed mammary glands into the tip or fatty tissues, I always wondered if massaging could bring it out of that area

Really sore and full. Added alfalfa back two days ago, could be from that but same results from when I used royal jelly only as well. One thing I notice is that evertime I start nbe again, my stomach gets like a hard round bloated feeling. Why is this? Is my digestive system just too damn sensitive? Any suggestions? I drink lemon water and apple cider vinegar to keep hcl up. Also eat plenty of fiber so I don't suffer from constipation like I used to. Flaxseed has really helped with that. I really want to get my digestive system feeling normal! Always bloated and in pain but blood results showed no food allergies

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