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timarie's waist-is-small-and-curves-are-kickin' program


No, I was thinking more like this one... or this or this (you get the idea).
I wore something like this in middle school, and it helped me a lot. I got so used to the position with them on that, when the day came that I took them off, it felt weird to get into any other position! So I kept the good posture. Plus it is really pretty affordable. I cannot remember the exact one that I bought, but it was the same idea as the ones posted above. Those are all pretty affordable.

(14-04-2013, 05:00 PM)timarie Wrote:  No, I was thinking more like this one... or this or this (you get the idea).
I wore something like this in middle school, and it helped me a lot. I got so used to the position with them on that, when the day came that I took them off, it felt weird to get into any other position! So I kept the good posture. Plus it is really pretty affordable. I cannot remember the exact one that I bought, but it was the same idea as the ones posted above. Those are all pretty affordable.

Oh, ok. Yeah, those ones are affordable... How does something up so high manage to correct your entire posture though? Posture is more than JUST your upper back after all! And trying to think of outfits that I can disguise that thing under... Hrm...

I still don't have any money, but yeah. If/when I have some money I could definitely get a few of those ones.

(14-04-2013, 06:02 PM)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  How does something up so high manage to correct your entire posture though? Posture is more than JUST your upper back after all! And trying to think of outfits that I can disguise that thing under... Hrm...

I'm pretty sure that it is difficult for one to keep their lower back arched while their shoulders are back. Unless you have a posterior pelvic tilt, then it might be difficult. And wearing it, it just looks like an extension of your bra if the top of the strap shows. I never had anyone ask any questions about it, or anyone "discover" it, for that matter. This is the benefit of the smallest back support models!

Hmmm. ok... Well, as I said, I'm seeing red now, but whenever I can I suppose I can give it a try.

Exercise update!

So yesterday I increased my Leg Press to 360lbs, and my Lower Back Hyperextensions to 20 reps. I was really nervous about increasing the weight on the Leg Press because I was stuck at 340lbs for quite a while because I could not get it to the point where I could have great form (targeting the glutes as best as I could), but it was a lot easier than I expected!

Also, this Saturday I am FINALLY going to have two guys at two separate gyms show me their recommendations for an upper-body toning and chest-building routine, so hopefully I will be able to start that routine next week after putting something together for myself that will work Smile Once I will, I will be doing this routine in place of two of my cardio workouts, which is great because I feel like the cardio I do is partially to blame for my sudden leanness the other week, when I lost .75" off my bum.

(14-04-2013, 02:47 AM)timarie Wrote:  
(10-04-2013, 06:02 PM)ChristinaD Wrote:  Hey Timarie, thanks for the wealth of information, you really know your stuff.

I dont know where exactly in the thighs the maca was making my friend as well as her friend gain in thighs, but maca has made my hips come out a little, gave me more bum, and my thighs are a little more bigger in the front and right in between my thighs at the top appears to be a little bigger with muscle.

This is crazy interesting. Clearly it sounds like muscle (as you mentioned the abductors, glutes, quads, and adductors), which would make sense since maca increases testosterone.... but to what degree? How much maca were you taking in a day? I have rather high testosterone as it is (although still within the normal range), so I am not sure if taking maca will help my case to build in those locations.... and am not exactly sure how it works, either. I have only read that it balances the hormones, but how? Does it balance by converting estrogen to testosterone (therefore decreasing estrogen as it increases testosterone), or does it increase the testosterone to "match" estrogen for balance? And I wonder, therefore, how it will effect my NBE program.

(10-04-2013, 06:02 PM)ChristinaD Wrote:  I wear the squeem for about 8 hours a day, I bought it based on reviews but am still skeptical as to whether it will really do anything. It does really give you am hourglass figure, and sometimes my eyes play tricks on me making me think I really do have that hourglass figure, but I find it a little bulky under my clothes in that it makes my lower belly and waist look bigger than it really is. So I think I will start using at home and during sleep only because I don't want to look like I have big stomach with curves.

So is the material kind of thick? Yeah, I wouldn't like that either! Seems to defeat the purpose. Keep me updated on this, please! I still wonder if it really burns fat, or if it just sheds water weight (which you would know based on how fast you gained it back after stopping wearing it). Based on the information of another product (Sweet-Sweat), in order for thermogenesis to happen (which is the process by which the squeem is supposed to burn fat off permanently), you need to have an elevated heart rate. So I am not sure if I'd understand the point of wearing it all day long like a corset, unless you are very active throughout your day Wink

(08-06-1970, 02:22 AM)ChristinaDu75' Wrote:  I have read online that PM should not be taken be with diet products and that caffeine should be cut out.

This is taken from Anterol's site:
Do not use any fat blocking medicines (no diet treatments) while you are take PMP. It will have adverse effect to alternative natural treatment and Pueraria Mirifica will not absorb 100% to your body.

That link didn't work for me for some reason, but I was able to find the page I think to which you were referring. Thanks for sharing! A couple things about this...
1) I do not trust Ainterol on everything, as they have told me many times that they do not believe in cycling PM and believe that if a person's cycle is thrown off, that they should continue taking PM regularly and their system will just adjust. They obviously have an agenda, and the possible agenda they could have in this one (about fat blocking medicines) is that, they won't eliminate from their success list the people who get bigger breasts just from gaining overall body fat. So I would not be entirely convinced of this statement until I saw actual scientific evidence of it.
2) Even if it WAS true (as it does make sense to me), I would have to step back and consider what was most important to me. I would much rather prefer to keep my breast size with a healthy, toned figure, than to gain breast size at the cost of gaining overall body fat. I know it will possibly decrease my success for breast growth, but I would prefer slow gains with my breasts while maintaining or losing overall body fat, than gaining overall body fat and fast breast growth. No thanks. That’s just called getting fat, and some of it going to the boobs Tongue!
3) Ainterol is being a little self-contradictory, because if they turn away something like CLA (which is naturally found in all meats and dairies, btw), then I guess we cannot take our PM with that milk that they so strongly suggest us to take with it. Hmmm... did they think of that? So, I am sure that some intense fat-blockers might not be a good idea (like Oxyelite Pro), but something like CLA which is naturally found in the foods we eat everyday? Now that's just being silly.

And yes, caffeine should be cut out mostly because it decreases estrogen levels in white females It also dehydrates you (if taking more than 500mg a day), and it increases metabolism and in that way indirectly contributes to fat loss; therefore, it MAY effect breast growth but again, I think it is unrealistic to do everything in one's power to increase fat intake unless one's ONLY goal is to have bigger breasts, then sure. I think big breasts on a big body look less attractive, as it is all about proportion, so I want to keep the unhealthy fat off and whatever fat I manage to get to my breasts, great; and whatever doesn't get to my breasts, so be it. It's not worth getting a belly for that. But that is just my opinion!

(10-04-2013, 06:02 PM)ChristinaD Wrote:  But be because of the excess hormones, estrogen ( i am currently cycling) and water retention, I find my lower belly bloated and a little puffy so I am have been drinking a cup of green tea a day. But am going to try dandelion tea which is suppose to be good for belly fat, cleansing the liver and toxins from body, ridding the body of excess of water, balancing hormones and is also caffine free Smile

It looks like dandelion is supposed to help with fat by suppressing appetite and helps you to shed water weight. If you think that one of the contributors to your belly is your diet and/or water weight (which from what you wrote, it does), then this should be promising! Otherwise, I am not so sure. I currently drink dandelion for my NBE program, and take the capsules at night. I never crave sweets or junk or really even food for that matter, and haven't since the end of last summer (I think Huh) so I could care less about the appetite-decreasing part of it... but was hoping for the laxative and cleansing effects and, more importantly, the possibility that it may increase the amount of estrogen receptors. I was not aware of its ability to balance hormones which now actually concerns me, as I am concerned about maca (mentioned above, in what way do they balance the hormones?).

(10-04-2013, 06:02 PM)ChristinaD Wrote:  My problem is although I eat healthy and workout I can have big appetite and the herbs and PM only increases it. I also have a sweet tooth and tend to snack everyday on some sort of junk and a lot. I am really trying to cut out the junk Sad
I really don't think I am in a calorie deficit, but maybe I should work out at a medium intensity in the fat burning zone?

It depends on your priorities. If your priority is to lose fat and your secondary goal is to gain muscle, then yes, go ahead and do the medium intensity and please completely cut out the junk. The sooner you do, the sooner the day will come when you no longer crave it! If your priority is to gain muscle and your secondary goal is to lose fat, like mine, then I would suggest you not to do the medium intensity (do light cardio alternated with intense cardio for short periods, such as mine) and to just focus on cutting out the junk. Either way, you need to focus on completely cutting out the junk. It helps with nothing except for robbing your body of opportunities to gain valuable nutrients and helping you to gain fat (as you know). Just think of how many more healthy foods you can eat that your body wants and needs if you cut out the junky snacks? Imagine the gains! I think your idea of drinking the dandelion tea is great, because it is a very healthy appetite suppressant.

Hi Tamarie,

Thanks for replying.

I do have pretty nice abs, but since started NBE some times it seems like I'm retaining water there because I can feel the bloating in my lower abdomen. I do want to tighten my abs though, as I had my second child almost a year ago and my belly ring does not look the same in the way that it hangs. I use to always have rock solid abs. My friend said I was "huge" when I was pregnant. I gained just under 40lbs in both of pregnancies but only belly, so I guess to some I would look big cause its just belly where I gain (and barely anything at all to the breast) but would lose all the weight fairly quickly.

You brought up a point with the squeem and sweet sweat... My squeem is not rubber but should I wear it while workout out the gym as my heart rate will be increased at that time?

I still cheat with a large cup of green tea, need to switch to decaf...
But can't wait for my dandelion tea to come.

I hear what you are saying about Ainterol (and other PM manufacturers for that matter). Right now I don't want to mess up a good thing and take any fat blockers or CLA. If I start to gain weight in other places I will access at that time.
I started NBE 3 months ago and my breast are slowly growing in nicely Smile.

Not sure if your taking PM or if you ever did....but I am starting to think PM may be one of the contributors to my recent hip and bum growth. I was thinking it was solely the Maca, but after reading that PM womenizes figures and increases hip and bum growth, I think Maca has something to do with it. My glutes also squeeze for some reason when I walk and my bf was actually the first to notice this.

I know I need to kick the sweets. I always had a sweet tooth and use to eat really bad in that i would fill up on junk and sweets and hardly eat any protein. i changed that greatly but i do indulge on some kind of junk pretty much every day. I must admit I am blessed in that I'm able to stay thin and eat junk every day. But I am working on this though. I did kick my bad habit about six months ago and really slimmed-down and loved it. I since went back to my usual weight, ( I have a slim muscular build) but now I have this even bigger booty… Which I am just lovin as well as the bf. I also love to bake, which is a problem when I do cause I will want to eat all Lol.
But besides the indulging I do eat fairly healthy and workout.

Exercise Update

So today at the gym I decided to start a new warm-up routine to replace my old one. Now I am doing my typical cardio routine (described in Post #1) but only for 10-11 minutes. For my entire lower-body workout following this warm-up, I felt like I had more stamina, which allowed me to push harder and place more focus on my glutes, which made my workout a more effective workout. Whether or not this new warm-up is what directly resulted in the increase in stamina in my weight lifting routine I am not sure, but only time will tell!

I increased the weight on the V-Squat machine to 360lbs but I felt very little difference... possibly because the increase in stamina! My Calf Raises were oddly too easy... I should have increased the reps to 20 but it was too late once I had already started. Oh well, next time.

Diet Update!
I have started adding Chia seeds to my greek yogurt and Hemp seeds to my cereal, to make up for the extra last bit of protein (for which I usually would add an extra glass of milk). I love variety, and these seeds have so many other health benefits!! Check it out!

My Measurement Update
I measured myself for my NBE program and discovered the following:
Underbust/Bust: 29"/35.75"
Waist: 26"---!!!
Hip/Butt: 40"

So, I may not have gained anything on my butt as of yet (which I don't expect any new growth to start showing for another good month, anyway, due to the rate at which muscle grows, so this is fine), but I HAVE lost an inch off of my waist since I started this thread! This could be due to a lot of things: I have been taking CLA since late January and this is supposed to start showing results if taken regularly after three months, and today is actually exactly my 3-month anniversary of taking it; I increased my cardio frequency (from 1-2 days a week to 4 days a week) back in the second half of March; I just started trying to exercise my TVA muscles by contracting them throughout the day beginning about a week and a half ago; and I unintentionally cut some calories from my diet for about a week back in the beginning of April (but I don't think this had a whole lot of effect on the current results of my waist, as it appears I have continued to lose even after increasing my calorie intake again). So, it could be due to any of these things listed.

But, I am about to decrease the frequency of my so-called cardio days from four back to two days out of the week, because this week I will begin my chest-building routine for two days out of the week! However, as mentioned above, I will be doing 10-11 minutes of cardio as my warm-up on these days where I weight lift (which will be a total of four days out of the week between both upper and lower body days), so I did not completely cut back on the cardio. I will still be getting at least 100 minutes of cardio per week compared to the 120 minutes I was recently getting, so it will only be a little less (and still most certainly enough!).

I am pretty sure I will be discussing my Chest-Building routine on my must-increase-my-bust program thread, since the purpose of this routine is to add support for my new boobies coming in Smile

(18-04-2013, 04:02 PM)ChristinaD Wrote:  I do have pretty nice abs, but since started NBE some times it seems like I'm retaining water there because I can feel the bloating in my lower abdomen. I do want to tighten my abs though, as I had my second child almost a year ago and my belly ring does not look the same in the way that it hangs. I use to always have rock solid abs. My friend said I was "huge" when I was pregnant. I gained just under 40lbs in both of pregnancies but only belly, so I guess to some I would look big cause its just belly where I gain (and barely anything at all to the breast) but would lose all the weight fairly quickly.
You brought up a point with the squeem and sweet sweat... My squeem is not rubber but should I wear it while workout out the gym as my heart rate will be increased at that time?

Actually, now that you mention it, I think the fabric known best for this thermogenetic effect is Neoprene. But I would think that anything that generates heat would create such an effect (just to what degree, I do not know, so while Neoprene may be the best, others may also work to a lesser degree). And yes, of course you can always wear it at any other time, but I think you will have the greatest effects while increasing your heart rate (you will generate more heat in that area and, therefore, more thermogenesis will result). Also, I read somewhere that the squeem was originally designed for women in your situation (post-pregnancy) who needed something to help them tighten up their loosened mid-section. So this should be good for that, at least!

(18-04-2013, 04:02 PM)ChristinaD Wrote:  I hear what you are saying about Ainterol (and other PM manufacturers for that matter). Right now I don't want to mess up a good thing and take any fat blockers or CLA. If I start to gain weight in other places I will access at that time.
I started NBE 3 months ago and my breast are slowly growing in nicely Smile.
Not sure if your taking PM or if you ever did....but I am starting to think PM may be one of the contributors to my recent hip and bum growth. I was thinking it was solely the Maca, but after reading that PM womenizes figures and increases hip and bum growth, I think Maca has something to do with it. My glutes also squeeze for some reason when I walk and my bf was actually the first to notice this.

Yes, of course, I don't trust any of those manufacturers. And it sounds like you are all about growing your breasts the way I am about growing my butt: at almost all costs Wink So I completely understand your desire to keep away from fat blockers! If you are concerned about CLA, you should also skip on eating meats (especially red meat) and all dairy products, since they all have naturally occurring CLA in them. Personally I think it is a healthy thing to have in one's diet, but we all have our own priorities!

I am glad to hear about your growth! And yes I am cycling PM but have only been on this program for about a month now, so it is too soon to expect any large results. And yes, I have definitely read about PM helping (just as any extra estrogen will do this) add fat to the hips and butt. It makes sense to me, as hormones often determine where we deposite our fat, and I am hoping that it will have that effect on me, as well! But I do not exactly understand how Maca works yet... and I would love it if someone could explain it to me! I suspect that it only helps/works for those who have low testosterone levels and, therefore, in Maca's ability to balance hormones, raises the testosterone levels which aids in muscle growth. That is my only understanding and, if this is so, Maca will never work for me and will only have a limited effect on others on whom it does work. It is interesting, though.


Measurement Update!!

Oh, it's happening! And much earlier than I had ever imagined. I'm so happy Smile

Underbust/Bust: 29"/35.75"
Waist: 26"
Hip/Butt: 40.25"---!!!!

Yesssssssss!!!! Ok, now I need to hold myself down from getting too excited, buckle down, and focus on helping it grow!

Exercise update

The increased stamina that I had in yesterday's routine, which resulted in executing my exercises easier and, therefore, allowed me to be more able to focus on targeting my glutes during my exercises, has resulted in the FIRST SORENESS in my glutes that I have experienced in several months!! This is, incredible. I am hoping that the key to this increased stamina is the new warm-up routine I have made for myself!! I will continue with this and see if this is, in fact, the change that ultimately brought about a more effective workout!

Diet update

Since this week I am beginning my new Pectoral/Upper-Body routine (see my other thread Post #36), which means I will be working out with weights for a total of four days out of the week, (not to mention that, once I develop a routine for abs, I will be adding a little bit of not-so-serious ab workouts every day in addition to my TVA tightening exercises that I will continue to try doing all day long, but more on that later when I will officially start) and so I have decided to keep my four mini-meals the same, but increase from two shakes a day to three (making what was once a 6 protein-intake diet now a 7 protein-intake diet). This way, no matter how much my new exercises may burn, I will never deprive my glute muscles of what they need to grow. I have increased both protein and calories in my diet.

Waist Update!

So, my corset finally came in last Thursday! I tried it on and it fits me (without pulling it in at all) with a 6.5" gap in the back. Is this normal, and to be expected? It looks kinds silly but, then again, this is at the loosest I will ever wear it (and it did come with a modesty panel). Any feedback on this from corset wearers???

I will be contacting Romantasy soon to plan out a schedule for me to wear it! Big Grin

Also... Exercise Update

Last Wednesday, I added a down-set on the Leg Press at the very end of my whole routine (like I do with the V-Squat machine on Sundays). I also increased the Glute Press to 247.5lbs.

Diet Update

I forgot to mention this earlier, but a couple weeks ago I decided to take protein bars out of my diet, since (to be honest with you) they make me gag, no matter how sweet or mild in flavor they are. Also, the added sugars I could afford to do without! I have replaced these with a nut mix that I place into little ziplock bags for my on-the-go situations. It was the highest in protein per ounce that I could find. It is the Sunny Cranberry trail mix from Archer Farms (picked up at Target). Maybe cutting out protein bars from my diet has helped me to trim down on my waist!

Girls, this may be an odd thing for me to write about but, if you want to build your glutes, you may want to consider this when you go to do so.

Last year I bought a few yoga pants, size small (as that was my size at the time), and I still wear them (duh, cuz they STRETCH! and I wanna save money...), but now my ass is more like a size large and I have been told by multiple male sources this week that my butt is MORE than attention grabbing... which concerns me. Also, two guys have told me that I should probably wear underwear... so, for all you gals who like your thongs like I do, and wear your thongs with exercise pants that hug your butt, guys apparently think we are panty-less because of the absence of panty lines. Gross, right? wth. I straightened them out and told them I don't know any women who go panty-less. Men, get your heads out of the gutter! They are called thongs. But yeah, I hate panty lines so I won't be switching out my thongs, but I will have to fork out some money for yoga pants in a size large... Dodgy Hopefully that will help me look less slutty Tongue

Exercise/Diet Update!

I increased my Calf Raises to 15 reps per set this past Sunday.

Last Sunday I felt oddly weak, and I believe it is because I forgot to eat a significant source of carbs before my workout. I will try not to do that again (although I find it difficult because most carbs turn me off) because it made a huge impact on my performance!

Also, I have been playing with a new back/(bicep) routine. My focus is my back, but the biceps will always be worked as the back is targeted. It's just one of those results that cannot be completely avoided (like how quads cannot be avoided while working out the glutes). The point is not to bulk my back, but to make it stronger so I can lift more weight in my squats and lunges! Also, I read that a strong back helps to keep a great posture. Once I finally finalize a routine, I will add it to the thread! I will probably take my Back Hyperextension exercise out of my lower body routine and add it to my back routine, and add Deadlifts to my Wednesday lower body routine. All just thoughts, will be playing with this stuff this week to see how it feels...

And finally... Measurement Update!!

Underbust/Bust: 29"/36" (more about this in my other thread, tomorrow)
Waist: 26"
Hip/Butt: 40.5"---!!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Yup! It seems like whatever I am doing now with my diet and regimen is working, full-force!

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