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Building an effective NBE program *Tips Welcomed*


Dear New NBEers

I'm excited you decided to join our family here at Breast Nexus. Welcome! There's alot of info to be read here. If you have a question please refer to the new comer section first or simple do a search.

Here's something I put together to get you started. If at the end of this you still have questions please do a simple search before asking.

How to build an effective NBE program:

I say the five most important hormones from breast growth are:

Estrogen [i.e. Pueraria Mirificia, Butea Superba, Fenugreek, Red Clover, Wild Yam]
Progesterone [i.e. Chasteberry, PC cream, NOT Wild Yam]
Prolactin [i.e. Blessed Thristle, Fenugreek, Alfalfa, Nettle]
Oxytocin [i.e. Anise, Alfalfa, Black Cohosh, Goat's Rue, sex Wink]
Growth Hormone [sleep, exercise, subliminal]

Any effective NBE program should include a herb to raise each of these hormones. Aswell as a herb to regulate hormone levels so nothing goes to far out of hand [Maca, Rhodiola]. A testosterone blocker should be used sparingly if you have normal levels [my thoughts on this have been revised just recently] but if need be [DIM, Saw Palmetto]. A blood circulation herb [Gingko Biloba, Cayenne]. And Vitamin C or Rose Hips so everything is absorbed better and put to use. Mulitvitamin because it's good for you.

A cleanse/break is advise every 3 months or every 6 months. Firstly make sure water intake is increased when taking herbs to keep your system flushed. Popular cleanses include Bentonite Clay, Diatomaceous Earth, Milk Thistle.


Chi 360

Female Deer

Cupping and Squeezing

Thai Breast Slapping

Combination of two or more


Popular topicals are: Flaxseed Oil, Fenugreek Oil, any omega 3 rich oil, Muscle Rub, Booby Stacked, Naturday, Evelines, Volufiline

Rub 2-3x a day

Other topicals include breast masks:Mix sour cream and mashed banana apply to bubbies [hehe] wait like 20 minutes then rinse.

RapiBust - Apply to breast at night before bed for a full 8hrs

Pumps & Other Devices:



Breast Roller


Snake Bit Kit [for elongated nipples]

Suction cups [for elongated nipples]


Blake Talks

Steve Jones

Rock Melon Ringtone

Xtreme Boobster

Petit Morte

Sapien Med from Youtube, their stuff is good

You can mix and match as you like, find one you like and that works for you.

Anything else to be added?

For those just starting:

IMPORTANT: What works for some will not work for others, copying someone's program will not gurantee results but from there you will know what your body does and does not respond too and you should be more than capable of building your own NBE program. The people of this site are here to assist, not do things for you such as build a program.

And if their program is available for public consumption, do not PM them to ask what's their program. Research! Also do at least atwo weeks worth of researching before blindly jumping in and having no clue of what to do. Yes the threads are long but if you want boobs as bad as the girl who have succeeded wanted them then you'll read.

So after reading this and MANY more posts and you have a specific question then ask. If not then you'll most likely will be ignored [you can look at the forums you'll see the countless number of threads no one posted on because the person asked a question that people have answered thousands of times and could have easily searched for]

Note: Asking what herbs, what doses, or if you can use it while on birth control, or did xyz work for you are not specific questions, these have been answered before. I had a bad response to xyz, can I take xyz instead with the same results is a type of specific question.

I personally will not respond to lazy PM's. as in you could have searched for out answer but instead want me to search and read and explain for you. So before you PM me make sure you've done a search, have a specific question NOT a broad question, and already have some knowledge and is just looking to expand a bit further.

"Hi I'm New Here" PM's will mostly be ignored btw you've been forewarned


I sooo wish there was a "like" button on here.

I agree completely with what was said here by Emily. I have been involved in NBE off and on since I was 18, I'm now 25, so a little over 7 years. (My birthday is in September). And I can't tell you how many PMs and emails I get on a constant basis that are EXACTLY like she's describing. It's freaking annoying. I'm getting to the point where I will respond with a copy and paste message to the effects of, that if I'm paid X amount I will walk them through everything. That usually stops them.

90% of the PMs and emails I get are "I'm new, what do I do" "I want boobs, how do I get them?" "I saw your amazing progress, how did you grow your breasts???" Hmmm... so they took the time to scroll through my picture/program page but DIDN'T take the time to read what I took or did. So annoying. I usually just reply back with the link to my program page, and they usually reply with something idiotic like "yea, I saw your pics, how did you grow like that". *facepalm*

Now when a girl has a specific question and is shy and would like to PM me, I have no issues with that. For example and I won't name names, but someone said their breasts were similarly shaped like mine and was curious about tuberous breasts and what they could do to help reshape them. That is a specific question and those are welcomed. I have tuberous breasts, I was diagnosed with it by doctors (that's more than one in case you aren't paying attention) and I understand how frustrating it can be to have this type of shape. So I am always here for support. Most doctors will tell you the only way is surgery. Mine are not perfect, but they are better than they were when I started, so I'm thankful for that.

Sorry to get off topic there, just wanted to give more examples of Dos and Don'ts.

I definitely have to agree and reiterate the importance of reading. When I first started I stalked the forums, I read and read and googled and researched and read and read everyday for HOURS and this went on for at least a month or two before I decided what I wanted to try and do. This was when I first found the forums. Before that I was blindly trying a product and it didn't work for me and I got discouraged for a little while. But after those hours and hours of reading I finally found things that worked for me. So, basically the moral of the story is, STOP BEING LAZY! We all know you want boobs like yesterday, we've all been there. But NBE is not that type of solution. If you want instant boobs, there's surgery. This is not something that happens overnight. I've said it time and time again but, puberty is a 7 year span, NBE is like recreating puberty, you cannot expect it to work in a day, a week or even a month. Yes there are some very lucky ladies that grow 4+ cup sizes within 1 year, others like myself it was slow go, it was finding what worked and didn't. And through my patience and persistence I achieved what I wanted to (well until I got greedy lol).

So yea, if you didn't read everything I just said, please just read this:

The keys to NBE are... education (reading and researching on here or google), patience (it takes time), persistence, consistency (you can't half-ass it), and a positive mental attitude, PMA for short (being a miserable negative nancy will get you nowhere).

On a side note about PMA, I work in the sales industry, and it's all about PMA also. If you are negative and down you will not sell, period. Same thing with NBE, you can't expect your body to grow and function properly while being negative about it. Hypnosis works by enforcing PMA.

Is there any way this thread or some type of reading such as this be FORCED for people who first join to read?

Good post, very helpful for newbies.
I didn't realize some of these herbs worked by increasing oxytocin. I usually just read about those herbs increasing testosterone or something. Interesting.

Also, I'd like to note that Diatomaceous Earth works by killing parasites within the intestinal tract. It will NOT cleanse your liver and will not clear your hormone receptors. At least, not from what I've ever seen about it. I think it's important to note the differences in the types of cleanses you can do, as some are more vital to NBE while others are just better for a flat belly or more energy (they may still benefit your NBE, just not in the ways that liver cleansers like Milk Thistle will).

Also, for anyone cleansing, make sure to DRINK EXTRA, EXTRA WATER. Cleanses tend to dry your body up, which may cause dry mouth, dry eyes, fatigue, etc. Intestinal cleansers will usually dry your body up the most, as a lot of them work by drawing water to your intestinal tract to flush it out.

Glad you pointed out that newbies asking questions because they didn't read shouldn't receive responses. I'm so sick of that. Unfortunately, they won't ever read this to know any better (and unfortunately for them, won't ever be successful in NBE).

This really is the best thread ever Smile

I think this thread should be on top of other threads in this NBE forum for newbies (who r a lot of time dont spend enuf time to read, read cuz they are way too happy on discovering this helpful website!!!).

I hate to see it got further flush down to next couple pages...

Can I ask why Wild Yam is not considered a progesterone? On a lot of threads and websites its listed as one. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, I did a search and couldn't find it. I was planning on using it in my luteal phase as a progesterone Huh

This is very well organized and beyond helpful!!

Thank you!

Oops I was a little off with my planned routine, and I also thought wild yam was progesterone too! They put it in progesterone cream if I'm correct on that? At least that's what I've read. And I heard chasteberry was a hormone balancer. It can be used for progesterone also?? And sorry to Anastasia I PM'ed her asking about the shape also! I'm just scared mine will look worse because I can't use a noogleberry. Ok anyways, since wild yam is not considered progesterone do you think a progesterone cream will be sufficient? I hear it works great and then I also here oral forms are better. Would it be too much progesterone if I used PC and oral form?

Did anyone please describe this NBE program and tips i'm interesting to know all that but i can't understand what actually it is. I really appreciate if anyone explained it for me.

[quote='ariel' pid='74138' dateline='1367941605']
Can I ask why Wild Yam is not considered a progesterone? On a lot of threads and websites its listed as one.

I found this:
"Researchers concluded that diosgenin, the yam compound used to synthesize progesterone, “did not convert to progesterone in the body.”

(07-05-2013, 16:46)ariel Wrote:  Can I ask why Wild Yam is not considered a progesterone? On a lot of threads and websites its listed as one. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, I did a search and couldn't find it. I was planning on using it in my luteal phase as a progesterone Huh

This is very well organized and beyond helpful!!

Thank you!

I Found this: Researchers concluded that diosgenin, the yam compound used to synthesize progesterone, “did not convert to progesterone in the body.”

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