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Journey With BB


Thanks Mel and Eve the thread has been move to the place where it belongs. I will keep you guys updated.

I promise to update once a week but since I love writing in this forum so much I want to update as much as I could. I added some new routine into my program. Since initially I haven't really elaborate in details on how I take my supplement so here goes.


6:30 am 1 BB pill
7:30 am 1 flaxseed oil 1000mg
1 EPO 1000mg
1 DIM-Plus
1 Grapeseed Extract
3 Daily Nutrition Pack
1 Salmon Fish Oil 1000mg
1 Sheep Placenta 15000mg (alternate day basis)
1 Calcium tablet
8:00 am 1 scoop of Now Whey Protein Isolate = 25gram protein

5:30 pm 1 BB pill
7:00 pm 1 EPO 1000mg
1 DIM-Plus
3 Daily Nutrition Pack
9:00 pm 1 Probiotics

I added tigerlily's massage technique into my daily routine twice a day. I lessen the protein powder to 25 gram to avoid gaining weight which I had this pass 10 days. Hopefully my weight will start dropping soon.

Yesterday I went for facial as I was lying there I feel both my breasts are a bit fuller not as flat as before. But when I ask my bf he can't tell so I have this new rule created 'no seeing or touching my girls after 6 months later'.

I notice I get hungry very often I am not sure whether it is the pills is doing the job or some other causes. I feel like I am on a stream of Appeton. I am controlling my food intake I hate to gain weight then have to fight to loose later and see my boobies deflate again.

I am 1 of those people that has 2 different pain in my menstrual cycle each time. Menstruation pain and ovulation pain. I was ovulating few days ago, this time the pain is almost not there but I can still feel the discomfort. Maybe I am estrogen-dominance I am not sure because from reading what Mel wrote in the forum I can very much relate myself to her. Crazy 1 day and ok another day. I have heavy mood swing to the point I can even scare myself and others when I lost control of myself. When it happen my bf thinks that demons has possess me or something close. I can't get test done here on estrogen-dominance but when I check Dr. Lee's website it qualify me to be estrogen-dominance. I was thinking to order the progesterone cream to see whether it will help me and the it is not available in my country through pharmacy but only through direct-selling. Sigh~~

Today mark exactly 2 weeks since I started on BB. I didn't manage to get any tingles for my 2nd week. My boobies are a bit full not sure why maybe my period is on its way. It usually happens to me that my boobies is either full or painful when AF is near. This time the fullness is a bit different cause my bra band tend to not able to slide onto my boobies like before. If you have AA, AAA or AAAA cup what I am talking about. Measure my weight this morning, it has drop 2lbs after I slow down the protein from 50gm to 25gm.

I was reading 1 of the thread Mel started on body temperature some of the website that she put up are quite useful. I think I too suffer from adrenal problem base on the symptoms I have cross check with the website she posted. Now I have 3 problems that I am predicting by symptoms estrogen-dominance, adrenal and thyroid problem. At first measuring with mercury thermometer my temperature was on the par but using digital my temperature is few degrees below. So I am going to add kelp into my program soon, L-Tyrosine I am getting it in my protein powder maybe I am going to add a bit more in separate dosage. Lets see how. So is time to adjust my program again. Will update it when I get all the products. Gosh so many pills. Scary!!

I am also making plan to increase the dosage of BB pills from 2 to 3 but still taking it twice daily. I will do it after 1-2 months when I still don't any effect at all. BB website says you shouldn't split the pills more than 2 TIMES a day because it will cause homeopathic
potentization where boobies will grow faster in the beginning and then stop growing abruptly. Future BB users beware of this!

Recently I made a purchase of a bra non padded with the size of 32C. My aim to myself is to fill up that bra. I am going to wear it to take some pictures but I think I don't have the courage to bare it all. I salute those who have the courage to bare it all. I will post my pictures up if I get results.

Happy growing everyone!!

I wouln't get ahead of yourself and already start planning to increase your BB. It took me 6 weeks or so to get any results from it. Just be patient and in the mean time, the heavier breast is a good sign. If I recall, I noticed that also before I started having my growth spurts.

You are so right Mel I shouldn't plan ahead cause I am starting to feel a little of something recently after my last post is like my breast hear me. My breast look the fullest among all my history of womanhood.

I actually haven't touch woman breast before so when I touch mine I am not sure whether it is normal to have the mammary gland start to grow (cause mine is) or the pills just creates more fat deposit on my breast. If its only creates fat deposits means it should feel like the my butt, merely fat right. My breast is not growing out it is growing upwards filling up the empty space on my chest bone making it meatier instead of just bone. The mammary gland feels larger than my palm while it use to be very small like 2 inch in diameter roughly. I never have breasts before so it feels strange a bit seeing it having something. I am feeling a bit of a mix feeling excitement plus something else I can't describe. (Maybe missing being flat chested) LoL crazy me!!

When I read on the forum I find there are few people who often forget their pills. What I do is I put my hand-phone on alarm to remind me I need to take the pills. I read somewhere I couldn't remember where but it is about our hand-phone radiation it is bad to have it near the supplement. We know our hand-phone discharge radiation which are not good having it near our supplement might risk it altering its supplementation value in it. So readers keep your hand-phone away!!!

My libido and food appetite has increase but I am not sure of the reason of course I am taking so much supplement is like I am not sure which one work for what. LOL.

Recently I experiment with the thermometer again. I measure it with a digital thermometer on the same time inserting it underneath my tongue few times and it measure with different output few seconds apart. So I gather mercury thermometer is more consistent though I know mercury thermometer are dangerous but if I don't break it I don't think it will kill me.

Hi Crystalelle, i have only just read your program page and i just wanted to say goodluck hun, it sounds like you are starting to see some effects from your routine and thats fantastic. I also started eating alot more for some reason when i started on BB, i actually put alot of weight on aswell and unfortunatly i am gaining alot again now, but i think sometimes your body just needs the extra nutrition when it wants to grow and develop. As far as the feel of your breast, if your gland is getting larger then this is a good sign, it means you will hopefully get permanent growth, as you know i started with nothing and the first thing i felt was a bud and that is the start of the mammary gland and that continued to get larger so i think it sounds like your heading in the right direction hun, but i am no expert and as you know i am male so it could be a different process for me but i think you are on the increase hun and i am very happy for you. Good luck and happy boobie growing lol xxxx

Hi Cheryl1989,

Thank you for replying to this thread. I have kept myself updated with yours too and your result is >>JAW DROPPING AMAZING<<. You are giving girl like me who lost a lot of hope with NBE to have hope and faith back that the growth will some how happen.


The weather in my country is extremely hot phew! Ok now I had my 1st period after started with BB pills. My mammary glad that grew larger initially deflate back. Heartbroken!! I am going to go on 50gm of protein powder for 3 days (heavy AF flow) while on period cause I gather losing a lot of blood means I need more protein substance to build it back or maybe build my breast on the side. I hope some miracle will happen else I think it will be logical to increase the pill by one. I am not contacting BB's staff for advice because I believe I will gather much better information on my own through this forum.

Keeping my finger cross on this journey.


As mention last week I am going to do a major adjustment to my program adding a lot more supplements. I am sitting on my bed now typing this and laying all the pill bottles in front of me. I have shocking 15 types of different supplements. Gosh!! I am heading down the road as a supplement addict. LOL.

Here goes : -

BB pill 1 capsule

An hour later
Raw Adrenal Glandular 350mg 1 capsule
Hyaluronic Acid + Collagen 1 capsule
DIM-plus 1 capsule
Kelp 225mcg 1 capsule
Grapeseed + Pycnogenol 1 capsule
Bilberry 1 capsule
Sheep placenta 15 000mg 1 capsule (alternate basis)
Neem 250mg 1 capsule

Half hour later
NOW Whey Protein Isolate 25mg

1 BB pills

An hour later
Hyaluronic Acid + Collagen 1 capsule
DIM-plus 1 capsule
Neem 250mg 1 capsule
Probiotics 1 capsule
Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg 1 capsule
Flaxseed Oil 1000mg 1 capsule
Salmon Fish Oil 1 capsule
GABA 500mg 2 capsule (before sleep)

I hope this will somehow work for me as I purposely added supplements to assist my thyroid and adrenal.


How time really flies I am in my 4th week of my NBE program. I did my measuring just now, no changes in my growth. I do get tingles every now and then occasionally. Since I am doing protein powder and getting a bit of a weight on my lower part of my body, I start exercising and dancing hopefully I can shed it off and 1 more annoying thing is I have cellulite on my thigh recently not sure why and how I get it. Damn!! Now I need to exercise more on my thigh to try to shake the toxin out and off.

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