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my experience with hypnosis

Hi CHDchest,
Your current program is Petite Morte at and subliminals overnight. Are you still doing massage as well?
I started HypnoticBody 2 1/2 weeks ago. (no results yet, way too early I know). Blake Talks for 2 mths. 3 weeks on my MP3. The audio packed up at that time, and anyway I didn't like some of the scripts.
I like Petite Morte which I did twice before BT. You say you do it before bed. It's SO long, 70 mins! So you must have good discipline to go to bed 70 mins. early every night, but you say it's easy to do.
If HypnoticBody doesn't work for me, I was thinking of doing PM, but I don't think I could commit to 70 mins. a day and would always find excuses as to why I couldn't spare all that time either before or after my work day. Any advice? How busy are you, do you go to bed the same time as your partner (if you have one) when you do it? These are my issues. I don't usually do hyno before bed as I like to get it done before I start my day when I can spare 30 mins., AND my partner snores, which ruins any evening hypno. I wear ear plugs. If I were single with more time to myself it would be easier to fit in I think. I don't have kids.
Another thing I find with long hypnosis sessions, including PM, is that I often feel uncomfortable sensations after about 40 mins., like crawling feelings in the skin and aching in my arms which force me to have to stop, even though I try and tell them to go away. Huh Have you ever had anything like that?


Hey Goldy,
I know your questions weren't directed at me but I couldn't help but reply and recommend these hypnosis videos on Youtube that are between 15-20 minutes long.

What I like about this video is that it's short at 15 minutes and that massage is incorporated into it (well at least contact with breast, I can't really remember).

However, if you do not want to come into contact with your breasts, you can play this version of the above one.

The best thing is that you can use these together. For example, say you are using the massage one and you can't the next day, you can use the other one. You could also just listen to them one after the other and it'd only take up 33 minutes and 8 seconds.

Hoped this helped Smile

EDIT : They also have generally positive reviews. I have tried and I get aches while listening.

(13-04-2013, 01:11)goldy Wrote:  Hi CHDchest,
Your current program is Petite Morte at and subliminals overnight. Are you still doing massage as well?
I started HypnoticBody 2 1/2 weeks ago. (no results yet, way too early I know). Blake Talks for 2 mths. 3 weeks on my MP3. The audio packed up at that time, and anyway I didn't like some of the scripts.
I like Petite Morte which I did twice before BT. You say you do it before bed. It's SO long, 70 mins! So you must have good discipline to go to bed 70 mins. early every night, but you say it's easy to do.
If HypnoticBody doesn't work for me, I was thinking of doing PM, but I don't think I could commit to 70 mins. a day and would always find excuses as to why I couldn't spare all that time either before or after my work day. Any advice? How busy are you, do you go to bed the same time as your partner (if you have one) when you do it? These are my issues. I don't usually do hyno before bed as I like to get it done before I start my day when I can spare 30 mins., AND my partner snores, which ruins any evening hypno. I wear ear plugs. If I were single with more time to myself it would be easier to fit in I think. I don't have kids.
Another thing I find with long hypnosis sessions, including PM, is that I often feel uncomfortable sensations after about 40 mins., like crawling feelings in the skin and aching in my arms which force me to have to stop, even though I try and tell them to go away. Huh Have you ever had anything like that?

Hi Goldy,

I don't usually go to bed early to listen to the hypnosis - what I do is say goodnight to my husband and then play the PM hypnosis on my MP3 player through headphones. It doesn't bother him at all, and if he starts snoring or there is some other noise, I simply turn the MP3 up. Quite often I do doze or go to sleep, but I try and stay awake. The good think about PM is that it goes through 5 separate strategies for breast growth, so if you doze off during one and wake up later I think you still get some benefit.
Another thing I do sometimes is set my alarm 70 mins early (I hide my alarm under my pillow so only I hear it) and play the PM in the morning if I don't want to listen to it that night.
Subliminals are also great to listen to when working or doing housework. I also copied them several times on my mp3 so they play for a couple of hours to listen to at night.
I work full time, have four dogs and a serious heart condition to manage, so I wanted something that wasn't difficult to do. Hypnosis has been working for me so far. The past 5 weeks I didn't do much massage because I was overseas. During that time I grew about 2cm and all I did was the hypnosis as described - but I also slept well, ate well (due to all meals being cooked and provided Smile and didn't worry about my jobs, my health or my dogs (who can be very naughty).
I don't like to post pictures but after I got home most of my old 32A's were too small - I was spilling over the sides and top! Some of my small 32Bs were also looking a bit tight and I basically only own 2 bras that fit now! I have a goal that once I reach 89-90cm I will let myself go bra shopping.

Thanks so much Shampoo and CHD.
Wow CHD, congratulations! This hypno is freaky Big Grin and also reminds us to be careful of the bad stuff we think about and what THAT might do to our bodies. Good tips also, goodness you ARE a busy lady!

Thanks Goldy - and thank you all for posting the files you've found!

When I stoped used Petit Morte and lose weight,my breast become smaller again. I don't know , what to say

That's too bad, but congrats on the weight loss! Surely you'll grow again once you start using hypnosis again?


I have stumbled onto this forum with great curiosity and interest.
I have read that plenty of women have had outstanding success with the hypnosis method for BE. I am a bit afraid of the content that is given in the mp3's... My imagination is endless, and I don't like scary things; for it stays in my mind for a long while and screws my mind up pretty bad...
Is the content scary in anyway? (and I get scared easily)
However, I do want to try this for breast enhancement purposes :3!

Thank you in advance ^.^

No, it's not scary Tongue. Some of them (like blake talks) are a bit sexual in nature though.

Is there a petite mort on youtube? I can't download it on my ipad. Any where elses to hear it?

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