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timarie's must-increase-my-bust program


Hi ladies!! So some of you may know me because I have been lurking around on this forum for a little more than three months now (harassing some of you through PMs—you know who you are) while trying to learn enough to be able to design myself a program. After finally getting the results from my blood test back, I am finally ready to start!

I will be turning 29 years old this week, single, no kids.

My current measurements are:

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 140lbs
Underbust/Bust: 29"/35" (full 32B)
Waist: 27"
Hip/Butt: 40.75"

What I would like to get from this program:

• Obviously, bigger boobs Wink Specifically to maintain a full 32D so that my body will look more proportional (I am an exaggerated pear shape right now) and I will look good in my dresses and braless tops!
• Better skin (to get rid of blemishes and scars… I have many scars from my work, and skin discoloration from sun exposure)
• Less body hair and more head hair! I have always been a hairy-one, yet my head hair is average, even a little on the thin-side Sad

Here is my program:

Follicular Phase (third day of menstruation through till the day before ovulation)
• PM Spray
• One PM Capsule 330mg
• PM Lotion

Luteal Phase (the first day of ovulation through till the day before my menstruation)
• One Multi-Herb Capsule
• One Red Clover Capsule 100mg
• PM Lotion
• One Multi-Herb Capsule
• One Multi-Herb Capsule
• One Red Clover Capsule 100mg
• One Vitex Capsule 225mg
• PM Lotion
• Fennel or Fenugreek Herbal Tea (inconsistently)

All Month
• Two MSM & Vitamin C Packets drink throughout the day
• Two Pig Placenta Tablets 250mg
• Two Collagen tablets 1,000mg
• One Saw Palmetto Capsule 160mg
• Two Pig Placenta Tablets 250mg
• Four Collagen tablets 2,000mg
• One Dandelion Root Capsule 520mg
• One Saw Palmetto Capsule 160mg
• Two Capsules Hyaluronic Acid 100mg
• Dandelion or Peppermint Herbal Tea (inconsistently)

I will be doing Fat Transfer Massage every evening, as well as noogling for an hour once every night. I may be flexible with this and skip 1-2 nights out of the week allowing for a crazy schedule. I am also wearing this bra when I can, for the sake of “keeping everything in its place” as I grow, like Chiyo did. However, I am having a hard time finding this style of bra in a 32C, for when I grow out of these (if anyone knows of any, I’d be happy to receive recommendations!). I will also add that I have been recording my BBT for a solid 2 cycles now while on no herbs, so I am hoping this will help me to know for what to aim. I will add that I am just now beginning to design a new upper body exercise program for myself, in which I target my pectoral muscles. This will help my new growing breast tissue to be better supported, and to maintain a beautiful shape as I enlarge. I also will be making an effort to get to bed by NO LATER than 12am midnight every night (this one will be most difficult for me!).

Daily Vitamins
• Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Formula, antioxidant rich tablet
• Vitamin B Complex—To help with my terribly low energy levels
• Zinc 50mg—To aid in the digestion and absorption of protein
• Omega-3 Fish Oil 1,000mg
• Hair, Skin, & Nails (5,000mcg Biotin)—For my head hair to grow faster! Once I am done the bottle I have, I will discontinue and see how my progress is just with the PM and the collagen.
• Glucosamine & MSM tablets (1,500mg Glucosamine, 1,500mg MSM)—For my joints dealing with my strenuous workout routine… but will also be helpful with NBE!
• Solar D Gems 4,000IU Vitamin D3—I have a Vitamin D deficiency
• Iron 65mg—To help with my head hair, dark circles under my eyes, and fatigue
• Melatonin 6mg—To help me feel rested in the mornings. Have read that this is bad for NBE although not sure of this information, will be replacing (once done with this bottle) with Seratonin to be on the safe side.

Information about & Ingredients in Products in Program:
• PM Capsules—“Suplife”: 330mg Pueraria Mirifica (Kwao Kreu Kao)
• PM Lotion—“Ainterol”: Pueraria Mirifica Breast Cream
• PM Spray—“Ainterol”: Pueraria Mirifica Breast Atomizer X-TREME20
• Multi-Herb Capsules—“Beauti-Full” Capsules: three capsules per day (Per day: 220mg Fenugreek, 350mg Saw Palmetto, 200mg Fennel, 130 L-Tyrosine, 200mg Wild Yam, 90mg Kelp, 50mg Dong Quai, 50mg Damiana, 50mg Mother’s Wort, 150mg Blessed Thistle)
• MSM & Vitamin C drink mix—“Emergen-C MSM Lite”: two packets per day (Per day: 2,000mg Vitamin C, 2,000mg MSM, 20 mg Niacin, 50mcg Folic Acid, 50mcg Vitamin B12, 100mg Calcium, 196mg Phosphorus, 120mg Magnesium, 4mg Zinc, 1mg Manganese, 20mcg Chromium, 120mg Sodium, 400mg Potassium, 2mg Alpha Lipoic Acid)
• Collagen Tablets—“NeoCell Fish Collagen + HA”: 6 capsules per day (Per day: 3,000mg Low Molecular Fish Collagen, 30mg Hyaluronic Acid, 60mg Vitamin C, 1.98mg Copper, 14.86mg Silicon, 198mg Magnesium, 0.60mcg Vitamin B12, 1.98mg Vitamin B6)
• Pig Placenta Tablets—“Maruman”: four tablets per day (Per day: 500mg pig placenta, 20mg Elastin, 100mg Vitamin C)
• Hyaluronic Acid Capsules—“Doctor's Best”: two capsules per day (Per day: 100mg Hyaluronic Acid, 200mg Chondroitin Sulfate, 600mg Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II)

If anyone has any input or critique on any of my thoughts, my program specifics, and/or in general, please give! I am very new at NBE and am looking for whatever feedback I can get to become more knowledgeable in the subject of NBE. Thank you!

EDIT: I just started this program today, literally, at the onset of my ovulation. For this Luteal Phase of this cycle, I will be doing it a little differently as I am introducing my body to these extra hormones. I will start my program exactly according to what is listed above when my next cycle starts. But for now, and this Luteal Phase, I will be taking only my pig placenta, MSM, HA, collagen, SP, and dandelion (basically, the supplements I take throughout the month, save the lotion).

Hi timarie, I don't have anything to comment on ur program as I'm pretty new here n trying to find n learn a better prog for me, but I've a question. What r taking to have a gud head hair n to decrease hair from body coz I've these to conditions also these days my head hair are falling a lot too so I want to take something for that n to lessen my body hair I want to take something. Also what r u taking collagen for n how do u find out right dose for u. Thanks

You finally started your program! Big Grin It's so cool to see one more person following a Chiyomilk-ish program. There aren't that many of us, which is pretty surprising. I think there are currently 3 people, not including you, following programs that are similar to the ones used by Chiyo, Ginie, and Mayusakimilk (at least by my standards of what constitutes that "style" of program).

So far, only one of those people has seen a size increase. In fact it was a very big, fast increase, but it's too soon to tell whether it's swelling or real growth. That means that the success rate of the copycat Japanese programs is only 30% at this point. That's not very encouraging, but it's still too early to say that the others won't start to see growth. I really hope your the second success (or maybe me Tongue)

(19-03-2013, 02:09)mochaccino Wrote:  So far, only one of those people has seen a size increase. In fact it was a very big, fast increase, but it's too soon to tell whether it's swelling or real growth. That means that the success rate of the copycat Japanese programs is only 30% at this point. That's not very encouraging, but it's still too early to say that the others won't start to see growth. I really hope your the second success (or maybe me Tongue)

Yes! Finally, I know... it took me long enough. And wow, that isn't very encouraging Tongue thanks! haha But it is always good to have realistic expectations, so it was good for you to mention. And I really hope BOTH you and I have success with this!!!

Thanks again for all your help Smile

(18-03-2013, 22:34)Lilylittle Wrote:  Hi timarie, I don't have anything to comment on ur program as I'm pretty new here n trying to find n learn a better prog for me, but I've a question. What r taking to have a gud head hair n to decrease hair from body coz I've these to conditions also these days my head hair are falling a lot too so I want to take something for that n to lessen my body hair I want to take something. Also what r u taking collagen for n how do u find out right dose for u. Thanks

Lilylittle-- I am taking Saw Palmetto and Pueraria Mirifica, both of which increase estrogen (which often results in thicker head hair), and Saw Palmetto--like any anti-androgen--inhibits your testosterone, which causes acne and hair on the body. Your head hair falling out may be a result of too much testosterone, as well as unwanted body hair growth. Collagen should also help with hair, skin, and nails as that is what it is typically consumed for, as well as improvement with joints. I am taking it for all of those purposes, and it is also a supplement taken by the successful NBE women of Japan (Chiyomilk, specifically, whose program I am trying to emulate). Collagen also promotes the production of creatine and arginine, which are important human growth hormones necessary for growth of any sort: muscle, skin, and breasts! It is an all-around win-win product in which to invest. As for the right dose, I researched quite a bit and also saw that 1,500mg a day worked for Chiyomilk... but you have to take note that she was taking nano collagen which is roughly around 1,000 daltons in average molecular weight (smaller means that it is easier to be absorbed by your body, and is not eliminated in your waste). Nano collagen is very expensive, especially to be able to consume 1,500mg a day, so I bought a Low Molecular Hydrolyzed Fish Collagen (the next best thing) which averages around 2,500 daltons in average molecular weight. And then, I just doubled the amount of collagen for me to take, and so I take 3,000mg of that a day. In my research, I have seen so many different figures of recommended amounts that I will not quote any of them Tongue I will give this amount of 3,000mg of collagen two months and if I notice nothing, I will increase the dosage.

I hope that helps! You can check this out if you'd like to know more about collagen:

Here are just a few things that I forgot to add to my original program post!

For Other Dietary Supplements and General Diet Information, please see my other program thread:

Also, here are the results to my blood tests...

Taken during my Luteal Phase:
• Estradiol: 378pg/mL (range 331-409)
Taken during my Follicular Phase:
• Progesterone: 40ng/dL (range 27-54)
• Testosterone: 42ng/dL (range 2-45)
• Free Testosterone: 4.4pg/mL (range 0.1-6.4)
• DHEA: 583ng/dL (range 102-1185)
• Prolactin: 11.6ng/mL (range 1-22)

*Am I missing any?*

So, judging off the fact that my Progesterone is right smack in the average of the norm-range, I figure I can play with it just a little bit by having some phyto-progestins to my program, but ever-so-little, and only during the Luteal Phase. My Testosterone, although also in the norm-range, is only four ng/dL's away from being excessive, which means I have a lot of room to play with anti-androgens. This is why you see the Vitex, Red Clover, and Saw Palmetto in my program above.

And since my estrogen is also pretty much smack-dab in the middle, it is still in the higher half of the range, and considering that this test was taken during my Luteal Phase (meaning it was showing at its lowest level and that I likely have higher levels than that during my Follicular Phase), I thought it might help to take some Dandelion in hopes that it might increase the amount of estrogen receptors to accommodate the increase of estrogen brought to my body through my program.

Here are my "before" photos, taken this month of March 2013 and February 2012... so, this is my starting point!

I have included photos in this post from the front: from the Follicular Phase of this month (first), Luteal Phase of this month (second), and last year in February 2012 (last). The second set of photos included in the following post are side-profile photos in this order: Follicular this month, Luteal this month, and February 2012. You might be able to see a small difference from swelling between the Luteal and Follicular photos taken this month. You may also see a significant difference between the photos taken this year compared to the photos taken last year.

According to my records, I measured 34" around the bust back then (although it is debatable how accurate my measurement was), and this year I measure 35". As mentioned in my other program thread, my diet has improved dramatically since last year and I do feel slightly fuller/bigger now than I did last year. Also, I took Breast Actives within 7 months of that time and, although their lotion was nice and may have helped some with fullness, I think my improved diet is mostly to blame.

(I apologize for the quality of the photos taken last year, as they were taken with a different camera and at a further distance)
*ALSO- Please ignore the cuts and bruises in the photos from this month. They are from my job.

And here are the second set of photos, taken from the side...

Check out those underdeveloped, Tanner Stage 4 nipples, lol. Oh well, all that means to me is that I have that much more potential for growth! Tongue

Ok, so I have decided to post measurement updates twice a cycle: one that will be 6-7 days into my Follicular Phase, and one that will be 6-7 days into my Luteal Phase. For those who don't know, this is to avoid comparing non-Luteal-swelling measurements to Luteal-swelling measurements.

So now is the 6th day of my first Luteal Phase on pig placenta, collagen, MSM, saw palmetto, dandelion, and occasional herbal (fennel, fenugreek, dandelion, and peppermint) teas (my "gradually introducing extra hormones" plan).

My updated Luteal measurements are:
Underbust/Bust: 29"/35.25"
Waist: 26.5"
Hip/Butt: 40.75"

Please note: This is the most I have ever measured across the bust! Granted it might just be a slight fluctuation in the tape, but it has never fluctuated over 35". My previous 35" measurement WAS during my Luteal Phase. So, who knows! Also, what's going on with a half inch reduction in my waist? I haven't measured that small in the waist in my Luteal Phase since October (and my butt measurement was only 40" at that time)! But hey, I'm not complaining Wink

Other things to mention only a week into my program:
• My BBT has been notably low since I’ve started taking my NBE supplements, for this Luteal Phase. As in my previous two Luteal Phases (without introducing extra hormones), I averaged 98.17 degrees for each (yes, they averaged out exactly the same!), and this Luteal Phase I am averaging 97.77 degrees so far, as it has never once during this cycle reached 98 degrees. So, I am just a little bit concerned... I assume for now that it is being caused by the little bit of estrogen that has been introduced to my body from the SP and occasional teas (for as little as it is!) or the pig placenta, which could possibly be increasing my levels of estrogen... or the possible increase of estrogen receptors from the dandelion. Huh
• I've begun taking all of my 6 collagen capsules late at night instead of the original two in the morning and four in the evening, since it has been noted that collagen is best absorbed into the body on an empty stomach (rule of thumb for an empty stomach is 2 hours after eating and 1 hour before eating), and since I am eating all day long from the very moment I wake up, my best bet for better absorption will be to take it late at night upon going to bed.
• My tongue gradually turned a nasty yellowish-green a few days into my program (and every once in a while starts to come back but I scrub it before it “spreads”). So, it is obviously from something in my program, as my tongue has only turned colors before from popsicles, lollipops, and other nasty candies. I am beginning to think that it is my MSM drink. Although there is no coloring in the drink, perhaps MSM directly contacting the tongue (or something else in that mix) has a tendency to turn it? Anyway, I don’t like looking like the Hulk when I open my mouth, so if this continues I will start to look for an MSM in capsule form. I will try diluting the drink first, to see if that helps (because I currently pour the two packets into a small 8oz glass of water).
• My lotions and sprays (from Ainterol) are apparently stuck in Germany, as there is a strike going on over there now. Poop.
• Overall, I have been better with getting to bed by midnight (especially when my hunny sleeps over), but other nights meh, not so much. I will continue to work on this, gradually, and update again on this when it is finally no longer an issue.

ALSO, today after measuring I officially will begin massaging and noogling! I will be noogling for a half hour to an hour every evening, and I will be doing Chiyo's Fat Transfer Massage, with the extra components of this massage I am excited to see what the massaging and noogling can do for me!

Hi timarie! Awesome program!!!!! I can't wait to hear how you are doing.

I hate to hear that your pm cream and sprays are stuck in Germany!!!! Sad
I was bout to see how you like it as I wanted to add pm cream to my program. I hope you get it soon.

(26-03-2013, 09:19)CocoChanel Wrote:  Hi timarie! Awesome program!!!!! I can't wait to hear how you are doing.

I hate to hear that your pm cream and sprays are stuck in Germany!!!! Sad
I was bout to see how you like it as I wanted to add pm cream to my program. I hope you get it soon.

Thanks for the kind words, CocoChanel! Smile

About the PM cream and sprays: I'm super bummed because I still have not gotten my shipment yet, so I contacted Ainterol yesterday and they made a bunch of phone calls to find out what happened to it, then called me back tonight to tell me that it is the high season for counterfeit item purchases to be transported, so in Germany they are double double double checking all the shipments. They were all "stuck in transit" in Germany with the "third party" over which Ainterol has no control. They assured me that it is out of Germany now and on its way to the USA, so I should be getting it at the latest by Monday. I hope so!

Other updates:
• The yellowish-green tongue scare was solved by diluting the drink.
• My BBT is still pretty low, staying under 98, except for ONE day in which it spiked up to 98.4. Ok, I just hope this does not effect the length of my cycle...
• I placed plastic cup-lids inside my NB and it is SO MUCH MORE comfortable this way!! I cannot explain it, but there is less stress on my nipples. Because of the lesser degree of pain, I was able to wear it for longer and ALSO somehow they stayed on easier! Plus, my nipples and breasts looked less like huge cones afterwards. I just will need to find smaller-sized lids so my boobs won't snap them every time under pressure... Rolleyes

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