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Want to try BO but I have too many male hormones..will it make my situation worse?


I want to try BO really badly, but at the same time i'm really scared. I looked at their website and it seemed so convincing and made be hopeful but I know that it can have side effects that I really don't want.

I have no breasts AT ALL. My chest looks like the chest of a 10 year old boy, all that I have is 2 nipples. No roundess, nothing. I can't even say that my "breasts are flat" because I simply don't even have any. I always wondered if the reason for not growing breasts is because I have too many male hormones in my body? Since the age of 12 i've had problems with hair in male areas, for example my chin, moustache and beard area. I had lot of hair in general all over my face...Also around my nipples and stomach. I also had problems with pimples. My periods was always irregular. Sometimes I would go for months and months without getting a period and when I did get it the pain was horrible. I've never had breasts...They never grew, or even developped. I am 18 now.

I know that BO apparently works well for girls who never developped breasts, but since I am almost 100% sure that I have too many male hormones in my body, I am scared that BO will make the situation worse by playing with the male hormones. For example, BO creats growth hormones, but it doesn't ELIMINATE the male hormones...So how would it help me? And since it creates growth hormones, what if it makes me gain weight? *I am already a few pounds over weight and i'm trying to lose weight, I don't want fat to go anywhere, but my breasts.*

I've tryed breast enhancement supplements made with herbs in the past. Herbs like wild yam, saw plametto, black cohosh...etc... and it didn't help my breasts at all. It made me feel REALLY bloated and it gave me a headache almost everyday.

I know that BO doesn't work the same as herbs do, but I know that BO can cause weight gain and that's a very scarey thought for me. I'm also scared it will make me produce more male hormones instead of the female ones and it could make my male features even worse...

Has anybody ever tried BO and is in a similar situation to me?

Thank you so much for reading and helping...I appreciate it !

i dont think it will make anything worse males can use bovine ovary too to grow breasts.

You are only 18? Maybe you might want to go to see a specialist to discuss about this so they can run some hormonal blood (saliva) test for you to further determine the cause of breast growth delay. I believe many others had recommended you previously.


Yes we have and extensively. I was to the point were I suggested to go ahead try it and find out. Enough whinning already. But she hasn't listened. I told her its because she wants to hear what she wants to hear and not understand the potential upside and downside to it all. This told me, she is mentally not ready for nBE period.

I feel for the girl but she's got to stop the ridiculous consistent posting and wrong outlook.

She is still a kid, Tibetan, cut her some slacks. Kids would never like to listen to adult at all.

Ok, Lil-baby,
This time you need to listen well.

1. Make an appointment to see obgyn or endoc ask why you have small breast(!!), be truthful and honest of how you feel and how your little breast effect your esteem and social life. Next, ask for hormonal test on estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH, the whole nine yard for me. According to your profile you live in Canada so it might b hard to see the doctor if it was not an Emergency so make up something.

2. Take a leap of faith, these experts here all recommended either you massage, NB or BO herbal program because if you keep saying this and that and won't do something about it then no one else can do for you. Only you can do for yourself. It 's your own self-esteem so do it and get over with. If your body reacts bad to the BO pills then stop, seeing the doctor, admit that you use herbal to grow boobies. Simply just that.

Good luck.



(07-05-2013, 23:29)CancerStrikes2 Wrote:  She is still a kid, Tibetan, cut her some slacks. Kids would never like to listen to adult at all.

Ok, Lil-baby,
This time you need to listen well.

1. Make an appointment to see obgyn or endoc ask why you have small breast(!!), be truthful and honest of how you feel and how your little breast effect your esteem and social life. Next, ask for hormonal test on estrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH, the whole nine yard for me. According to your profile you live in Canada so it might b hard to see the doctor if it was not an Emergency so make up something.

2. Take a leap of faith, these experts here all recommended either you massage, NB or BO herbal program because if you keep saying this and that and won't do something about it then no one else can do for you. Only you can do for yourself. It 's your own self-esteem so do it and get over with. If your body reacts bad to the BO pills then stop, seeing the doctor, admit that you use herbal to grow boobies. Simply just that.

Good luck.


Thank you so much for the kind answer and doing your best to help me out.. I really appreciate it.

I was kind of like this when I was your age.. for me it was made worse by my anorexia.. i didn't have enough body fat to produce sufficient estrogen so my breasts and hips didn't develop and i had excess body hair.. plz don't lose hope.. I fleshed out a bit when I turned 30 and now at 40 i look pretty good! Big Grin ...not super curvy, but curvy enough and womanly.. so sometimes it takes time for your body to find it's groove (not to brag, ok, but my bf is a 25 yr old model/soccer player who says i have a beautiful body and i don't look my age.. developing late has advantages!! keep your chin up, girl)

it does sound like you might have too many androgens... maybe you could try saw palmetto might help by blocking some of them.

I'd also really like to encourage you to go to a gyno and having them run some tests.

You should look into PCOS and see if that's an issue.

In my experience, just loading up on estrogenic substances doesn't really help in situations like yours... and can make it worse if it causes your body to just completely down regulates it's own estrogen production --

Your problem may be that you are producing normal amounts of everything but your receptors are immune to the hormones.. you really need more information!!!

Please go see a specialist if at all possible and keep us posted!!!

(06-05-2013, 23:10)BonitaDDs Wrote:  i dont think it will make anything worse males can use bovine ovary too to grow breasts.

But males don't have a system in place that shuts off the body's own production of female hormones and down regulates everything in response to too having too high levels.

So if a male adds estrogen - bam - he grows boobs. If I add estrogen my body goes hey we got too much estrogen in here! slow down production so that we can maintain balance and avoid problems (like cancer).

It's not that simple.

Thank you so much for the means a lot, I really appreciate it.

Good luck to you xoxo

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