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Is my goal unachievable because of my breast shape? :( are implants my only option?


I'm feeling kind of sad. I just started using progesterone cream to help balance hormones and in hopes of changing my breast shape. They are mildly tuberous, and they are also in same category as underdeveloped breasts which I assumed if lack of progesterone is the culprit because of insufficient glandular tissue, then adding it will makeup breasts a proper round shape. I also massage and drink spearmint tea. But i was wondering if there is no possibility of this with tuberous breasts. My goal is not big, but round. I'd rather have round A's then tuberous D's. I know I can achieve growth, but that's not what I want. Is there constructive tissues that will not allow my breasts to become round? I would also like to know that'd I'd be able to one day breastfeed and not worry about lack of milk! :-( it does not make me feel like a woman whatsoever. It's bad enough that I don't like the appearance, but knowing I might not be able to produce milk makes me feel....useless. I would appreciate replies of any knowledge or experience you might have with this.

You haven't been at this very long have you? Please give NBE a chance for at least 6 months before you do surgery. I have been doing NBE since Jan (hypnosis and massage, noogling last 2 weeks) and I have noticed that my breasts have rounded out and become firmer. They weren't tuberous to start with but they were very pointy and went sideways. I was a 32A/B to start with and now I would say I am moving towards a 32C (left is a full B/ small C, right is a B). They still point sideways but they are rounder. Also look at some of Anastasia's posts for inspiration - she has had a lot of success with filling out her tuberous breasts.

Of course there is a lot of negative information on the internet saying surgery is the only option for changing your breast size or shape and that hypnosis/ suction/ massage/ herbs is BS - but it's not! Sure we may not get big cartoony breasts from NBE but I don't want that anyway! But some change to size and shape is certainly doable.

I don't know the specifics for surgery on tuberous breasts, but I guess they would 'correct' them with implants, not anything that would function with real tissue. If you get surgery you will not have "normal" breasts, you will just have breasts that look more normal. Please buy a bra that makes you feel good (trust me most of mine are padded) and keep up the NBE.

Ok thank you very much, I guess I have high hopes and I'm getting kind of nervous because although everyone is achieving growth and roundness, I still notice they're all their same shape they've always been. I just hope through all this if one day I have a baby I have enough mammary glands and great milk supply! So I measure that with development of breasts I guess, which I know is not always accurate, but comforting! That's part of why I want round breasts. But a negative attitude won't get me anywhere! I needed some encouragement. Thank you very much :-)

(01-06-2013, 17:16)kelsitree Wrote:  Ok thank you very much, I guess I have high hopes and I'm getting kind of nervous because although everyone is achieving growth and roundness, I still notice they're all their same shape they've always been. I just hope through all this if one day I have a baby I have enough mammary glands and great milk supply! So I measure that with development of breasts I guess, which I know is not always accurate, but comforting! That's part of why I want round breasts. But a negative attitude won't get me anywhere! I needed some encouragement. Thank you very much :-)

I think we just go slower. I dont have it terribly, but I too have a mild form (lower poles) where every where grows but the bottoms and it creates a sloping effect. I have it worse on the left. I noticed this breast gets the least amount of sensations and growth and grows slower.

So, we just grow slower. But it doesnt mean we can grow and a better shape. I am trying goats rue topically and internally. Its supposed help create milk glands for those with IGT. I think Pumping is a MUST as this helps loosen those constricting bands!

So do it all and never give up. I am doing it and going to get the largest domes for the getting the most swelling out of the base on each breast. I think width vs. the length is most important in promoting new glandular tissue.

I just read about goats rue! I had some alfalfa, so I started taking that for IGT. Do you still use progesterone cream? And how is that going? I noticed you said you got good growth using it a week before luteal phase. I did that this month also, and have been having bloating and period like cramps that come and go throughout the days. My urine is also very yellow but I drink plenty of fluids, and also, doesn't seem as much as I usually have, but I urinate less frequently which is a plus I used to like every hour, and weirdly I have no water retention even though there's less! Have you had any same effects? What's weird is my bladder feels like there is pressure on it constantly. Has any of this happened to you?

So how's your progress using progesterone cream? Bigger but still pointy or no use at all? I'm thinking of using it as well coz I'm a pointy D cup. I'd rather have a round B. ;(

Worse still, I'm on the skinny side so you can see my chest bone imprints instead of a well-defined cleavage. ;(

So how's your progress using progesterone cream? Bigger but still pointy or no use at all? I'm thinking of using it as well coz I'm a pointy D cup. I'd rather have a round B. ;(

(02-06-2013, 10:09)kelsitree Wrote:  I just read about goats rue! I had some alfalfa, so I started taking that for IGT. Do you still use progesterone cream? And how is that going? I noticed you said you got good growth using it a week before luteal phase. I did that this month also, and have been having bloating and period like cramps that come and go throughout the days. My urine is also very yellow but I drink plenty of fluids, and also, doesn't seem as much as I usually have, but I urinate less frequently which is a plus I used to like every hour, and weirdly I have no water retention even though there's less! Have you had any same effects? What's weird is my bladder feels like there is pressure on it constantly. Has any of this happened to you?

Hi, Yes, I am still using progesterone cream as needed. I dont make but very little so Its easy for me to become deficient. I pee alot only when my sleep is deprived. This for me is adrenal issues.

alfalfa can make you pee alot. I still take it and along with goats rue. Crossing fingers on figuring out this igt crap!

To Usagi: they are not necessarily bigger, they are getting more roundness but not nearly "round boobs" progesterone cream should help you if you are lacking glandular tissue! Look up symptoms of insufficient glandular tissue, it might be why yours aren't round, I think building up glandular tissue is a slow and long process but it only makes sense that you will get results by taking proper steps to building up glandular tissue. Tibetan is also doing the same thing, we should all keep each otherupdated and motivated! Smile

Tibetan113: ya I peed alot at first, but now it's less and darker, so I wasn't sure if my symptoms were excess or something. I can't imagine that being it, maybe I was ovulating and it was the cause of painful cramps! I'm glad we are doing same thing, I really hope we are successful! It makes sense that we would be successful, I am wondering if a high amount of progesterone would get things going though. My mom had similar shape before being pregnant with me and after pregnancy her breasts sped up all the way to tanner stage 5! From the high amounts of progesterone

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